
I guess overpriced real estate seminars are fine when Robert does them but the worst thing ever when Trump does the same.

I’m willing to guess that if Kiyosaki were president, somebody would be giving him hell about something. Politics turns people into idiots, and I dont mean the officials, although it seems to turn a lot of them into idiots too;)

It would depend if he ran as a democrat or a republican if he was a democrat then in the eyes of the media he could do no wrong and anyone who criticized him would be a racist, if he is a republican they will say he is a racist.

Is the media really that biased? Are they all pro-Democrat?

Before coming to Japan, I remember listening to both right-wing and left-wing radio shows, and I always thought they sounded exactly the same. They the same tactics, the same tone, they played the same blame game.

Do all the candidates from the Republican Party get treated like Trump while all the candidates from the Democrat party get received like Obama? It’s not something I pay any attention to, so I don’t know.

More or less, even the local news has become unwatchable, it's like the opposite of a typical banana republic where the state media is preposterously pro government here the media have become preposterously anti Trump, for example I assumed they were going to try to spin Trump's response to the recent storm into a negative even if he did a great job, if he does a great job there he will be called racist because they were critical of the response to Puerto Rico, but I underestimated how far they have gone, they didn't wait to spin his response into a negative, they blamed him for the storm!
They figure Trump rolled back Obama's environmental laws and that caused the storm! Since they don't believe in God they blame Trump for acts of God!
It didn't used to be like this, they were of course critical and mocking of bush and overlooked all the horrible shit Obama did but nothing like the sort of deranged fervor they have now. I don't really watch any tv news but I listen to the radio a little when I am in the car and its become pretty bizarre.

Huh. That’s wild. I guess I’ve missed a lot of that transition. I came to Japan right after Obama’s got elected. It seems like that’s when things really started going off track.

Indeed, right after Obama was elected surveys were showing the best race relations ever in America, then the media invented a racist white murderer of innocent candy loving black kids and then a racist cop murdering a college bound youth with hands up simply for being black and other entirely false and divisive narratives. At the time I think they were just doing it to get ratings and sell newspapers but now they have weaponized that false narrative against Trump, now they create racist outrages and then blame it on Trump to make it extra insane.

It’s probably a good thing that most of the news I hear is spoken in a language that is beyond my ability;) When it comes to news speak and politics, my Japanese vocabulary is lacking in a big way.

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