You Can Either Advance Your Own Goals, or Someone Else's Goals

in #success7 years ago (edited)


Whatever you are doing today make sure to do one thing that advances your long term goals in the direction of your dreams. Then do something similar tomorrow and the next day, and so on. To do what is important for you, you need to know what to focus your attention on, and what can wait until later or be cancelled entirely.

I know what you’re thinking. That’s easy to say, but in the busy world full of distractions and unexpected delays and demands and messages and notifications, life gets in the way of accomplishing my pie in the sky dreams.

Okay. Fair enough. What I do is set an intention that each day I will at least be aware of doing something or planning something that helps me in the long term. Because if I only respond to requests, then I am only helping others achieve their long term goals and am neglecting my own.

Setting Long Term Goals:

I construct my plan by focusing on what Tai Lopez identifies at the big 4 for life satisfaction:

  • Health

  • Wealth

  • Love

  • Happiness

I build a plan to advance my life each day in these 4 categories and note on a daily calendar to reflect back each day.

For example, walking my dog gets me some exercise, some love from my dog, and brings me Happiness. This checks off 3 out of 4 of my boxes - health, love and happiness.

When I have a lot of things to do I make a list and prioritize the items in importance.

The Difference Between Urgent Items and Important Items:

'Urgent' items must be done immediately to avoid causing harm to myself and others. But sometimes items that grab our immediate attention can be delayed until a more convenient time. If we can put them off until tomorrow, we can accomplish something that is 'Important' to our long term goals today, and get to the urgent items tomorrow.

By delaying a seemingly ‘urgent’ task for a later date without hurting yourself or others, you get your important tasks done, and the urgent ones as well. Sometimes the urgent task gets cancelled or resolves itself the next day in the natural course of events. Then you can spend your time advancing the goals that are most important to you, not to someone else.


This way you will be ticking off boxes in your health, wealth, love and happiness and your dog will be happy too!

Now Go Crush It!!!

photos ~ Pixabay

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