#STWT 174: Pirate Radio Broadcasting Truth about Corona, Epstein, Mike Lindell, WOKE CIA...

in #stwt4 years ago

#STWT 174: Pirate Radio Broadcasting Truth about Corona, Epstein, Mike Lindell, WOKE CIA...

Thumbnail: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/0nZmXe


Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/vekr1fm40XTc/

ROKFIN: https://rokfin.com/stream/5383/STWT-174-Pirate-Radio-Broadcasting-Truth-about-Corona-Epstein-Mike-Lindell-WOKE-CIA-

DLIVE: https://dlive.tv/p/titusfrost+thuZ_6rMR

Welcome to #STWT show number 174, during which we will be firing the cannons and dropping some bombs on the New Wizard Order…

The show began with some funny videos to throw off the YouTube AI and defeat the censorship, then we dove quickly into a falling object from space thanks to China, how the lumber shortage is being caused by stockpiling and fits into a hyper inflationary event looming for USD. The I talked about how people should be saving their wealth, compared the value of the USD purchasing power to HIVE, Pirate Chain, Ethereum and showed how and why cryptos will continue to go up in price as the USD purchasing power thanks to the Federal Reserve over printing the currency inflates and devalues. Then we ripped on Bill Maher for being dumb about Bitcoin, and Mark Zuckerberg for made an offer of nothing for your personal data ... delete facebook and join hive.blog FFS.

Next I discussed how the CIA showed their hand in a video as being behind the woke agenda in society that lead to the admin of Joe the potato, aka pedo Biden. The CIA shapes society, not the other way around. They are the ones behind Joe Biden who is a moron, and is helping China grow their military to surpass us. I went over more Biden stuff and how the society is falling apart with all this violence be caught on film.

Next we discussed Bill and Manlinda cough cough Melinda Gates getting divorced. We found Bill Gates' tinder profile, and we discussed how this end of the Gates Marriage may have to do with his ties to Epstein Island. We went over the various Bill Gates Epstein connections, and we also went over some of the best ever moments of Bill and Melinda Gates larping. We proved that he is behind a plan to track everyone through ID2020 and using body activity for a crypto currency with the number 666 in the patent #. Once again Bill and his buddies are planning to collapse the system, so get in on privacy coins like Pirate Chain $ARRR now to save yourself from inflation and to keep yourself secure.

Next went went over Frank Speech, 45office and this morning I found Trump's new twitter "from the Desk of Trump" are all being run on cloudfare servers. Cloudfare #OpCloudfare is the literal enemy and has been since 2015, they helped protect ISIS Daesh websites, their current CEO and president came from the Obama Administration, etc etc. Furthermore Mike Lindell's attorney is Alan Dershowitz the guy who is tied to Epstein and believes in mandatory vaccines. It's all part of the syndicate, proven.

Lastly we went over the corony psyop. We discussed how we have now been proven right by a study that the lockdowns hurt more lives than helped. Also proved the ties between Accenture, the ID2020, TurboVax and that cringey girl pushing vaccines in the Pfizer Barbie Girl video. Turbovax is a bot company that is pushing potions on local officials. Then I proved that the thing the potions do, create a spike protein causes the symptoms of the plague. So the spike protein that the death potion tells your cells to make causes the symptoms you are trying to stop from happening. Furthermore the death potions from pfizer and all them have no "off switch" meaning they just keep making the spike protein, and they even want to "boost" this production regularly with more jabbers. This means people will be producing these spike proteins with no ability to stop producing them, and the spike proteins themselves can cause damage and possibly death. Well done grabblers, the Georgia Guidestones may still be a reality.

There was plenty more, watch the show to figure out what. Or go see the show notes here: https://hive.blog/stwt/@titusfrost/stwt-show-notes-174-pirate-radio-broadcasting-truth-about-corona-epstein-mike-lindell-woke-cia-potato-joe-and-more

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