Sublime Sunday

in #sublimesunday5 years ago

This is my first entry for the challenges Sublime Sunday by @c0ff33a and Beautiful Sunday by @ace108. I always find something of interest and enjoy the posts under these tags Thought this time I will join in.

Generally I do not associate working with sublime. In this case cleaning up the flowerbeds, choosing the varieties and where to plant each, is fun and relaxing. Soothing, except for the muscles.

I started with a mess. Winter leftovers still in the flowerbeds. Dead flowers in the pots from last years porch plants. It got so cold so quickly last fall nobody had a chance to get things cleaned up. And we even have the pile of twigs from the high winds recently bringing them down.

The mess I started with.








I got all the dandelions, weeds and tree crap out, soil turned overznd sorked up. New annuals in. Pots replanted. All looking fresh and new. Cleaned up mess, watered all the new growing greens red and yellow, etc. Looking good.








I was pleased to have all this done. Still have 4 little plants to find a place to plant. I will! Hope they are fruitful.

Great westher, too. Nice day all around..


It was a perfect day, wasn't it? Your yard is really going to be lovely this summer! !Tip

Perfect it was.....i am hoping for success!

Thank you @melinda010100 for the tip. Very thoughtful.

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@melinda010100 wrote lately about: Boulder Sunday Feel free to follow @melinda010100 if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

Things are looking good. I'm glad the hostas made it through your winter.

Can you kill a hosta? I have thinned these out. Transplanted. Given some away. I still got big healthy winter surviving hostas. 4 varieties to be specific. Hearty plants.

Thanks for stopping in. How are your grapes and strawberries coming along?

I use to think you couldn't kill a hosta but I gave some to a friend of mine and she was able to kill it within a month.

Grape vine got trimmed way back this year, all the way back to the main trunk but it's coming back out nicely. Just started getting fresh strawberries two days ago. Still working on my garden, it's been too wet here to do much but it's started.

Nice to see you here and glad your attending to that garden it will love you for :)

I'm here just been trying to find things of interest to post. Some water and TLC and hopefully I will have color and freshness all summer long.

It's nice to see you getting into it and you done a great :)

Looks like you spent some good bit of time clearing the old mess.
Good luck with the new plants.

Thanks! One of those chores that are actually can see your accomplishment.

You're welcome.

You did an amazing job turning the dead mess around to flower filled beauty. The mushroom ornaments in the beds are really cute, and the pots look ready to bloom into flower and make a wonderful display.

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Than you so much. It was a fun post to do, too.

It has been only a week and we have had rain. The progress these little plants have made is amazing. Makes the effort worthwhile.

Thank you for your compliment!!!!

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