i see

in #stuff2 years ago (edited)

hmm the 8th ? this post writing started ... on the 4th ?


gag a bit weak this week


though still 9gag from a distance

takes a quantum mundane with an iq of 3/4th unabomber to realize


since i saw a demo written in awk


ive been wondering, have they been lying about windows like they have about all the rest ?

its okay if its apple en de baas


the girl who works sundays at the bakery cant get nikes anymore though, thats criminal

(im amazed, it doesnt even have "bitcoin" in it)



it must be because of bitcoin

why dont poor people do something else ?

makes you wonder


did anyone get sued over mickey in the last few years ?

its back!

afghanistan ?


nope ...



is coming

im starting to totally feel kim dotcom


never lived there I never traveled there I had no company there

But all I worked for now belongs to the U.S.

its really starting to look like the common denominator on everything that went missing

and actually

if i made 200 million a year from opium and they gave me 7 billion in assets any african country or korea would certainly buy and some friends

id promise to stop growing it too

im really sorry there for yow-ass and citizens but it DOES like like one of the biggest threats to my freedom and future (which was already gone)

but im sure they'll see when they bow to lord Gates over a scrap of farmland in the new feudal era




good then

yes well


when i look at "whats attacking my standards of life, values and future - threatening my liberties" and what not

i end up with : global jihad - america - europe


all in the name of control

see, where i sit (in the gutter)

it looks like :

"russia is invading ukraine"

"china is invading ... -ish sometimes"

"america is everywhere"

and also

the last 10 years ?

("14") havent really gone upward since they started wurming

its hard to not put them on the same threat level

did you know (fun fact)

since crypto dropped x1000% , there has been NOT more money in my pockets, NOT new business rising, NOT startups , NOT opportunities

but lord Gates sure looks more powerful by the day

i hope you get your civil war

and suffer twice what i have

popular opinion ?



all "to bring america back"

and these suits-in-the-mirror

always fall for it

just like they give a eu presidency to belgium every x years (its NOT elected here in the western democratic world) b/C they're SO nice to take all the refugees from the planet AND pay for the EU buildings and meetings (about 2 streets down from Al Qaedas hq)


right ?

well, you asked


lord gates aint helping

joe aint helping

fake faces aint helping

but karma on my enemies seems to be a soothing factor for now



another shooting

on july 4th ?

if i had known i wouldnt have posted the post on the 4th until the 5th (today)

and hold of this one until the next

which i'll do anyway , HEY

is this "being back" ?

do you realize the whole world is paying for your "freedom" ... ?

i dont see too much of it though, everything gets gagged, locked and warner brothers is the new white

i have to dissent

i want my own planet

300 million wont do anymore

keep your space-charade ... rockets that go nowhere go nowhere

where does your lord Gates get off fucking peoples money anyway because HE thinks its bad ?

if i had the ability to care

id be fucking pissed



so if its for the state then "yes we can!"

sadly until they get split up in real smallbiz i dont see employment going up with prices but i dont have a hi school degree and im clearly a lunatic so everything i say is easy to discredit - it just makes kinda sense that in a world where a game costs €80 and all companies developing are owned by microsoft the money goes to one spot instead of divided, the rest gets snickerbars

sadly snickers cost 200 snickers now

the system was wrong from the start, unlimited expansion in limited space with limited resources and a system that has inflation IN it as a system so everything is designed to get more expensive ?


who could believe it can work xept the politicians paid by the baas ?
des ?

yea well, crotter is just the most prominent, look at it : microsoft buys zenimax .... 8 billion give or take ... the EU makes noise ( = you forgot to pay us ) , 30 days later not a peep ... microsoft buys oblivion lalala, all of crotter creates nothing, they just buy everything, amazon "buys" (the rights to write about) lord of the rings (for one series) for about half a billion , everyone expects it to have gay minority female dwarves with one leg who want to be a man ... it got classified from day 1 as : "that will be amazon" ... a bit like their games dont take off but elden ring by storm ? ... hmmm, THEN microsoft buys blizzivision : 400 MILLION USERS (thats a lot of panties)

not even a peep from the EU ( = this time they paid them up front behind the door ) ... the chosen one buys twitter, something no one gives a fuck about xept columnists and politicians : the world goes "KABOOM" ... (about half to a quart of the userbase if we leave out half the bots)

thats a lot less panties

in the end

what amazon gets in one minute ... would get a standard wagejob after taxes about 68 years ... the screw being : every dollar amazon makes that minute is NOT spendable by anyone else on the planet

so YEA

(if i keep this up long enough they probably send a hitman after me or maybe swat my house without declaring war on belgium like they did dotcom with more personnel than they had for Osama bin laden (who took TEN YEARS to find and was ... accidentaly in pakiganistan ALL THE TIME back than) and then say "BUT HES AN INTERNET PIRATE!")

and then wonder

why doesnt anyone but our own following like us anymore ?

split up in about 5 to 10 guys across the country ?


well yea

back when we was i and i was young, AFTER the kid died on seeing gatland for the first time after going out .

