2018: Sale, capsule wardrobe, decluttering and kakebo

in #style7 years ago (edited)

Here is the new year.

As always, every new year begins with a list of good intentions .
But, let's face it, keep it like this forever and some of these beloved good intentions haunt you for the first few weeks and then inevitably end up in the drawer of lost dreams, or am I wrong?

The first thing to do, when you think you want to realize a dream, is to look with new eyes.

At the bottom there was someone who once said "... always repeat the same actions expecting a different result is crazy."
So let's start thinking in a completely different, conscious way : you'll wonder "and what the hell does all this have to do with the end of season sales ?"

Well, I let myself be influenced by some friends who, just behind the winter sales, like every year just after Christmas, began to draw up a list of items to buy: shoes, clothing, accessories, ...
I stopped for a second to reflect and before throwing myself headlong into one of my personal list of must-have items I said: "wait, but before I want something new, I'm sure I do not already have what I want?"

A maximum of life I would say (then I thought about how my kakebo would have been proud of me at that time).
I paused to reflect and based on the new concept of wardrobe, which probably many fashion bloggers or even lovers of style at 360 ° already know very well, in this case, however, seen with very different eyes : the capsule wardrobe or the capsule wardrobe.

What is the capsule wardrobe?

What is meant by this astronautical definition?
The capsule wardrobe is nothing more than a wardrobe made by a number, a set, pre-set in advance of clothing items (including accessories, such as shoes, bags, belts, scarves, hats, ...) perfect to face an entire season.

But what's the smart idea? apply the reduction.
Did you really think I did not end up talking about the 3Rs here too?

Of course, reducing is also what is at the base of decluttering and the concept of minimalism or "Less is more": the choice of what we need by planning in advance, in a rational and lucid, allows you to consciously make a significant lightening.

Where did I leave? I started to peek through books, magazines and even online on various English, German and American sites and I realized that, as always, the best way to make something work is to plan it.

Wcc or "conscious capsule wardrobe": how to find ourselves again

A great person in my life has taught me that planning is everything, so on the strength of this, do you know what you've done?
One fine day, freed from some unexpected commitments, I put myself in good will and I chose to transform my wardrobe into a conscious capsule wardrobe.

Once finished this titanic task, I will be ready to accept the invitation of my friends to go shopping for some happy to have made order in chaos.

But if you believe it is only a superficial work of reorganizing your wardrobe , trust me, you have not really understood the real meaning of this experiment.

Retrace the objects, in this case clothes and accessories, which express ourselves in the world and that make and have been part of our lives but for some reason in some cases are no longer part of it but instead are still there, almost stuck in our home and that we are aware of no longer wanting, it is certainly not a small thing to deal with.

Once we acquire this awareness and accept it, the only way to do it, will allow us to re-elaborate emotions and elaborate feelings that maybe we do not even know to try.

Marie Kondo could be proud of this fashionable exercise because in fact her art of reordering is very close to our Wcc.

Perhaps approaching a reorganization of the closet at a meditation session will seem a little risky but you too can try it and then you can discuss it freely.
Our closet is a portal that opens to a journey within ourselves , to the profound knowledge of our being and our desires: let's not forget that the choice of how we want to show ourselves, to appear, in the world, in some way, says also how we are inside and what we feel at that precise moment of our life.

The famous here and now of Marina Abramović .

Do not you believe it?

think about when, in your life, a sudden change takes place and the desire for revolution that assails us soon after, certainly revolutionizing aesthetics but that seems to throw the seeds for something that will have to happen (an example above all the change of hairstyle after the end of a sentimental relationship for example).
But again, think about how badly you are (physically or psychologically) and the only items you can wear are, most likely, a gray oversized sweatshirt and ultra-cozy trousers.

Finally, think about when you feel extremely happy, gratified and well, maybe after an important result or a goal reached and how much you would like to choose and wear the most beautiful dress you have in your wardrobe even if at that time you are just going to the post office or maybe to do the shopping and then realized (maybe just in time!) that introduce yourself with a first date dress and heel 12 shoes is not exactly the most reasonable choice for that occasion.

