
If you want to use content from other sides you will need to you the comment mark up which is an “>” so place that before all your content you copy and then add a link to the original source and you won’t get flagged by steemit or chettah! If you don’t they will flag you and you will lose your reputation and no one will see your posts

Posted using Partiko iOS

It was my gross mistake. Thank you for clarifying. In order not to leave the article, in such a state it will completely change. I appreciate what you do for me, I'm new and it's still hard for me to understand the mechanism of work.

Ouch! I see you got flagged by the bot! You will need to work hard to get your reputation back over 25 or no one will see your content! I suggest you start by commenting and getting some new followers so you can get upvotes for your posts!

I’m happy to help you where I can, don’t want you to make the same mistake I did

Posted using Partiko iOS

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