i hear they think im joking

in #stuff2 years ago (edited)

or being anti or funny

but euhm



"your allies" ...

you seem to have misunderstood ... i bet i was an anti-semitic nazi or pro jihad anti trump supporter

i just think americans are the second biggest threat to global security after talibanistan (which they helped create btw)

and i dont wanna talk about any of that anymore

do your own research

leave me alone now ?

i only do realfact

so :

heres a guy who is obviously behind the death of santa

(and here we thought that was inflation)

(hahah, YEA very lol, especially if you're on the bottom side of it)

im not trying to this or that, just disclaim b/c 99% of mundanes is dogs and vermin who read what they're masters chew and spit down the table into anything anyone not wearing their colors writes or speaks and in 2022 you have to go to 9gag to says SOMETHING and even that place is infected

the woman can speak for herself but her words are hers, the people who elect her after that

they might be your problem one day - AND you line of defense against the very talibanistan they themselves created b/c if anyone is the new crusade then its that

furthermore , we are just as happy as we are about classic-corrupt who saves the whale while sludging money to the offspring and fixed a 60 year old dispute (guess who helped create it) while the last one is still plumetting at at 60degree angle the whole world into down and the virus that was conquered actually isnt

and thats why we prefer not to speak about it

the whole world is a lie

truth is considered a hindrance

even by your free masters

so leave me alone

thats it

how you got from there to "nazi!" ... no idea

and that hoodie is fanmerch from an anime called tokyo revengers btw

not hitler



if we had never met any real living americans IRL it would be hard to not think they are all triffids by now but we know thats not the case

its the same as here

the main chunk stays quiet and tries to do its thing while dogs are barking everywhere

des ?






yea but we love you, ladies, you know that





i cant say



its been a while

personally i think the division is a bit more complex than one-dimensional left-right

but to most that seems to be enough, its easier to follow than to lead and you dont get to take responsibility


have to when shit goes south

theres more than two factions to it and in this case i think

its more like

we are all just 'looking for the truth' (or in our case easier described as "the source") no matter what form that takes

while the fanatic is looking to establish dominance


but dont mistake a clair moment at dawn before the end of night for total resurrection of the mind and also

if THIS is what you wanted

tell whoever is responsible for arriving my passport back here a month before me as a sign of "WE" did that.

they shoulda just let me do what i was doing

b/c now

THIS aint what you're getting, there's nothing to be got and i'll forever be the cat that walks by himself

alleycat is in here but no longer it

thats what they did and you by just standing there btw

im not asking for "aaah" or "awww"

that kind of fake shyte is self-serving in the first place and disgusts me most of the time

it also fixes nothing and sorry is for sitcoms

so we'll be

writing irqloaders for now

pretty sure the world is ending

in a mayan way

which ofcourse gives rise to plenty of room for the fanatic

but its getting about as dangerous here to have an opinion diverging from the pre-gurgitated norm as it is in "evil" countries like china or russia

(when is the last time you talked to someone WHO LIVES THERE ? btw )

they just wont do it like myanmar

but at the end of the year your life is gone anyway


(not good ofcourse thats where A.I. keeps breaking down on language , one of the places)



(ye but personally if we were to have an actual fetish it would probably say Asian, that aside natures work of art is natures work of art and beauty is beauty, albeit in the eye of the beholder)



not sure what to do with this account if it cant hold politics tho


i mean 9gag does 9gag already


people are people


wherever you go

and we don't need a brand

we're branded


well, curator Finkel there, at about 7:40 into the video you will be assimilated

beware the spacelasers


tried to sleep, request denied, i think my borg cube is malfunctioning ... 'im not connected to the collective AT ALL

since birth ive felt like an alien who fell through a hole in space

humans have only reinforced but as to that (again)

if any of this is nsfw to you ?