They burned more witches and what not but the place was somewhat recognizable, everyone was always looking for someone and everyone was gonna kill you and beat you to a pulp ... standard issue, VMO was legal, cops were collecting nazi uniforms and flags ... de reichswacht could take you into a back alley and beat the shit out of you if you said something funny back (or they just wanted to take your stash) - .... crime was a lot lower , there was no al qaeda, work for everyone, even by knocking at doors, microsoft was something you gave to a friend on a friday-evening floppymeeting (look what THAT did for them ...) you wouldnt get decapitated and police was equal to everyone .

Back then , a guy who owned all the farmland was called a feudal lord

not an investor

well yes, now its a bit less, police prefers not to b/c they're supposed to not be equal and also get their ass handed by guys with crowbars who get an ankle bracelet ... you have to let the children play, if you're past your 60s its sometimes hard to find your house b/c its hard to see what side of the street is turkey and which one mogadishu , somewhere behind that lies that house you bought in that pover-hood ... they wanna burn more witches again and blame it on the paupers and

if its black dont touch it ... you can only cartoon the jesusfreaks and

the who owns all the farmland ? (i dont think anyone would be allowed to do that here)

he's an investor who feels poor people shouldnt , because money is for rich people and trash should just "do something else"

bitter ?


you there, jesusfreak


i spent 9 years in catholic school, i know everything that dude said

you know

the unemployed anarchist socialist who hung around all day preaching revolution with 12 guys and a prostitute ?


mmm hm

but i dont (today is what ? the 5th, everything above fucking pissed was written yesterday)


i hate this hole since i was 15 , and i do ... its got nothing to do with "showing" this or that, what you got there in a paragraph is a very small bit of the underlying sentiment that gives power to the rise of power of a few brulkikkers in suits who couldnt run the country anymore than the present 50party-coalition gov't do (and you're complaining about filibusters hm ?)

but they sure make good money of it, living in their nice hood with the nice house and the nice wife and the 2.6 blonde kids and the fences

but it IS what it is and it IS like that

belgium is a trashcan

and on top of that the fruitpress for five governments whose idea of fixing is "lets hire 1000 more cops"

and then after those 1000 punching bags hit the streets


lets hire another 1000

and then the police be like

"WE ARE THE BIGGEST EMPLOYER IN THE COUNTRY" (as if thats something GOOD, yes ?)

when i was young that would be police state

but in police state everyone gets shot, not just original natives

and the state of the state ?

a lot of it came wafting over from the divided state of mericans ?

yes it did, ... but someone somewhere seems to confuse the EU 1% with "the people" in the trash-zone that make up the bulk

no one likes them either

thats truth

that reality


b/c i wanted out of here before i turned 40

id be living in asia running a small to medium business

with a harem of at least one girlfriend

and no one would ever hear of me

but whatever i did always came down to "THATS NOT REALISTIC" (like someone saying to musk : you cant write blastar, that will never get you a job and the guy going OKAY, ill go do tupperware then)

along those lines


foods cooking, im supposed to say "at least we still have THAT"

but if i do you'll get funny ideas and think HEY we can take half of that he wont starve

des ?

hah, its cooked

im gonna eat it before someone sees it and wants 60% of it

im very well aware dearie,

but unlike you i stopped wasting time on that

no matter what i say , SOMEONE will be offended, if it take time to choose words for a post that nets 2 cents (if i were to ever cash it out, which is pointless under the million euros or there'd be nothing left)

i "just lose time"


the thing is, whatever it is you think i said probably isnt it

i find in your one-dimensional world

(thats ONE dimension btw, not two , and if you plot the universe circular you stand back to back on the same point actually ... but you know, linear thinking is GOOD for the state, so they preach it in schools otherwise moebius would show infinity +1 = 0 ... out of scope)

either side of your oversimplified reality will ALWAYS find what they wanna read

and reinforce their already-beliefs with it

but since i am a 3d body and i spend my time hopping dimensions like an observed particle might, and also as kiplings cat in a schroedingers nest im often in more than one place at once and i dont know what comes out

until i open my mouth ?

i understand its hard to understand

like 1 ant on the bottom paper doesnt ever realize the sheet of paper above it , let alone the other ant on it

let alone the hand holding both papers holding the ants

it seems to be what im actually saying is about as x that complex as it is

or else i speak in tongues

i dont really care since you stole my future

and now the last hope is gone with feudal lord Bills crusade

and the price of freedom

being "200%" (up until summer 2022 that is , all is set to go worse for all we can fathom)

itadakimasu, remember

i never shot anyone but if it comes to hunger games

i will eat homeless-steak without blinking

--- well now

backups made - updates done, food ingested ... you're gonna have a hard time getting that chop back ! VICTORY ! (minor as they would say in panzer general)

the panties huh ?

