The Most Important Investment You Can Make For Massive Success

in #success7 years ago

Today I want to share with you the most important investment you'll ever make.


The most important investment you'll ever make is in yourself. Here's what I mean...

There's two things you can control in your business.

The two main things that you've got to get a hold of and really control and be on top of are your mindset and your actions.

Your mindset includes how you think about your business, how you think positively, how you have faith, how you move forward toward your goals, how you don't procrastinate, how you keep things moving forward, and how you keep yourself up through all of it.

It's how you keep yourself up through things that hit you this way and that way and this way and that way when everything is coming at you, sometimes...

It's how you're able to keep your head up and keep moving forward - that is the mindset part of being successful in your own home business.

Now, what about the action part?

The action part is how well you take action.

And by that, I don't mean you just take a lot of action. No, I'm not talking about quantity of action.

I'm talking about quality of action.

That means that the kind of action you take is leveraged and focused action.

Everything you do during your day when you own a home business is leveraged.

In other words it's not one unit of effort equals one unit of results...

You want one unit of effort to generate 5 units of results... or 10 units of results or 20 or 100 units of results.

When you take action in that fashion you're going to achieve massive success.

Remember, when we come from the working world (the 9 - 5 world) typically the way it feels when you're working at a job is you give one unit of effort, (let's say an hour) for one unit of result / payment in your pocket.

In other words, you get paid $15 an hour, $30 an hour.

For every hour you put in, you're making $30.

It's a "one to one" ratio.

But when you go into your own home based business, you have the opportunity to go much, much bigger.

You can go turn one unit of effort into ten times the result.

One unit of effort can give you a hundred times the result, if you do it right.

Investing In Yourself

So, how do you invest in yourself?

Well, the most important thing, in my opinion, is to invest in your mindset.

The most critical thing I ever did for my success was I invested early on in tons of self improvement books, CDs, videos. I bought lots and lots of courses.

Why? Because when I started out, in my early 20s I was shy and introverted. (I still consider myself an introvert but I've been able to gain great confidence over the years.)

The way I gained the confidence was through these books, CDs, videos that helped me to build up my mindset. That helped me to build a positive attitude. That helped me to understand how the successful people got successful and it helped me to believe that I could be successful, too.

You know, when you read biographies of people who've become very successful, you start to see a lot of common traits that they all have - all these things they have in common that helped them achieve success...

When you get that locked into your mind, you cannot help but win because now you've changed your mindset to be that of a successful person.

The number one investment you can make is in yourself.

You've got to invest in training.
You've got to invest in mindset.
You've got to invest in articles like this one.

In fact, I believe this is going to be one of the best investments you make.

It doesn't even have to cost you anything.

It's not an investment of money. It's an investment of your time.

But this type of investment is going to give you 10X, 50X, 100X, your investment of time.

In these articles, I will be imparting to you lessons that I've learned over decades of being in my own business, being in my home based business, being successful, making millions, and all that success will be given to you free, right here.

Remember, what is the number one investment you can make?

It's in yourself, in your mindset, shifting your mind, tweaking your mind, twisting your mind to that of a successful person and then? Lights out!

It's going to be so exciting as you see yourself succeeding, as you see yourself winning, as you see yourself as the pride of your family, you're going to be so excited as you see these positive results, all because you worked on your mindset.

When you work on your mind, that affects your action. That's all you need to do.


I think the best way to move towards a better self is by investing in oneself.

The more time we spend trying to make ourselves better the more better we actually get.

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