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RE: Subcultures and Social Trends: Modern Tribes – The Evolution of Tribalism in the Digital Age

in #subculture8 years ago

I would like also like to challenge a notion in this article. Is it known—can it be known—that we went from one stage to another? Perhaps this works more like layering, in that the previous forms never go away and, in fact, are more easily observed when the population is under stress. Perhaps neo-tribalism isn't so much a returning to what was as much as it is reaching for the security blanket that was always there, deeply buried.

It should also be pointed out that each of these shifts were accompanied by a technological singularity. A point past which no one could have imagined the paradigm shifts that would take place. Technological innovation grows exponentially, meaning that as time marches forward adjustments become harder and harder. After all, evolution happens over the long term. So, our technology may have already outpaced out biology.

Following this idea to its conclusion forces one to confront the moral conundrum of transhumanism, in all its forms.

Thanks again for the article!

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