first of all, dearie, jesus doesnt quite live here and the one who does in some places has nothing to do with that thing a lot of you seem to worship - the guy was a jew, unemployed , unschooled rebel who died the same death thousands and thousands must have done in that day and age at the hand of the romans , he was just more flashy about it. That said, he DOES deserve his spot in the realm of the buddha, newton and muhammad, no doubt he was a wise man ...

second ... i can say fuck because the word doesnt even exist here, its kinda hard to grant it the power of a prayer as some of you do overthere (if you understood that if you did goodspeak RIGHT you would make it so the word has NULL power - now it gets so much attention it became like a prayer, any entity, physical or not, has about as much power as the energy directed towards it, sadly if you say metaverse everyone sees facebergs face now, so thats too late too, you'll have to educate yourself AFTER the riots ...)

well maybe there will be none but i think there already are, they were supposed to be for 2050 though

third : even if i do understand some people have fetishes, and one of those includes womens underwear, my particular fetish towards panties itself is limited to the dopamine jackpot included in the sight of expensive panties on a nice body and the subsequent idea of what will follow if you are granted permission to remove them.

that said : (and its no fun if i have to explain)

if you hang out the laundry and someone "sniffs" your panties to see what you have been doing and eating

would you like that ?

well then why would you get windows 11 ? "because unique ID is FOR YOUR PROTECTION ?"

right then

the dreaded panties metafor


so plz do your fucking research if you want to sit on this side of the 20sided dice dimension

he WAS ... that "INRI" thing on crucifixes is an abbreviation that means "king of the jews" which the romans put there to mock him when they nailed him to the board (o irony)

but we also understand no one has been better in changing the past than the church of Rome so far, (though we do have a runner-up and coming now) so maybe overthere it doesnt say that on the statuettes

i doubt my 9 years long of roman catholic indoctrination was much wrong though ... those people werent allowed to unless by the grace of rome to teach

yea thats right too : EUROPE created christianity ... the pope used to be the emperor ... they adapted a lot better than your current politicians do

anyway ...

backups are done, im going back to "offline lightweight afternoon tea c64 coding in assembler" while i watch your world

do GREAT !

you're doing FINE

GREAT, fabulous ....

continue ...

-- hoh

i see pavlov gnome still reacts to shyte that aint published yet (unless langley is in my cables monitoring my screen 24/7)

you know , ... what you wanna believe is your problem - what you shove up someone elses ass is something else

if you obsess with the fanatic you become one as the enemy and atm its kinda hard to discern sometimes

pakiganistan or floridas

... so

before i get a horde of crusaders from one side and jihadis from the other to my house (i WILL ofcourse shoot in self defense)

this is not about religion

its about "TODAY"


doesnt make either of your fave prophets less real people

but facts are facts too

so go

and shoo

and leave me alone and NEXT time you wanna be back

plz dont start a war HERE while staying overthere

and WHEN pakiganistan starts blowing up shit (most likely UK first and spreading to the mainland here)

we'll be knocking at the door and also

what the 1% in EU and the 1% in DSM does

not everyone here "just takes that"


07 / 06 ...

even if its trendy someone is making a bad case even if its fashionable and the latest trend coming in from the DSM after BLM and looting rights movements .. "an ethnic dane" makes for bad timing

pfhmm .. 02 am .. earlier than usual

(i think the art is called "milennium norms as a sign for future things to come")

right ... memewars between "my shootercountry is better than yours but if it says "anti microsoft" we will stalk your sites

twitter sues indian government ( LOL ) ...

see ? americans think they're still the leaders of the free world


is twitter gonna sue "indian government" ?

invade it with a swat team like they did New Zealand b/c "THERE IS AN INTERNET PIRATE" ?

hmmm, scrambled eggs at 3 ... with sriracha chili sauce and creamcheese (youd almost think i do that on purpose) b/c i cant feed the whole bowl to my cat even if hes crazy about it.

I see , where priorities lie : GAME CONSOLES !

the billions of crotter during a global societal collapse and a heatblizzard that will take out part of the food supply permanently :

  • windows 11
  • buy blizzard
  • vr facebook
  • apple gaming
  • lord of the rings series (400 million for the rights to write)
  • sueing the indian government as if they give a fuck (too busy laundering apples)
  • youble premium


i understand if the EU says " we dont have the resources to enforce it " they mean WE RE GONNA HAVE TO TAX YOU MORE SO WE CAN TAX THEM MORE

but this american attacks on everything by the fanatics ...


why dont you go act big in afghanistan

YOU created the situation

you go yank your yap there .. we got enough problems as is, and frankly my dear, NO ONE HERE GIVES A SHIT

angry ?

im the least of your concerns, my life was over when they stuck me back in salems lot and i never wanted to live here or in the americas anyway. My worst nightmare used to be "being stuck in belgium past the age of 40" (because we saw this coming more or less, just not the details and the details are worse faster than expected) so we've been literally living a nightmare (aka living in hell) for quite some time now.