then maybe you should put the feed on ignore

we stopped bothering with removing shit and fuck for excrement and copulation too - after all, dearie

life does not happen between the east and west coast, its slightly bigger but we fear the failure to recognize and adapt to the present world

which is not even shin sekai but far from

will be mostly their downfall, wether the civil warn turns into shooting (technically it has if you see the delli) remains to be seen, or wether it comes down to independent city states who are only part of the union on paper (nothing new to europe) like floridas and texa ...

the thing about the future is : it WILL tell , heeh

but the thing here is : and REALLY

american conservative morals are not global law

if a woman in a bathing suit or showing a naked leg is nsfw, we felt sorry for you (mind the past tense) but you know

thats your problem

if shit and fuck are words that hold the power of prayer because you energized them ? we felt sorry you (mind the past tense) but you know ?

thats your problem

here they dont actually even exist in the language

and you know

a woman in a bathing suit is either an experience to remember or a sight to behold

i'll leave the explanation to that in the middle

but NOT nsfw


still dont quite know what to do with the feed

if all the things on condenser were working properly a simple game is easy to program

but they're not

and we dont wanna do this opinion thing b/c its pointless

and a waste of time too, it keeps us from things we want to do

right then .. see ? already too much time on steemit again

for 2 cents we cant even cash in b/c the total sum is zit thanks to feudal lord gates and the elder liches

or you can try this on for size and relativize your spectrum

b/c if you think we are rude sometimes we would take you on a tour of town

broaden your perspective

you will re-define rude quickly


we got an actual spontaneous LoL from that last one

and thats not eurotrash

right ... the heatwave is HERE

... the man


no comment


or more like wtfv

maybe should try sweeping at the front door a bit first




see ?

no politics ?

what to do then ?

write poems ?

"i once had a life"
"without a wife"
"but money"
"and a lot of"
"life went fast"
"life was good"
"before i knew it"
"all was ...."

"i found myself"
"in familiar places"
"smelling of trash"
"and dirty faces"
"life was gone"
"it felt all wrong"
"and ..." ?

for the same 2 cents ?

id rather be coding something that gets crotter nothing for 0 cents and maybe a like on RGN next year then thx



but the sentiment you get there in the gravitas vid
is really getting more and more common

also the inflation is blamed more and more on the american 500 than on the one putin

and so on , it would seriously be a good idea to re-consider if a match at home aint the better option first, all i hear is "tired of"

and last time i checked there's someone waiting right outside the door to take over the baton when the house loses the bet ?


we dont claim to understand high-level politics though b/c if we were cosmic overlord none of it would be possible in our realm

so we would prefer to have no opinion

and waste no time xept on things that get crotter nothing

while warding off this hellhole

and pavlov gnome

m hm

maybe doodles or something as long as its "own work", right ?

"here's a royalty free picture of a bird"

BAM $400 upvotes ....

no comment


dont worry 'bout that


if you got the person speaking this morning and the person now you might think "O thats like what janes ondergrond means"

but its not

even if the tone, vibrato, even the language was different, the topic, its like a different person thats not it, its really closer to the whole collective sharded in one body

only all are broken and missing bits

and 90% needs to be used to ward of pavlov gnome so at best while coding64 we get 10% to keep breathing and have no epileptic fit and figuring out what opcode goes where on a memory map we dont know by heart b/c we havent been staring at it for 40 years now

(30 ?)

so, patience please there

besided, jekyll & hyde isnt recognized as an official condition, we think thats not for medical reasons but b/c judged would have a booboo if it were

you see, peoples like ourselves, magical beasts like us, cats that sit on roofs and prefer not to, usually dont speak in public either but we fear at some time in spaceplace a triffid got some spores in and its trying to compell us to because we actually dont wanna

we KNOW these things to be self-evident : if something CAN be abused it WILL be

politicians show that all the time btw

but in general you can assume


all that "humans are born with the will to do good" bullshit


where did you get that ?

