3 things to focus on if you really want to be successful.

in #success5 years ago

Being successful is what every human being desire, because we want the benefits that comes with success. We are inspired by stories of men and women that have hit landmark in their career and we want to be like them. However, the 'behind the scene' work done by these people , the price paid by them is what most of us don't talk about.


Success is built, its not stumbled upon or gotten by luck. It takes years of hardwork, diligence, perseverance to reach that landmark.
Lots of books on success have been written, and lots of courses have been designed to teach people on how to be successful. However the aim of this post is to provide insight on some aspects of your life you should develop, if you really want to be successful.
Three things to focus on, if you want to be successful include :

  1. Relationships
    Human being is wired to be social, no man can successfully live alone. In our lives its important to keep a good and healthy relationship with people, as this goes a long way, its part of the determinant of our success. In his video What makes a good life Robert_Waldinger shared with us the results on the long term study of people some keep good relationships, others don't. At the end of the study, people who keep good relationships end up being happier and more successful, while those who doesn't keep good relationships are less happier and less successful. When you keep good relationship, you will have a great team and also when you are in need, you will have people to turn to. Even though its hard to maintain, here are some tips on how to maintain a good relationship. I won't explain these but I will write another post on how to maintain good relationships.
    • Learn to forgive.
    • Care about people - call them to ask about welfare, be concerned about their welfare.
    • Spend time with people.
    • Be kind.
  2. Attitude
    The business dictionary defines attitude as "a predisposition or a tendency to respond positively or negatively towards a certain idea, object, person or situation". It says attitude influences an individual's choice of action and responses to challenges, incentives and rewards.
    Attitude are dispositions, they are the way we react to situations, maintaining the positive attitude towards situations and challenges is important. Being positive is an attitude, and its important where success is desired, its gives you power to overcome challenges, to cross limits, to achieve success.
    "Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts becomes your words. Keep you words positive, because your behaviour becomes your habits. Keeps your habits positive because your habits becomes your values. Keep your values positive, because your values becomes your destiny" - Mahatma Gandhi
  3. Education
    There can't be any success without education (either formal or informal) . Formal education is the type we get in school, informal is outside of school. Education is a prerequisite to success, there can't be success without work, through education we learn to develop skill necessary to make our dreams comes true. If you want to be successful, invest heavily in yourself, be it by taking courses, reading books, attending seminars etc, just keep learning.
    "The best investment you can make is to invest in yourself" - Warren Buffet

    Knowledge can become obsolete, which is why learning should not stop, you improve on what you know, being successful entails being able to accomplish tasks, to test and overcome limits. The more you improve on your knowledge, and the more skillful you become,your problem solving abilities also improve.
    Success is a very popular topic among people. These ideas are meant to be an advice to the readers,feel free to add your own ideas. I hope you love it.

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