  • "..." *

just took a walk with the cat , the silence here is unnatural ... though, after 3 years of stalking by 12 year old garbage pail kids on cheap vodka and stolen lorazepam , brought to you by kozzen gatpolis (because you have to let the children play) .... covid came as a blessing ... (i mean ... if cousin gatpolis backs wanna-be gangmongrels theres not much you can do ... im not the shooting type either if theres a chance ill get caught - i wouldnt wanna pay for some wannabe mongrels (white black and brown whatever - garbagepail) for losing my cool when theres a 0.01% chance left of getting out of here before im demented

but its still unnatural, id almost say like "as if there's fear in the air"

but ... the subsequent (semi-artificial but enhanced by unpredicted factors) crisis ...

even if it means i very likely wont be getting out of here because i was already poor (unlike everyone else here who is reijk) , it just keeps feeling like karma b/c i know a lot of sheeple and shyte who stood there watching or helped it happen, and then we're not saying anything about the 30 years before that here in drukkerland et environs

they're likely to hurt more , i dont have human babyspawn (since my 20s i found it very irresponsible to put offspring in a world like this) and i dont even have a car ...

but in the end im also not a refugee in a social house, im stuck in hell, if the folks go wa-wa and they need a nursing home the house is probably sold (to the next turq arriving b/c the rest doesnt have money to buy or so it seems, polish maybe but those dont come here to stay, they seem to be smarter than that , come here, work 10-15 years their asses off as if they were korean and chinese at the same time, then go back to retire sooner than normal with a ton of money more than they would have if they spent 40 years of work THERE, pretty smart, if you can miss your family for that long)

so by then , without crypto and no chance at my own biz , ... too old for mcdonalds even if i had the mental stability to handle that without smacking the floormanager on day one and get sacked AND sued ?

i assume a cardboard box or something but HEY

as long as i see your world fall apart

i guess the gods answered my prayers

so im gonna get back on "irq loaders" ...

(i could be playing elden ring)
b/c praying to god

my gods dont really care much for that,

i think most of them consider it begging


i see its all great, in the time i typed this last paragraph

amazon made 15 million dollar


right ... i DO appreciate the silence though, nothing compared to what it would be living somewhere outside ulanbaatar (but not TOO far) but its better than it used to be ... a passing train 500m or 1km away sounds like a racetrack in the backyard still tho

SO , another year of increased wankage

by 2024, will we have cannibals in drukkerland ?

haaa - yea i already live in salems lot, thanks

you know, i take GRAVE offense at people who flaunt a jew as god while claiming jews in space conspired to bring covid to the world and shoot prostitutes for having had sex with them while one of their fave jews best friends was one, JUST AS MUCH as i take GRAVE offense to people who think "its okay to lop off someones head for showing a cartoon in class" , religious freedom

you are all taboo to me ... (who was that actually ? i missed that ...)

i reserve the right to speak and that is that

if not you shouldnt have stuck me back here in salems lot, id be living in asia making modest money with a harem of at least one girlfriend and not making noise because i hate the spotlight


if you STILL have time to be occupied with the likes of me in this day and age under these conditions

you must have - a lot of time - and a very luxurious life where you dont have to fend for anything b/c it just falls from the sky


today is no speaking day - no steemit day ... its also wednesday, which forever will be lorazepamgarbagepailday

i told them, : "every day is yesterday"

ofcourse they didnt listen

now it will never go away


who can i sue ?



HERE, for slander for instance, youd get 500 euro fine at most

i dont even know a lawyer who even writes a letter for that money

tschuess dan, some guy once said : "the worst thing that might happen is god ANSWERING YOUR PRAYERS" (i think it did and then it left b/c it MUST be sick of the shit too)

all of it


yes, i got an irq-loader working but ofcourse it sits in memory at the same part where my "to-load" program sits

im sure people used to those assemblers and macros can shift that in five

i get interrupted once every 100th of a second by gatzjiëk, hippicrites, crusaders, jihadis and suits in the mirror pretending to be your salvation

... not to mention : i look outside and see


its hard to think

10:30 ...ohaio (de gozarruh)

looks like switzerland is not investing in consoles or virtual facebook before 2050

hmmm : 18:49 hm ... way OVER-time - where did the day go ? oooo mostly into the vacuum cleaner from the duster - its good to be allergic to BOTH dustmite and pollen btw - theres always SOMETHING that needs doing that will make you happy.

mostly that irq loader - which works but instead of wrapping our code around it ofc someone feels it HAS TO BE relocated so it can stay resident and out of reach during the whole program -

something else tells me people dont start with "lets do a single rasterbar stable over all 300+" and "ah lets do an irq-loader to load and keep that thing on"


we had one in the 80s, they just wouldnt let us, so its not like "we starting"

if we started it would have been in asia anyway


is the world fixed yet ?

americans dancing around the may-tree ?

china and russia colonizing neptune and crotter divided into 100.000 times the current jobs that are not mcdonalds and money for a billion families instead of 500 guys ?


i must have dreamt that

schroedingers nest ... we exist in many dimensions its sometimes hard to tell

i guess not then ?



ragnarok is just fine , its not like it makes much difference to our life anyway

what day ? thursday ?

