RE: So many things to do so many people to meet :)))
ofcourse it does, like every framework and you're likely to end up with a uniform prod but that didnt stop unreal engine . threejs not sure if its even still under frequent development and last time phaser, davey was updating so fast its like doing firefox without using ESR , i mean the guy is motivated and seriously l33t but to keep up with all that is a whole lot to do . And since with every update of the browser older versions sometimes start glitching
personally, webdev, frontend graphics or games is "abit" torture lol
- you have to accomodate for multiple browsers OR limit your personal creation to make sure one size fits all
for most stuff phaser will do, since you can use fake3d in browser games and they cant be too heavy anyway, and there must be like dozens more by now
stuff like ( ) and cables and all free too (peopel certainly have lots of time and money to do free stuff, right ? like google heh )
but still, you know, if you go for what they say, just look at the world, one time and you see they "dont know how its done"
look at the place
its they who did that (sure it wasnt me) so they clearly have no clue how its done
so theres no reason to limit yourself to industry standards if you can go with what works for you and if you have a client for money the only thing that matters if they have something that works for them, no one probably's gonna bother asking "but did you use OO in a proper way?"
they just wanna push the button and get going, right? preferably with as less RTFM to it as possible
personal filosophy tho, loner too, but look at valheim
"a guy" turned to "five guys"
think its still unity tho, tho it doensnt look like it and
when i say favourite there i mean out of all picks the suits of the scene picked this year (meteoriks, like the oscars of demo ...) , if i have to say all-time i agree (for once) with the everyone and thats still farbrausch - debris by far
not just in its own time, it just remains awesome (and probably scales and will stil scale when 16k screens are the norm but still be like a 4kilobyte or 64kb demo )
all time top :
-- >
back then a guy i knew who was a daily friend got hired at fedex for visual basic (tho i dont know what actually visual basic is basic or just the studio environment) , became ichiban dba over time, probably still making gud money (if the tek-layoffs didnt get him yet and chatGPT is doing his job now)
so well
if you work by yourself theres no reason to hold to anything but what the guy you're selling to wants, how you get there is irrelevant as long as you have a happy customer who talks about how happy they are they had you do it
as for demos
the scene is in a dire state, assembly winter 2023 proved that
hoping revision gets back to the roots a bit more instead of further away like last time
well :)
belgium is popping, can have fireworks without VR sets now (since a while)
just like moodies been warning about the concrete and house bubble
the pol and customs have been warning that this place was gonna turn into little colombia, the cokepital of europe
nobody listens to zathrass
and no one here certainly feels the need to go help the poor cops out
and in a few years most of them will be on the payroll anyway, judges be dealt with the russiian way
i might have said this before : stay up north, build a wall around it
sit it out until 2050 and see whats left :p
ninjadev has an entry in this years oscars too
100% storyboard 1% tek
webgl so thats probably javascript and
i think the tic-80 runs in a browser too so that uses javascript and is easy to develop for if you need browser running games
tho its just the js syntax, you dont use canvas or anything
i been staring at the demo all night and know what i want but didnt do much
the sky is sleet
hell is freezing over again
and the night is done
too much steemit - gone to one post a week, probably try to check answers every 3 days or so so i dont miss the votes for it
now that we have our 2cents back hahah (if its still 2 cents)
its like its always been 2 cents since the start, no matter how much steem is added
inflation i suppose ?
not that i wanna aim low but i think if i have enough interesting games maybe little competitions easy sign up just send me 1 coin and ill send you your passowrd encrypted in the memo blockchain eh works well ? , lose your password send a msg from that same account "after thinking about it silly me you cant even lose the password its in your wallet eh" and we will send new password hmm nothing is fool proof but this could work :)))
its a start ... im simple not looking to put out the next latest gen games because that's a never ending or it sure feels like it, i renumber when i used to make auto loading cd's for company catalogues never thought that would end either,
and maybe partnering up for publicity see where it goes down the line all wait and see :)))
psyko logically speaking you're probably better off with rotating bananas than complex games en masse, things that bore quickly or the usual zynga formula (i bet thats still on today, only at phonelevel)
but as for blockchain - it remains to be seen how much damage the americans do before some other countries that adopted it get some kind of foundation going thats america- and china-less
dont know if but i assume you have noticed roadrunner joes latest maslows hammer to crypto to bring the dollar back
makes it all a bit pointless unless you're an american with 6 to 9 zeroes
oh bananas that might be an idea so glad i finished the math parts for now gonna install the planets n stuff ... yeah C is the tank of languages we made our own classes you know text boxes drop downs didnt exist until C++ which is C with the classes built in stuff :))) you can extend classes which is convenient. But java works everywhere :))) all we need is one ""Among Us or Fort Night imposter lol
yeah they find it hard to do it right whos he listening to anyways they might be well wishers and maybe not informing him with the right info...
even back then i had a 3Dgun.h in C just that importing pictures was so heavy you computer would blink lol mind you that was a 486 at the time and anyways this bit will work for everything that's coming next :)))