#STWT 230: Digital World Order via Bankster Designed Global Planetary Destruction

in #stwt2 years ago

#STWT 230: Digital World Order via Bankster Designed Global Planetary Destruction

angelic destruction.jpg

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This is #STWT show 230, during which we covered a variety of news topics and conspiracies. We started the show off with some comedic antics such as finding the Queen still alive and dancing, a Trump versus Biden video, Trudeau singing, a silly Simpsons thing, and the big announcement of my engagement to Bianca.

The first segment of the night was on the Epstein ring, and the lack of arrests by the FBI who according to a new whistleblower says the FBI were too busy rounding up political dissidents to deal with the actual sickos. Now that the Queen is dead, what lays ahead for the nonce and larper of the Prince Andrew? New roles for Beatrice including being on the Privvy’s council. We analyzed the Steve Hoffenberg interview before his death and discussed how he claims that Jeffrey Epstein was an intelligence asset. Also Maria Farmer is back in the hospital with a second brain tumor.

The second segment of the night and the main subject of the evening is the transition to a Digital Global Order by means of planetary destruction. So we dove into articles such as Klaus Schwab wanting to microchip children, Biden’s new transhumanist executive order and the South America lithium fields that are needed to make all the batteries. The Grand Theft Auto 6 leak / hack was analyzed and makes us weary about connecting all the agriculture to the grid with smart tech. The bankers are all meeting at #CGI2022 to discuss how best to destroy the planet so they can build it back better. This includes banning any rival currencies to their CBDC’s they are planning, so all stable coins must go.

The creation for the Belt and road world order is the same as the plan to digitize everything. The BRI / GDI / Shanghai Corp had a meeting and they all discussed the move to a new Eurasian world order. Putin and Xi Jinping among many other nations all attended. Uzbekistan, Turkey both joining the BRI / GDI banking world order. Taiwan is now being hit by earthquakes which is a major concern as China may use this to offer humanitarian aide aka an invasion. The Climate initiative are not about saving the planet, they are designed to hurt America and help China. Ukraine is still and always will be a banker war, and now drones from Iran are being used which is kicking off drone versus drone warfare. All types of countries are imploding from inflation, and inflation globally is off the charts. Anyone who complains is banned from all social media and payment processors. Then the WEF admitted the entire Corona Chan was to implement the crazy protocols as a test.

The Corona Chan is the gift plague that never seems to go away, so we started by remembering the madness it caused. Then we gave Corona her own origin story and found more proof of our claims on page 3. Did V for Vendetta predict the coof coof? We don’t know but we did beat Fauci and dr. Evil with memes. They finally admitted they lost their flood the zone strategy to meme posters and conspiracy buffs. Joe Biden declared the pandemic was over but Eric Adams of NYC missed the memo. We detail how Bill Gates took over the planet via a plague. Then we noticed the mixture once again of language from the tech world to the science world. The start of the transhumanist agenda and the control of the population birth rate at the same time. Is this why they are now working on a new Chinese Monkey lab?

Next up I address the Infowhores; and their extremely pathetic and easy to spot act. First off we have Alex Stein’s rap career where he admits that people listen to him “shout for the clout”. Then we dove straight into #QAnonSec and how Defango, Lestat and UnirockTV were apart of the creation of Q the psyop. Then we saw the end result of this with a totally brainwashed Q cult follower. Next up was Jason Bermas who was a very special boy and beat big pharma. This brave infowarrior had the balls to finally address the big question, what do you think about Captain Titus Frost? We took over Jason’s chat with pirate flags and ghost symbols and Jason Bermas was spooked the rest of the day.

Agent Goonman of the NYC Bike / Skateboard Terrorist Civilian Division was out on patrol again. This time seems he is not too happy with yours truly for reasons unknown. Lawsuits were threatened over what I am not too sure. Goonman then went into Agent mode. Taking on skateboarders, bicycles being ridden by immigrants, lazy NYC cops, this segment had it all folks. Even a lost women who was filmed in her yoga pants, only to be followed up by Jason finding true love.

Show Notes: https://hive.blog/shownotes/@titusfrost/show-notes-stwt-230-digital-world-order-via-bankster-designed-global-planetary-destruction

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