2:10 am ... EARLY !!


flipcoin says steemit

im sure it will help to build my reputation as a left to the right right to the left nut to the masses and nothing to the lower management but "maybe we can slice off another bit" to de baas

i see


the elders in elder suits with elder money preaching "the arrow of time can be reversed if we regulate it" not stopping at bitcoin, i bet they will give it to boeing anyway, its not results that count after all , everything they told you was a lie, LETS HEDGE AGAINST THE FUTURE SO WE CAN DREAM OF THE PAST !

i see


"the glass casing is made in the DSM"

desperation ?

i dont see "crotter billions are used for conquering mars, exploiting the belts, mining ur anus, creating opportunity or ..."

i see

"version numbers?"

gud then



right, i think the bread smells baked ...

and 9gag is kinda weak this week


its trying but i'm missing the wow and lolfactor here

2:41 am ... you know, ever since america started a war in europe and had the russians sucker into it

and then the russians adapted like they did in ww2 and now are making more money and china be like

"whats a china ?"

since bread costs about the same as a compensated date with your sisters panties now - we bake one every day, a small one, about 150grms of flour, just enough for a full meal

one of the best ideas ever (though im sure once the bakers employer union gets onto it, buying flour in person will be considered anti-hamster and illegal for not de baas or otherwise taxed so bad only keldermand and chomme kees soi can afford to serve it to their customers)

a fun fact , the folks (who have friends ... something i used to have to but in the end they're usually more a liability and something to hold you back, the only REAL thing with humans is (enlightenend?) mutual self intrest, everything else is a question mark) on several occasions get to go out to dine and from what i gater

all the star-restaurants, or (especially) the ones who are the obsessed cooks and told michline to stuff that star up their arse so they can just keep doing their own thing b/c they got WAY plenty of customers

are still doing GREAT

the mid to lower snackspots ?

not really

so its not just america

here there's 50 people too (there you have 500)

posing as if everything's still great b/c they have no clue about what's going on in down below

and yes

why all the 9gag ... well, dearie, if you go 4chan or 8kun you get extremists, if you get 9gag you get "community controlled" with not enough shareholders so the owners are sitting most of the day with their asshole up to the sky praying to the (grote) baas

its where you get real sentiment

something there tells me biden's gonna have a hard time going for a second without cheating or some supreme dirty laundry on the opposition

but that was to be expected

someone here said back when trump might be pulling a "de wever" maneuover

that would be a politicion from around here, we personally consider the man quite capable though he's not someone we would ever vote on, a lot accuse him of being dangerous but what do you prefer in 2022 ?

ask the americans ?

a guy who shakes hands with the taliban

or a nut who weaponizes crusaders into a hardcore clique ?

so the maneuver as de wever did was, after the elections

he said "thats okay , ill just be the mayor of antwerp (a bit less money but most of these people have stakes in companies, law firms and what not - collusion is only for lesser beings) , you can have the national government

se someone here then said : thats smart, in this day , the chances of any government coming out looking good after x years are close to quantum null, like 1% ....

so "not being in it" is actually the better position

and so the same guy inhere said , hey maybe trump is doing that

you know how americans like to turn everything into a media show



to us 51% looks like a civil war vote

a democratic vote would be like


at least 75% ??

so, we consdier trump to be a nutcase but not stupid (he wouldnt have been there) or else have some backing thats not stupid at all

i mean compared to "facts are stupid things"

he's had a few too but in the end, he was already a success story before he got into that place where demons summon others

and went after a grand finale with a supreme tv show (something he would know all about) that shows a deeper understanding of what the USA was before it was the DSM than most of the establishment seems to have

under heavy protest

to the best spot ever in a super-crisis : opposition :D

if it was that, thats almost an A+ in politics

and now the sequel ?