In short, even if we deny it, remember that body and spirit together form ourselves and without prejudices and in full awareness, we welcome this concept making it our own.
It will be an exploratory voyage and the make-it-yourself capsule conscious wardrobe will surely be an exploration in our mind. In the end, most likely, we will understand a lot more about our choices and we will know a lot more about ourselves than we know now.
Let's not forget that each of us is constantly changing.

• Some tips before starting •

Of course one thing that I did not specify is that the "planning" will vary with each season (January-March / April-June / July-September / October-December) and therefore will be reconstituted for each season depending on the climate and depending on how we feel.

Secondly, but that is obvious (for those who share my same values and then read my blog): all the clothes we decide to free ourselves would be good to be donated to those who need it and not thrown into the trash. In short, if for us something is a waste, for others it is not said that it is, it could be a value.

Third: If our sizes vary, naturally, our wardrobe will have to change with them so we can maintain a certain amount of work during the course of the year. Do not be rigid, do not be an adept.

Fourth: we consider trips or important events as extra.
Accepted the challenge so before the sales are ready to start: are you ready to create your capsule conscious capsule?

• State by step we create our Capsule Conscious Wardrobe •


  • patience
  • relaxing music (I use the Stay focus on Spotify)
  • candles ( why not soy ) to create the atmosphere
  • an afternoon available
  • desire for analysis and renewal (typical traits of the first days of the new year)
  • tons of clothing
  • an empty wardrobe
  • endless hangers
  • 2 vacuum bags for clothes
  • 2-3 shopping bags / boxes
  • this planning is the point from which I started to create my personal capsule conscious planner 2018

Write the four areas on which you will work on 4 small sheets (for me it was perfect, metaphorically speaking, to use the pages of my old agenda 2017)

  1. what you worship
  2. what you love but you are aware will not be forever (because seasonal)
  3. what "mmm, yes frankly it's nice but ..." in short, the Ni for excellence
  4. what you will get rid of (No, no, no!)
    and now place these 4 categories on your bed at the four corners.


Empty your wardrobe.
Proceed step by step, start from clothing and then, once you understand the mechaniscmo, go to accessories.
Put all your clothing items without hangers in a big mountain that, depending on your fashion addiction will be a hill or the Everest.

Provide, one by one, to fold the items properly and store them in the right area.
Reflect but do not dwell 30 minutes, 2 will be enough. It must be pure instinct, pure feeling, let your subconscious work. Take advantage of what this apparently banal experience will tell you about you.

what has been placed in four stack , that is, that of the "adieu", put it directly in envelopes or boxes, and then donate it, do not concern us in, do not think again, it is now done.

Place your garments in the three stack inside your closet using the vacuum bags for clothes.
Work on the one and two stack.


Choose the base color.
Choose the coordinated colors.
Choose the optional extra colors at your pleasure but no more than 2-3.

40% of garments (total of clothing and accessories), those that feel like you, not only that they represent you better in this moment of your life, but also those with whom you feel more at ease.

Depending on how you dress, choose:

  • 9 pants / skirts
  • 15 shirts / t-shirts / sweaters
  • 2 clothes
  • 2 jackets / coats
  • 9 pairs of shoes
  • 3 bags

In short, a bit like when you create the perfect suitcase for a journey that you have been planning for a long time.
Store them carefully on crutches and hang them in your wardrobe.
What is left is put in a vacuum bag and left in the wardrobe.

Ask yourself how you feel.
Think about what you have actually achieved.
Taste the moment, feel the sensations of awareness, lightening and satisfaction and write, where you most want (notebook, diary, app, message to voa or your best friend ...) as you feel.

Repeat with accessories and shoes remembering that in total there will be 40 items of your capsule conscious wardrobe.

Good conscious experimentation!

read my post on my Wordpress blog http://www.equoecoevegan.it/

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