nobody asked

in #stuff2 years ago (edited)

downhere if anyone was willing BEFORE they did it ... prices HAVE risen at least 100% upward ( = 200% of what it was)

as usual i wonder who they polled b/c if i were to go around here i bet the re-question first would be

"DAFUK" are european values ?

i fear someones trying to


"subtly" alter b/c LOOK thats what EVERYONE does

prices HAVE , and are

no one ASKED if we wanted to help to bring america back

b/c i fear a lot feel thats what its about

seeing as "you cant join, too corrupt for 7 or 10 years" changed to "SAINT Z! PLEASE WELCOME" in about 3 months



its not at its worst yet and at least another year

b/c its just ONE bit

theres the tradewar between joe and china

the war between north and south joe

the cold war between joe and vlad

the war between lagarde and mundanes with 500 euro in savings

lots is going on

while in the rest of the world everything stopped

the far right is moving

but seriously



are european values exactly ? i REALLY doubt you get 59% on that on a real representative sample that goes through all layers

i really doubt that


but the job of the site is to report

i suppose

i wonder who thought it a good idea to try and push the push to talk button again seeing as that makes me murderously hostile lately

i hope the rich kids are ready for 2023

its gonna be

even better!

hmm ,maybe they did but they forgot to aske me then

but actually im pretty sure they didnt, its how enlightened despotism works

what im actually doing atm ?

research for the game i'll never finish b/c i'll never have the funds thanks to gates and christine fucking up my cryptoez

My Phone My Phone 0 seconds ago as far as i came to understand, having enough math to calculate the stars millennia ahead without having stuff like the wheel they predicted some kind of alignment which came down to "the road to the underworld" opening but the prophecy lies a lot closer to the hindu myth of satya yuga, the end of corruption and "people communicating in thought" (makes sense if you do b/C no one can lie anymore, it would be the end of politics, YAY, thats certainly the end of the world as we know it) So its not the physical end of the world its the birth of a new one (and the end of the old one) as far as the physical alignment goes, last year the moon nodded and the seas answered

a whole town washed away here so maybe the gravitational fields align in ways no one understands yet

so , in essence the road to the underworld is still open and the world is still ending in 2022

(doesnt it look like that ?)

i was searching for stuff like "neolithic technology" b/c if im not mistaken the mayans could out-math yo momma to the point they predict alignment of stars for milennia (like the egyptians) but they didnt have stuff like the wheel

and so

and thus

if prices which rose at least 150% BEFORE covid and then some during, rose another 100% after

what is that next year and where do they get this

"8% inflation"

? i hear about

its "double"

twas nog ni genoeg gat zjieëk vandoug ?

yea i bet "nobody asked me"

id like to see the 100 (they call that a sample where it should be 10 or 100.000) eurotrash who said "SURE, id LOVE to pay double for "european values")

i want to see and speak to all 100 involved is that possible ?


but my cat drink milk and i bake bread

its called eating

so its REALLY hard to ignore as opposed to "mundanes" and the daily gat zjieëk

i had to catch my breath for a sec , under different circumstances seeing this would be hilarious like "o its a meme about american censorship and disinformation"


theres nothing funny to it

phoo, 1 hour later , i caught my breath
a little

every year i think "i have seen the summum of"

and the next year they top it

its like what einstein said : "there is no last page in de fabeltjeskrant" , no top story that wont be outdone

its endless

but HEY

im not a threat after all, nobody with nothing, not a high school degree, no achievements, going nowhere with no money and bill gates just made sure in the last year its gonna stay that way

despite that

a plan built on this is hardly a plan

its like selling air and "hoping you'll turn profit" before you run out of gas

the whole masterplan, see, the shadows have been rustling and next year

something should be

though without alice thats hard to say and even more so if its natural events (like for instance the virus) washing away towns in places where not even grandma told stories about that ever happening

but we do believe your whole masterplan will be skreed by it

no matter what the layout, and also, this year might as well be over since its pretty obvious how its gonna go

it a small even like covid tops the rest next year its gonna be double shebam

but hey, its not much of a plan is it ?

stiff upperlip

dis information

who was it who said first rule of the fanatic

if you are obsessed with the enemy eventually you become the enemy

all this censorship, taking away civil rights, back to 1900s labor conditions where you can fight over a crust

dis-information "to make it look good"

its very soviet

im gonna try and get some sleep, if i had any hopes for the future left id be pretty pissed

seeing this ...


no way in hell, i can go out now and ask all 400 or 500 in this small hood

never in hell of all dantes will i get 60% approval to pay more to bring america back

i'll get 80% "europe exists only on paper"

so who gets me the 20% "these are european values" ...


i know

if i were someone with a voice id be more careful speaking like this

but im abandoned by alice

the shadows tell me things

and i can fill a whole chatroom with myself

i would have called it introspection but it is janes onderground now

the avalanche started about 2 years ago right, the real start around 2008 ....

its way too late for the pebbles to vote , in most its best to just eat sleep work pay more get less repeat until january 1st b/c the year is over


i would say i'll be saving

but the theory of "they wanted to make sure everyone spent their savings" (and now they have to) already crossed my minds too

so im sure im not the only one

even sane people sometimes think like this

thats why

60 % ?



lets see

i was broken wreckage and settled into "im never getting out of hellgium in this lifetime"

work from home didnt exist (its just not real!)

moving to asia to start something there is a ridiculous idea

you cant run a company on hot air for 10 years here either

a single employee will cost you about 3 times the wage + some more taxes

then some crypto came along and said "hey it might just happen"

then they fucked that

thats the really short version b/c before they stuck me here in hickholeville i was nearly graduated from one of your schools and ready to part-time smallbiz while working part time non profit

then i suddenly was here

and my passport before me saying "in soviet helgium we SHOW YOU it was us"

but they said "someone must have dropped it in the mailbox and it got sent here"


" .... "

a hum

and so

ever since

i had nothing and now

it looks like nothing again

its not unfamiliar

im still sure its gonna hurt a lot more for de (kleine) baas en man-met-paart


i never had the money aside for the tattoo id want and as long as im not out of belgium with my cats the money wouldnt go to a tattoo anyway

as for the law of attraction ... i heard so much about it , i think these days plenty of ppl should be asking them : did I do this with my negative thinking ? i should just think HARDER then so the bread becomes affordable or else maybe they have been living a lie like most mundanes

but to me : if you live in or around a black hole that draws everything in , the laws of physics break down, even for hippies

and attraction

the swamp of mordor is made of reality

you can't think your way out of it by smiling

besos , musk and sons syndrome


(they should just 'try' something else then i suppose)

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