Gilead takes over the north

from the south

canada gets swarmed with new york women who dont wanna wear a crucifix on their face



if they didnt have nukes it would be somewhat entertaining to see it collapse under its own self-importance



we already said : most of the citizens are just mundanes like the mundanes here : "leave me alone i just wanna do my job and go home"

its the few that are the problem

the many ...

plankton in the current

the whales dont understand how THEY have to follow the current or they run out of plankton and they starve

some try to bend the laws of physics

the planet says no

right, thats enough time wasted for 5 cents i cant even cash in until i total a million euros in crypto

3:40 am, but i DO , i do, i used to walk with my cats WAY before they stuck me back here, back when i had all 5 , i walked with them about every night since they stuck me back here. We get separated quite a while but it was like they never forgot me immediately. I never had to "train" them or anything ( a cat is not a dog btw, try mutual respect or something - the love is not unconditional)

ever since here the symbolism has always struck me every time you turn the corner into this


dead end

they couldnt have put up a better , even now, youtube has created this belief that youtube gangsters are real and poor hood kids (who are reijk) and never saw a criminal in their life and go home to shower after playing gangster dont really know the difference

i never had anyone looking funny until the garbage pail kids came here to harass everyone and trash the place, stalk me for 3 yaers in cooperation with kozzen gatpolis (corrupt) , flikkenrat en tante sidiona ....

i think its b/c i talked back or something (i mean 12 year olds threatening to kill me ... its not like i havent been anywhere that wasnt youtube, right?)

but you have to let the children play

ever since it seems like walking aroud with a cat after dark is suspicious

before that ALL THOSE YEARS

every night

no one gave a pip



salems lot is salems lot

no matter where you go

its REALLY quiet lately

i like that

its about ... 10% pandemic quiet xept on nights when there were lockdown parties here behind the block ... loud enough to hear but you know

gotta let the children play

and hungarian diplomats

funny how of all entities the EU refused ukraine for over a decade for being too corrupt in its own way thats supreme irony

what came after even supremer

sadly , and once more, the mundanes pay the price for the fanatic

doing ?

well its the end of the world, who gives a fuck what i be doing ?

in essence : "stuff satellius cant use so they cant pite it to make money while i cant"

otherwise known as , the kid always wanted to do this but they never let him - so we'll never know if he would have been the best programmer in flanders at the age of 12

too late, also for THAT, too late, LUKE i am not your teacher NOR your mule

300 million ?

see ? you dont take me seriously - "youre gonna have to try just a little harder"

the irq loader port from one asm syntax to the other is blinking and it wont load, but the program works,
i think when i get to the point where it displays the actual "intro" bitmap screen for the game there its about time to switch to something else.

The main reason why i needed money for employees in the first place (as well as getting out of belgium to a place where doing business actually is something that creates opportunity and gets you something other than the right to pay) : i cant sit on the same shit for weeks or months (xept my harem ofcourse)

i gets a drag and starts feeling like "work" and then it runs the risk of getting classified and shelved
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so for lack of that we have been exploring our options as David Koresh the 2nd ... i mean the guy could do without a VAT number or actual self-employment, ... they just gave it to him and did all the programming he wanted, he just had to program them a little

sadly , my eyes only see pretty asian girls who are scarce here and cosplay is for pedophiles, even if its dressed up guys or women in their 30s with the right makeup

thats more sarcasm than anyone here could handle anyway



YOU wanted an update, precious, i said dont do it

you wont like it

and there you go and push anyway

yass - so we decided

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the hard way

is faster than googling how to transfer one asm syntax to another

so what have you euh ?

zuipen voor het zwembad van de baas jong ?

dat is gengster , right ?


, nah its like 6:11 ... almost time for the second sleep

still hoping it doesnt evolve into a third

still entertaining the 0.01% chance we get out of here by lottery (its smaller)

because lord Gates fucked the last remaining option

i probably should just do something else


i hate this hole for more than 2/3rds of my life, stick me in the middle of the past then say "let it go"


its trying to choke me

IT is IT thats not letting go

(i never said not asian girls cant be pretty ... also, please dont "interpret" my words, just take them at face value ok , i dont care about blm or wlm or bla or ble ... thats too one-dimensional and 99.5% politics anyway)


since xerxes

well okay

end with a joke


and its really NOT about the citizens


but you know, just like israel milking the nazis a bit too long

its time to move on , supreme leader ...

re-calibrate your viewpoints

consider the REALITY in options ...

(lets leave the aliens out for now ... b/c they would like to ... well, same as i do : TWELVE MONKEYS BABY, the cure for all)

06:30 hm

and there we are

daylight creeping one look outside all i see : GATLAND


please ALWAYS keep in mind i made it very clear always i dont wanna play your game , i was convinced at 21 pension funds arent for my generation anymore, i hate THIS hole since i was 15, my worst nightmare WAS (obviously WAS b/c im living it) being stuck in belgium past the age of 40 , i was 4 months from graduating into a socio-cultural college degree (after being lied to for 20 years by elders who said you cant do that unless you get the hischool degree first)

THEN i found my passport HERE in gatland 1 month before i found ME back here

according to the cops it flew here and someone put it in the mailbox

we must dissent

from where i was going to do the whole belgin papermill to start parttime independent self-employment (you wouldnt believe that if you're american or chinese but it is what it is , i KNOW you dont by the reactions i kept getting when speaking about it)

and try to move out

not IN

get my cats and move OUT

not IN

so whatever happened since the day you stuck me here and ended my life

i wont take responsibility


theres nothing left

so you have no leverage

lik mijn aarsgat



im sorry, ossan has to go beddy

ofcourse, if rich jou-chan with yakuza dad wants to buy my cat a mansion in japan ill be right there

that goes without saying

whats wrong with that anyway ?

