It is our perception which becomes our reality

It is our perception which becomes our reality. So everything what happen in your life results from the way you think. And your way of thinking is formed by your subconscious mind. These rules and principles inherent in your subconscious mind control your behavior and your emotions, your feelings and thoughts.
Therefore, everything that happen in your life, all good and bad, results from the codes which you carry in your subconscious. These codes have been shaped on the basis of the experience of childhood. If your parents were always busy and they had no time for you, or you grew up in broken family with alcohol problems etc., then your subconscious saves erroneous codes in your mind. This, what has been stored in your subconscious directs your behavior. The subconscious mind builds a database of available experience only. And so if your experiences were negative or erroneous, your whole life will be based on erroneous data and thus on erroneous actions.
From subconscious mind’s point of view all database is correct and constructive, and its goal is always your good. But your subconscious mind is like a child: it collects information from the environment but is not able to distinguish what is right and what is wrong. Surely you have been in a situation when you did something, what motives you could not quite understand. For instance, you have decided to be on a diet and stop eating biscuits. But later in the evening you stuffed yourself with a packet of biscuit, and before eating the last cookie, you already regretted that you did it. Or under the influence of emotions you relieved your anger at the colleague or at loved one, who wasn’t even guilty of the situation. All this has happened outside of your consciousness, beyond the conscious part of your mind. You do not have conscious access to your subconscious, which is why it is so difficult to understand what drives your behavior.
So now we know that the false codes of your subconscious determinate your behavior. But where are they from? They were formed by your family. Well, actually they begin in subconsciousness of people you loved and people who raised you, because their codes where false too. Who you really are inside your own thoughts and feelings depends of your loved ones’ subconscious minds. So the lack of trust and love, the lack of sense of security and sense of meaning, and fulfillment, is a disease that exists in the family for generations. Your mum can keep hugging you and keep saying that she loves you, but if she carries fear and chaos in her heart, if she is lost and she lacks sense of security herself, she won’t be able to give you a real love. She can only fill you with her own fear, helplessness, low self-esteem and belief that everything is pointless.
Your subconscious builds its ‘house’ (your emotions, thoughts and principles of behavior) on the basis of data available (your life experience). If your experiences of childhood were erroneous then your house will be built of fragile and ephemeral paper, without solid foundations. Such a house will be shaky and unstable, exposed to strong winds or heavy rains and eventually will collapse like a house of cards. Even too intensive sun shine will be able to destroy your inner home. Also your inner map, which guides you through the life, will be wrong. If you are building the vision of the world on the basis of erroneous facts, it is obvious that this vision will be wrong too. However, you have no choice, because when the only available facts are false (and your subconscious doesn’t know what is wrong and what is right), those are the ones your life will be based on. Nevertheless, falsehood will remain falsehood, no matter what. WE NEED TO STOP OUR RACING THOUGHT AND LOOK DEEP INSIDE OURSELVES TO LEARN TO DISTINGUISH WHAT IS TRUE AND WHAT IS FAKE.
Subconscious mind stores ideas in our thoughts and it forces as to believe that those thoughts are our own. Therefore, we use them as our life guide. But we can just cleanse our subconscious, find all the lies and replace them with the truth. And then you can become a happy and free man, and the whole world will change for the beautiful and good.
The world is in fact beautiful, but your eyes can not see it, because your subconscious is wearing distorted glasses.



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