voor het zwembad van de baas

in #stuff2 years ago (edited)

cant say they didnt see that one (and all the rest) coming for decades maybe 50 years now (like "since someone started paying attention")

greed wins

I havent been this sick in ... maybe a year ? i think since back when corona was "only in wuhan" i had a week of "is this a near death experience?" like two strains of the flu in a row

that december, last night though, it kinda feels like im dragging around 100kg on each leg, all my nerve endings in all my joints and every fibre of every muscke keep reminding me they're there and the "save water so de middenstand can zwembad van de baas" somewhat failed after having to run to the toilet about 20-30 times

if i were a banjo play my hands are so cramped today id feel like my career was over

but no snot

and no cough

figures, no sick in months (isolation from mundanes is standard) until addams 1&2 are in the country for the summer

one week later, bam !

i goes in pulses

and my brain hurts too id say like

something close to "half" of what withdrawal feels like

and they announced a heatwave this week dju

voor het zwembad van de baas !

nice ... between tupperware and GS rand , over belcolade and other nice VDL steelworks places

sometimes working 7 days

5 night shift

2 weekend days of 12 hours each (off the books) b/c all the other money got taken

more great prospects for the fabulous future


i once worked a year for the gov't too, and they were pushing me to "go talk with this guy and that guy, then you can surely stay"

i said "ask me again when i'm 50, im going to die of boredom here"

nice people

but not much to do really (a long time ago tho)

everyone declared me crazy

everyone always declares me crazy until its convenient that im not crazy



fucking yow-ass since birth

yeaaa , no ; really nice people its just that "if there's nothing to do then you cant do it" - i distinctly remember one of the first things the senior in that particular office explained was the importance of distributing the workload so you can make it through the day, the guy was there fro almost 40 years then getting ready to retire. Back then you could do something like save overtime and a limited number of vacation days so if you added up at the end you could retire officially x time sooner.

they got me there in august - to tell me : "we werent expecting you until oktober" , but "since you're here anyway , heres a desk and a pc"


back when vandenbrande

toen onze Croo een Crootje was


yea ?


im gonna drop down again i only did b/c the flipcoin said "post steemit"

if my ogre-genes still work it should over in two days

lots of water and honeyed lemons later

my brain hurts, i think half my head is rotting, its one of those travelling infection things again it seems


unless you go back to neolithic thats a good thing right ? automation keeps coming the planet keeps shrinking, the atmosphere lost 100m in diameter

the only way is LESS humans, we do not understand why the great wise elders are still pushing for MORE breeding

its the worst thing that can happen

more humans


i have no idea why i ... a yes i had to check something

fairly simple : you have 10 km² on which you can fit a set number of humans before all molecules are used in the making of humans, of that 10km² a part has to be water a part has to be food

that is , if you leave all #stuff behind , there's automation : one supermarket takes the place of 100 family stores, one crotter owns the money of two continents , global crotter owns ten times the money they keep printing

it speaks for itself

full is full

out is out

sustainability is sustainability

cant pay pension fund already (as we said when we were 20 , part of the reason why being stuck in belgium past 40 was our worst nightmare) , automation wont stop

miCrotter buys blizzard for 70 billion, few months later SACKS a ton of their mules in what they call recalibration

unity sacks 200 people FIRST "to stay competitive" and TWO WEEKS later buys a company for 4 billion

you dont see how this is goin ?
well good

as long as you expect nothing from us and leave us alone, feel free to fuck it up fastr

my life was over the day you stuck me back in salems lot anyway


noticed how time goes faster with every day your life loses to the hole you're stuck in ?

most of the solutions are straightforward , but half of them too late

stop breeding was possible 50 years ago still

remove 6 billion or sterilize 90% takes humans that dont exist and a global front

divide crotter back into its separate is very much possible, spread 90% of their trillions back into the flow is very much possible

but as likely to happen as : cap the assets from everyone in the pandora files and re-distribute that

the rest .. all these things are quite simple if you dont exist by the grace of dangling from someones dick

actual leadership could enforce that - politics wont , and face it, whatever's going on here in the EU-SA can hardly be called free market anyway

i wonder when co² tax for breathing out as well as regulated ass-wiping procedures that are not offensive to tardigrades in space with one leg are gonna come out but

if you cap the max assets a holding is allowed to have to the number of employees it shouldnt be too hard

that should be incentive BUT

"holding" means holding, that means every company has to put the name of their main holding below anywhere their brand is displayed and for calculation reasons the holding counts

NOT any of the ownded subs

but see ? we decided we are tiring ourselves here , first of all we stopped caring long ago

about the day you stuck us back in salems lot


its very clear now we wont get out of hellgium in this lifetime

that means there's NO incentive

even at gunpoint , at this age

and third : pavlov gnome : nothing changed , we wont have friends (that means also girflriend) or a social life until we're out of belgium with the money and the cats so you can stop zougen

so we kinda would like to not talk about any of that shit since nothings gonna change anyway and the 1 thing thats 99.999% certain

is that the planet wont stop

until there's balance

heh, i felt you was gonna try

we're not here for a dissertation, just to say we dont wanna speak this anymore, its useless, the world is ending and our life will end in a dark, sad place

barring miracles

every word spent on that is a wasted second of life

its NOT hard if tek and fin disperses into other fields where flippy the robot wont manage AND

if mcDonalds doesnt flippy the robot

but you still have to decimate the population in a (preferably short) while

thats just physical reality

the only alternative is space mines and colonies


if that happens you can shove all your excess population into space instead of belgium

and then we will STILL hate the place

yea, amazon would in this case maybe have less trouble because they alraedy have physical, but since they expanded into other territories and are making money with money like they all do , the excess doesnt warrant the current number of mules

alphabet would have a bit more trouble

miCrotter certainly

employee / assetwise

Nestle ? i dont know

Mars ?

arent the last two one already ?

YO ...

just saying real leadership can handle anything xept the excess population

we agree its somewhat inhumane, even for humans to eradicate 6 billion of their own in order to survive

but we personally feel it realistis that otherwise the planet will try to take care of it

yea, so what

physical reality wins

even over greed, you should be
seeing signs by now

good ?

leave me alone

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