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RE: i thought this to be interesting

in #stuff2 years ago (edited)

tne little guy in the first pic must be einstein


well i hate summer because it brings out the rats

and other filth,

and noise

and heat

and about everything thats unpleasant to me

i wonder if you read this , the newest extortion racket by the divided states in their futile effort to bring hot air back to the dollar

so i wonder what that brings, b/c europe tends to like dsm-balls , even if it cuts their own flesh , like sanctions on russia and china and others that are huge export and import markets here

i dont know the whole legal jibber its possible that it applies only to US operated kraken or US clients just like EU-upload filters and whatnot

in the end all that hoo - trying to bring the dollar back to before the gold standard without instating the gold standard on a free market thats centralized around one round table ... no matter the cost to the rest of the world and the fact that crotter made more victims than the earthquake in less time this week (relatively) i think the layoffs hang around 50000 which means if the black hole shudders, the satellites follow and chunks will fly.

one thing the big guys say (who are actually just trying to steer their precious markets and make the smallfry spend their last 1500 in savings) : its only just beginning, where before we would say, this isnt even the caming festival yet i think we arrived at the camping festival, wether that applies to climate change remains to be seen by august but we certainly werent there yet last year.

Not that any of the others has gold backing it - even tether has the unbacked dollar backing it and EU law requires banks to hold a centralized unbacked euro for every eurovalue in crypto they hold (another one of those have to save the old money thing)

then CDC central digital will make sure only tony blair and the don can buy yaughts offshore anymore

but look at it all, eth isn backed, none of it is, just as much as the eurodollar (i hear they want to do the gold standard to BRICS but seeing is believing) but in the end ETH and about every single one of them (including steemit) is centralized around a very few people around a table round or oval who control the supply -

that just leaves a few, bitcoin and litecoin off the top of my hat who are actually non controlled by the spanish inquisition

so i just have to conclude, in the present day and where i live

our great allies are the bigger evil and the real enemies here

but bem

to us it was already over anyway, all the more reason to just #dostuff and fuck them all :p

the article might interest you, i dont inquire after peoples portfolios and i wont

you can ignore the opinion around it and certainly dont have to reply to it ... i like the fact that you're big enough to not censor or downvote stuff even if you dont like it. Thats character heh heh

good luck overthere (dont) break a leg (on the pavement)

o let me disclaim for the sake of the case : (lately its even more onesided than before)

im not saying russia and/or china have the best intrest of europe in mind , but im not saying they're the actual enemy other than to ukraine which ofcourse needs some clarification which would have worked better if they surrendered before the country was a ruin. (but america also has a hand in that, the way we see its also part of the masterplan (which turned out less masterly than expected) to make america great again, and be BACK !) im saying no one sees the angle where ALL THREE are the enemy of the best intrests of the free people of paper-Union of pan-BruocSala , they infected the continent with homersimpson virus - if the precious economy is precious it makes a lot more sense to stay friendly with your bigger in and out trails than it does with some guy who lives in joeland and a guy who lives in disneyland for "something in the past", especially if they prove time after time they're nothing but self-serving opportunistic ... LYING ? unreliable non-allies who only serve themselves (check turkey for instance, the fucker sold planes to the islamic state but he stays in power because the DSM has a base around there) - - if the jews didnt hold the whole middle east in check they would have left them to dry long ago.

So i dont wanna call it out, i actually since decades ago just "wanted out" so nothing to do with it but here i am stuck and THEY JUST KEEP DOING IT

and the homersimpson virus seems to be spreading bad


you're really blessed to be born up northwest on the worldmap there (tho how does a canadian worldmap look ? usually ones own continent is in the middle i suppose)

i dont see how these suits dont see Joe has them ball by ball by the balls and thats only roadrunner joe , what if they're faced with a real wiseguy ?


check the link tho it might hold your money somewhere inthere, just in case, thats just about the reason of the post but you will know us by the trail of words

so this is definitely not chatGPT talking, its unstoppable , probably why we usually dont

we hate it


mostly b/c while we do that pointless thing we dont do anything that gets us satisfaction (like lightweight afternoon tea coding or /dev/fb0 on a vocore and hopefully soon poking at a 6502 with an arduino) but frankly we and i would feed un-altered rowling and tolkien to our kids without feeling the need to add transexual black female dwarves with a religious history who praise both jesus and allah in a fantasy setting that a few years ago was the best kids tale ever in the modern day and we probably also wouldnt allow them to hack their dick off before they're 18+ and out of the house ...

stern as we are

so thats why we feel we need to stick to bokeh - - and just #ourstuff

but its kind hard with an ant colony of zombies poking up your ass to see what shit comes out all the time


i just wanted to post the link in case you didnt hear b/c you might wanna check the implications for where you live (you know how they ... assume theirs is THE law ... ask kim dotcom et al)


little guy a bit sitting on the ground pointing at something looks like an alien head hmm there are a few what might be faces with no body's well it was interesting :)))
when i was a kid i was told never throw good money after bad and i may not agree with them but they have every right[freedom of speech] to say what they want, a yin and yang thing . the world is a lot of things how will anyone you know if you hide pieces and parts actually that's maybe the reason for a lot of whats going on atm they hide truths....

things in the time before computers was different but not like you would think eh


heh - well Emma Watson sure had a rough shot having Hermione burned into her face after taht but for some reason i still feel financially the girl should still be set (unless she started snorting more than Moss or Amy maybe) - but as an actor that can really be a nuisance i suppose, they see your face (and i mean who wont remember emma watsons face ?) and they think HERMIONE (and in 2023 OMG ITS THAT RACIST OMNIPHOBE FROM ROWLING)

what a nice place

check this guy

he gets it lol - - nothing taken too seriously ever ends well

i think it bores the gods and they dont like that

immortality must be a bitch


the suns rays are getting stronger so it melts still cool not frozen :)))


well is the war over yet nothing on the news after planes i guess they expect you to send your troops or something or did they call it all off cause its too expensive :))) after what happened in turkey they should review building codes if they ever had any in the first place, makes you wander how could a place that was once one of the birthplaces of civilization be so behind in construction engineering. Maybe why the US want to get rid of natural gas altogether hmm..

the one piece is real !!!

Well it wouldnt get us started to get anywhere from the present day but 100 million would be good enough to get out of here at least , to think so many years ago the claim was "gimme €5000 and ill do it lol

then it changed to 100 million so many years

now with inflation and status of the world id say about 490 million, yes

more interesting :

nasa finds undeniable proof of climate change

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