Substratum: My Newest Investment

in #substratum7 years ago (edited)

I have only recently heard of this exciting blockchain project but I am very excited about it and so wanted to share here for you. The following information are all excerpts from the white paper, Substratum's facebook page, and their website.

Briefly, in my words, Substratum is a project that aims to make the internet blockchain based and completely decentralized, thereby taking away the power of regulators hold to control content, viewership, and even access.


What is Substratum?


The Substratum Network combines innovative technologies from the cryptocurrency,
and community hosting realms to not only usher in a free, peer-to-peer internet, but to
revolutionize the hosting industry. The Substratum Network is made up of nodes—
networks of peer-to-peer computers—who then can deliver secure content anywhere
using industry-leading cryptography, effectively ending the need for VPNs and Tor. It
changes web hosting by incentivizing network users with its own cryptocurrency token
to essentially rent out their unused computing resources as a hosting platform for
websites. Hosting costs are billed through per-request micro-transactions, inhibiting
the payment of unutilized resources.

Why substratum?

Information wants to be free, not locked down by censorship or net neutrality laws. Substratum provides tools anyone can use to help keep the internet accessible through decentralization.

How it works

Substratum builds the decentralized web by leveraging the power of the individual. Anyone can publish, anyone can participate, and everyone is welcome to browse.

Current Internet and Issues at Play

The current version of the web, how we currently experience the internet has become
increasingly centralized, censored and faced many controls. Data must travel through
designated hardware access points (usually servers and hubs). This causes access
points to become hacking targets to anyone seeking user’s personal data. Aside from
cybersecurity issues, there is also the issue of net neutrality. Net neutrality is the idea
that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) should not be allowed to slow service to specific
sites, or be able to block content and applications that flow through that network.

The Decentralized Web

The decentralized web (or Web 3.0) is a web controlled by independent and privately
owned computers that allow for a web experience that is both secure and open. This
means that everyone can access all information and services on the internet without
informational gatekeepers, ISP interference as well as being resistant to corporate or
governmental surveillance and restrictions.
A decentralized web will create a free and open web for everyone in the world by
making sure that anyone in the world can access content with no interference from
corporations or governmental agencies. When net neutrality, data breaches and
cybersecurity are growing concerns to the general public, the call for a communityoriented
web experience is now stronger than ever.

Here is a video from Substratum:


I consider this monumentally important seeing as how there have been greater and greater pressures, particularly in America, but also globally to control the internet, and limit access and its use. I see the internet as the greatest tool mankind has ever created and I see it as a mechanism toward education and thereby freedom for the masses. This is why I consider a project like Substratum that aims to ensure our continued access to this tool as supremely important and potentially valuable.

As always, do your own homework, do not invest what you cannot afford to lose. I am not an expert, I am just a guy talking about my interests on the internet.

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Net neutrality is a battle in many cases but the internet itself was made to be P2P not centralised and monitored 24/7

So you support substratum? It's p2p. Sorry just trying to understand your thoughts on the matter

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