wanted for attempted sarcasm

in #stuff2 years ago (edited)


just a try, the flipcoin said steemit TODAY

(3 days before)
Haa, the flipcoin decided no steemit today so you'll never find out how this post came to fruition and what came first and not. Its not like "lets do a FARK" today , but it DOES have an ounce of sarc as well as the usual ten ton vitriol in anything related to gatland

now you can own a car thats legal in 2030 for only 25 years of working at mcdonalds without eating while sleeping on the sidewalk ! better dump that crypto and start going. BILL and JOE want YOU !


i guess we'll find out who's reijk and who's taking the bus by 2031 (in whats left of this hole)

when i was around my 20s somewhere soon after i said "retirement age and statemoney pension is no longer for us, i need to get out of here" sometime later i said "the dragon in the east is rising, i have to get overthere" ... that changed to mongolia, but all you did was block everything i did and stick me ... 7th time : HERE in gatland , but everything keeps proving ME right


i wont be making that money here, its not possible

must be really nice as a great concept and idea


if you live in a place where you dont have to turn over your solarpanel generated power to the state so they can return it with VAT, transport costs and ofcourse, grid-usage fee (and some 5 small others that amount to "its only a 100 but to them times 10 million) and windmills arent illegal in your backyard and





i coulda told them that - ... theres only one reason to have one, after the last crack removed all the small money and now nailpolish girl cant buy new sneakers every month

theres a part of the title we have been repeating daily


what HE said in the second paragraph


thats good


now you can KNOW you're gonna go :)

m hm


so does skillbuilders but they get EU-subsidies for doing the same thing the statejobshop does with about less result b/c they get all the dead-end cases. The trick is : suspend them then they're not in the statistic ...

m hm

well i went outside

i saw

(i didnt conquer, you can have it)


now i open my mouth and drukkerland comes out

its always like that

so that was 3 days ago b/c the flipcoin said no steemit until today - we do 100% flipcoin again after it deleted a file from the server with combined-opinion (something that has both left and right and makes the a.i. go smoke and number 42, antifas beat you up and nazi shoot you all at once like for instance : YES you can have an abortion , the first time since it can happen but its 2022, if it happens 3 times and you still dont want kids you HAVE to get sterilized ... to give an extreme example of practical left-right opinion in a 3d world that moves across time , where time is an illusion that actually so far has been proven to be no more than the observation of altering energy states (mostly decaying) where nothing actually moves back or forward in a 4th dimension-type which is out of the scope but)



otaku , here too, its a very small number making a shitload of noise with a hardcore following that makes them hard to ignore and then about 80% who "just wanna do the job and go home" (and be left alone) but mostly scared people

all of them, they gang up, the right to the right (in packs) the left to the left (in packs) the cops to the gov't (in packs) they start wearing uniforms and using "accepted" language on their side

a clear sign of fear

then YOU get labelled the predator b/c you dont need that shit

you know ?

i'm quite alarmed b/c i got a mail that said "the intrest on your savings account is going up this week"

i think they're trying to have one of my nuts somehow, im still trying to figure it out

THIS video got forced to 18+ by youtube

its like "a black screen with music" VERY OFFENSIVE (my ultimate clickbait)

something we did in the 1990s with ft2 and

i feel that steak calling ...

we should eat it now before all thats left is homeless protein

you cant eat that bleu

too much chance of disease

the alarming bit is the file that was deleted from the server is a non-public one thats not visible anywhere where we keep thought and talk to ourselves (all of us inhere)

so it still got deleted ...

very soviet

mandatory disclaimers : our account got hacked anything we said here will likely offend at least one human on the planet and this is by no means a de-means or sneer at the orginal americans do americans , if anything its hommage ...

(that sarcasm ... will never get you a job in town ...)

that shouldnt be a problem, they imported so many they're hanging from the trees these days, take your pick , otherwise they'll end up protein, sold pussy or robbing your grandma anyway

o yea , bis point5 tris

All eventualities have been provided since your planet, unlike ours, lacks judges who are superjudges and have actual judgment and dont need every bit to the byte stipulated.

If the first time is an accident, the second time is "i was SO stupid after the first time i forgot all about birth control" and the third one is "my uncle raped me when he came home drunk" exceptions ARE possible

It also assumes a legal state is advanced enough so there can BE no situation where the uncle is the judge and did it three times since after the first he got done for ...

Which makes the law itself 5000 A4 human pages long, which includes 2500 pages of what goes wheer and which parts are owned by werner bretters

its serious enough to sarc about, on my planet sarcasm is not a form of humour

its a way of coping with reality

ah yes : why i dont do this but stick to the numbers ?

well for 1 , since day 1 sixpage essays werent worth it, you have to sell dopamine and shake hands, the message is irrelevan

for 2 , bill, jerome, christine and joe dumped crypto so hard its almost worth as much as putting money in a savings account in a classic bank (hence the suspicion when they mail me the intrest goes up ... )

for 3 : we live on a planet where you dont need a drivers license b/c no one is stupid enough to drive around in a thing they cant handle (millennia of genetics) but you DO need one if you want to handle living creatures ... from quadrupeds to spawn or offspring .. or pets . The global population is small and controlled possible by the level of technology, something akin to earth having 1 billion or 2 tops at its current level and would need no more. There are no geopolitics and if there is any form of currency its energy b/c everything in the universe has an energy value which is equal all across it ... nothing else makes sense after all.

Alas we are only at kardashev level 1 but everyone's trying hard for the dyson sphere to expand and in the end ...

klaatu would like to remove you so the planet can reboot

yes, the mobile cities make it easy to move the global population according to the current state of the planets


we just

i think its b/c we never lost time on religion and never outsourced survival to technology first

so we kept evolving

and klaatu says

that you have been de-volving for quite a while

the only thing forward is your third party extension

so it would be better if just that was left or removed all together


that was q&a

mostly a waste of time b/c there's about 26 things id rather be doing now and all of them also dont get money

wake me when bill gates fixed his damage to my wallet

otherwise i really dont see the point if life means "stuck in belgium" ?

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