human psyche, sociology, AND IT

id say that makes all-round

not weird

at least my A.I. would whoop your ass, not bi-ass

like people telling me all my life you cant do roni size and slayer

why not ?

you HAVE to pick a side

okay how many

2 ?

okay, no thanks

but sure, i pick xiping and modi then

how about it?

thats TWO sides ?

how is that possible you only have two

you make no sense man

like barnazis and bar-activists


right ?

i SAID dont do it, you dont wanna hear it

ni zougen nou aja




my rice is cooking and i need sleepies

so ?

well if i get modi and xiping then there's 3 to 4 billion of me

+1 , which is about 60 including all the ghosts and monsters you created inhere by slicing off bits you thought useful

all the angels are dead - if anything left they be angels of wrath

ready to wreck your place

please leave the planet

and leave me be

if im not getting out of here with my cats

like mijn aarsgat

if you wanna threaten me ?


sell me a gun

what you mean you cant do that?

then what are you threatening me with ?



you know im REALLY quiet when im doing stuff64

maybe the kid (that one you killed dead by trying to cure it from introvert?)'s ghost takes over

he always was a quiet one

doesnt look like much well

its not like loadimage(0,0,320,200) or anything

those bars arent supposed to be done by the machine and you cant do what you cant already do while loading stuff from disk because it blocks the rest


but apparently IN THE EIGHTIES

even drives had programmable RAM ????

you have


and then "the right to repair" huh ?

(must be something american)

i remember those DVD and then "buy a new dual layer" and some guy somewhere

but if you this and that and then reset and flash it with this

and BAM

instead of €100 extra that same drive did dual layers as if it was

made for that but disabled by crotter

you're living a lie



okay, precious ?

i think that should do ?

now leave me alone



something for you too shes not asian so you dont have to shoot her

but im not sure since she's not carrying a bible between her twins if she's REALLY real

you know ?



or as the americans say

buy ?


thats not hate

if i say i dont wanna

and you crawl up my ass

thats RAPE


i have no interest left in your world

you took everything, you want the future but when you get a glimpse you want to censor it

you cant censor entropy and gravity in the metaverse

but thats facebook now


me ?

i wouldnt never accept a leading position in the first place

richelieu or mazarin suits the cat a lot better and i have chosen

im one of freyjas cats

whatever that sounds like to you ...

knowledge is 1/10th of the witches power and her feelings for most of you are about as flaming as the times she got burned in the name of the (feudal) lord (now know as lord Gates in the DSM)

thats why i have to do realfact
i also cant go dancing around telling someone im going to kill them 10.000 times waving a gun

actually no one can sell me a gun here - its absolutely poserland backed by gatpolis

im just waiting for ragnarok

the afghanis call it jihad but in the end its the same its the end of days

"in essence"

it seems to be inevitable but im not sure the loudest mouths understand the position they're in

and so , please dont ask me these things, you ignore them anyway, if i were in THAT position

i said i wouldnt accept a position of leadership in the first place and since im a servant of my lady at best i would oversee some expendable frontline brawlers and put them to good use so their life has meaning for once (and last)

(xept ofcourse as a cult leader for my harem of at least one girlfriend from where we expand our leverage and altitude in shadows without making noise, THATS entirely different)

on humans but if i found myself in that position one day when i woke up

people get talked into things, right, and the 10% upthere, the 5% inthat and the 1% in THAT doesnt really have a clue on how life is

and a lot of them are VERY susceptible to ass licking (it sounds but in american enlighs i think its brown nosing)

different body part, same insertion

if i found myself there at this time one day and i realized "dafuk"

ME ?

id try to pull an after de fact "dewever-maneuver" and quit for health reasons, leave it to kamala and then SHE can go down in history

in this era

and spend my time and money with whatevers left in my circle that still loves me and i love it back

on some island off the coast of dubai

personally, this legacy thing and all, look at the peaceprize boy who stole half of the girl who REALY deserved it and bombed yemen after re-election (i dont mean boy in a racist way bo-ya, you people have real language issues you know that ?)

i dont believe in it

you have to be buddha, jesus or muhammad level

but last i checked the most influential human as today is ...

