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RE: Maybe Working for your Dreams isn’t the Answer

in #success6 years ago

What is it Kiyosaki says, Focus on your work? Or something like that. Sometimes I think that gets turned into Focus on your hustle by other inspirational speakers. Or, focus on the hours between 6 PM and 2 AM.

It’s true, that is the stuff that makes a difference, but it can burn you out too. I definitely don’t know what the answer is, but rather than put all the pressure on your dreams, it seems to me that there must be another way, one that involves a regular job, a dream, and smart fiscal decisions. Having a good plan might be a better way to say it.


buy real estate. ;)

That’s what they all say, right? That will take a little studying first in order to do it right.

Yes, there are ways to screw it up. A fellow I talked to a while back said the trick with rental property was to not pay more than $50,000 a unit. That was some years ago so I figure maybe you could bump that to $60,000. Right before the real estate market tanked last time people were speculating and buying multi unit rental properties for more money than the rent rolls would cover the expenses and debt service, in other words they had investment property that they had to pay into! Their plan was to make it into condos and then sell the condos for a profit. Sometimes that works, if they are actually apartments that people really want to buy. I did see something saying the condo market in Boston was hot the other day so maybe another collapse is near but if you buy a building and you pay a price where it makes money it will make money all the time, people always need a place to live, in down economies even more people need to rent and in up economies you can raise the rents.

I did a really half-assed job of reading up on rental property in Japan last year. From all that I read, it made Japan sound like an ideal place to be a renter because troublesome tenants tend to be rare here. Unfortunately, I didn’t think it was something that was possible for me to get into so I brushed it off pretty quickly and never really figured out what it takes to make a go of it. It wouldn’t hurt to look back into how to buy rental property here with fresh eyes and a new mindset.

Are you in Japan or America right now? A lot about Japanese culture would make them pretty great tenants. I feel acquiring property there especially as a foreigner may be weird, difficult and/or complicated.

I’m back in Japan. Yeah, the language barrier makes real estate a little more intimidating over here. It can be done, though. I think the key would be finding another foreigner over here who is doing it, or has done it, and get has much help as possible.

That's when a good real estate agent is essential, find someone who specializes in investment properties.

I wholeheartedly agree. I happened to come across this right after reading your comment, advice from one of Steemit’s own.

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