Sublime Sunday, That wackiest moments this week with the kids!

in #sublimesunday6 years ago

This week, we've had a bit quieter week than usual, but we've also had more time together as well. Since Daddy is now off work and staying home to help Mommy with our newest addition who came on April 9th. He's worth checking out on his own HERE.

Overall it's just means, we haven't been leaving the house as much as usual and we are also trying to stay a bit quieter when we are at home, something that is often hard for Daddy, which often ends up meaning a bit more screen time then I like. It gives me a bit of time to clean the house and get some stuff done, maybe peak in and get some cuddles from the new baby too!

Anyways when I passed by my Son while watching the Ipad, I was a bit confused by what he had found on YouTube.


Turns out, he was watching some sort of gameplay video, of some game, that's like a 'cat beauty parlor'. This whole thing was a bit Sublime for me, I didn't think it was a good idea to put make-up on cats, nor do I suspect they need it. Heck I didn't even know all these make-up tutorial videos were a thing till I noticed one of my friends at work @hilockwood watching then on night shift, I've given her such a hard time about them, It only seamed right to send her this photo of my Son doing the

The other moment came, one lazy morning when I just didn't have the energy yet to whip up any waffles or pancakes for breakfast. I had to use my Daddy brain and trick them into thinking a boring old piece of toast was somehow much more exciting!

Behold the masterpiece


Plain toast with whipped cream and syrup!


No one seamed to know the difference.

Ps If you think this is sublime, just wait for the art we made for Tomorrow's Guess what My Kid Painted Contest!

Footer by @bearone


Precious shots of your kids @phelimint :)

And that first one with the I-pad ..well maybe it's my inclination to have flashbacks of not so pleasant things but the first thing I thought of was Grumpy Cat lol

Anyway, thanks for your Post

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Comment by @killerwhale. This is a opt-in bot.

Make up on cat's - now that is #SublimeSunday - there are plenty of unusual gameplay videos on YouTube - my boy seems to manage to find them all - then once he watched as many gameplay and walkthrough videos as he can he asks for the game - and proceeds to complete it record time because he's seen everything he has to do already!

Whipped cream and syrup on toast 🤔 Sounds like a taste sensation - I will have to try it!

Thanks for joining in and sharing your day.


Nice Sunday moments photography ➰📷

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