Isaac Newton :)


so in my case i consider some older beings still alive, there's gilgamesh, ishtar who very likely walked the eart as much as iesu and gautama and muhammad did

kali ... dunno

but "the great warrior sakhmet" is mentioned

but thats it

if you think you can reach that

then ... well the best one you would know has about 3000 years

so its all highly overrated

obamas legacy got overturned in a few months after trump

trump has probably never had this much fun (a bit like russias roebel and oilmoney since the world started wrecking them - or thought they were)

yea thats what i would do

i might not go down in history

but the one who does today

wont go down for much good anyway

ofcourse thats not gonna happen

look at zelensky

he could have saved every house in the country

but he chose not to

just to stay in seat



dont ask me these questions

you ignore the answers anyway


i dont "support Trump" ... from a clinical perspective without context all statistics would say "europe was doing better while america had trump"

but i know systems are more complicated than that

so i have no opinion on the matter , to us

"de baas is altijd een zak"

i just try to put myself in the perspective of someone who is bad-ass and mean enough to climb up THAT high (its pretty high upthere) and think "what would i do if i realized today what i had done" (lol)

thats what WE (who was i) would do

take the money and run

wish the woman best of luck

and disappear :)

maybe write a book or something make money from speaches like my name was bill (clinton)


or add a version number to something (it seems to be a thing)

8 am already ... a double-stacked bowl of white rice and a little soy - cat safe inside purring, rain outside

life doesnt have to be complicated

it would be even less if we were living somewhat outside ulanbaatar for 10 years at least now

and HEY


what we say ... most pukkers here dont even know what's happening past the front lawn if its not work

but if you keep making noise like that they're bound to notice and i told you before


it was actually almost not a problem until it came wafting from overthere


did you know

the gov't never patented "belgian" chocolate

so all belgian chocolates sold in china

are made in china ?

but they do patent what comes out of FN herstal

next time ?

not sure

how about "when steem is back to $1" ?

i'll think about it then

hm i see

thats where it was all along "*

Overall, the number of Covid infections rose 30% globally in the past two weeks, with the omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5 *"

we never left the "generation P(arkinsons) is coming"-theory that says over time due to consecutive infections with lasting damage or dmg that doesnt heal fully between 'sessions' or events its cumulative , asymptomatic can hand out scar tissue on main organs other than lungs AND brain damage ... (other than the common cold symptoms and the ever-increasing fatigue)

its one of our potential explanations on why the place is so (enjoyably but unnatural) silent : long term fx

(and ofcourse the looming end of the world on top of no money combined with this creeping death here)

ofcourse "generation P" wont show itself until 10-20 years from now

SO in the end

it might save the nuclear holocaust as ironjaw plays babyplox trying to fit the starkey in the square hole

... omoshiroi (never stopped wearing masks, ofcourse over summer with the addamses in belgium ZERO-exposure is not an option , i dont have a quarantine suit)

so there's nothing left but to check and re-evaluate by autumn (for us)

okay then

now we'll see when steem is back at $1

:) tell lord Gates the coming crisis needs it for the poor people who dont know how to do anything else

like madagascar

or something

what else can you do with dry sand ?

haaa, 16:18 huh again another day lost in drukkerland

a small step but it loads 2 files now, so i can do more from there , apparently i put the replacment code in the exact spot it uses as a buffer for received bytes (or something, i dont read opcode as fluent as i speak sarcasm ... gubdata and transmission seem to hold great promise for a future that might not be anymore tho)

... and some things i suspect for four years now confirmed ... and what i predicted

the next batch has found someone else to harass

dear 5governments, if you dont take an indian or swedish approach fast , i fear things might regulate themselves

ni zougen achteraf aja

gud ...

nope thats euh

some friendly word of advice

i dont do warnings en dreigen es ver youtube gengsters (van ver) met een bakkes

its storming ...

i thought politicians wanted to be ahead ?

well then, dont look at me, you got the wrong number, i dont even wanna be in your world

but every fucking day it gets confirmed WHY i had this nightmarish urge to get out of here before i turned 40

you fucked that

so ni zougen

i kinda hope the flipcoin says no steemit tomorrow


i have nothing to add

also :

you need to explain to your police :

  • this is what a guy looks like when someone hit him over the head with a helmet for dead

  • THIS is what a guy looks like when worked over with an aluminum bat

i think they dont really know what that looks like


slander is only a 500 euro fine and police dont do shit

down here we have to take care of ourselves so

allow me to say this once

a guy who has been worked over with a bat

doesnt drive around jumping calling cops to say hes been worked over with a bat

please teach your police that so they can at least differ between fake statements , harassment and others

thank you as for the rest

repeating is against my religion

this hole


you know these here people intheir 60s and 70s are your most income bringers ?

they're the most scared

somethings gonna have to give sooner or later

now, i was chill and flex but when i re-live something, since every day is yesterday

its 3d audiovisual surround and instant

i already had the puzzle b/c it could hardly be otherwise

but its confirmed now

and 5 to 10 years from now baby hamas is between 16 and 20

you do the math

wtb GUN plz ...


anything you wanted you should have asked 20, or 30 years ago, otherwise let me finish four more months instead of stickign me here, i would be LONG gone by now

so you dont get to zougen

you did this

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