look around, its OBVIOUSLY not like that

now IF a human spawn where to grow up like an animal it would be an animal

its the layer of your so called civilization that drills it into a beast

born to get higher on the back of others, without even eating them

unnatural and face it

if human spawn had to fend like an animal

human species would be extinct in about 20-60 years because


not without technology

we was gonna say something but it seems to be something else

you handed out evolution to technology thats where it stopped


things dont need a reason

but cuz the statistical

the probability is gone

where you had selection you dont

and it gets replaced by third party entity

so there "is no need" for the more adaptive configuration to become dominant and thats why it doesnt

everythings equalized but in all things nature once external force is released nature snaps back

maybe thats too hard to understand

or you get a "nice weather huh"

but its reality
and oh

the point of crypto was to bypass those fuckers

to us that doesnt mean now we will use them

we only thought



cuz crypto

but they fixed that

dinners served, i hope i dont post for a week
its really a waste of time


sikkori-pie ... not sure how to describe it other than

chicory-pie (lol)

"witlof" they say here its "belgian" (i dont know about that, just like the fries but who cares)


last verse .... HARKEN

the word of the cat !


we fear most present politicians have the biggest problem : they're not modern politicians , just like nobelprize winning economists and empress lagarde clings to colonial-era economic theories

humans are flawed by default (its normal lets say b/c only technology has evolved basically since that first stick cracked that other guys skull, and human evolution has stopped , as we tried to explain a little : because there is no need for the more adaptive configuration to become dominant)

its a game of numbers since day one and it will always be, even if its beyond omega atm (something some sadly dont seem to (want to?) realize)

it still IS a game of numbers

and since politics runs in 4 years (in particracies and corporocracies) and at best a human lifespan is a measure

its hard to get a picture because things evolve in generations (social), not lifespans of individuals and fenotipical traits take several of those while GENETICS, in order for a configuration to dominate the previous once "life" has achieved a certain level of complexity

probably longer

so no one sees the game

and everyone sees the tenure or the lifespan

makes plans that run over 10 years, forget about entropy and random dicerolls (which arent but actually beyond omega SO far that atm they might as well be)

so if you cant move in goals and vectors your plan is very likely to fail and its a waste of time



most "present" politicians hold to methods and norms or rather morals that today dont value anymore in physical reality

so its almost impossible

those who dont (bukele is one example - even if he's the bad-assest of bad-ass presidents in the middle of supergangland) get sidelined

like homo sapiens will have been by cro magnons

(thats why the planet is owned by cro magnons btw)

yea, they lied

but isnt that what they always do ?

and the elders hold on to the past SO bad ignoring the inevitability of the arrow of time and entropy where only gods can fix broken eggs back into their original state
,with iron grip,

that they're literally choking the future

desu-né ?

thats why its improbable

(-to very-improbable)
even for a non-establishment all-american televangelist ... what was his name again ?

to succeed in todays today

even here ... the smartest move of all was "not taking the lead" from 2019

b/c you CANT come out of this unscathed

unless you're THE BOSS (ofcourse)

the boss is always right

(da yo né ?)

but even here, big bart might draw the shortest straw if he cant handle the current shift in the balance in harbourville

and deal behind closed doors for a) more money (in his pockets probably but possibly also for the city) in order for privileges IF

they check their thugs and make sure things are dealt with in private

they can even handle the reality that they cant handle these things anymore, they're bigger

too big for a place like this to handle

but symbiosis is immoral

you see ?

thats why the caymans has the money

and here they cant pay the pension

.... this is getting thin ice , cat

i noez precious


the last thing we want is to meddle in that but usually they prefer quiet over war and disturbance

there has to be something that can be

that said, we wouldnt say that b/c we dont wanna be in the middle of that and also

we dont get paid for that

cat sits on the roof

and sees

already paid for that

twas supposed to end there btw

LIES (again)

gonna do the dishes

since ... i called besos and said, YO be a sport man show some gratitude

but he didnt show up so i'll have to do them myself :)


no, we dont WANNA write more

but if you give half the money up front we'll give it a try

300 million

thats a 150 million advance then


well then find someone else

the dishes are waiting its hot

i can already hear flies knocking at the door

i cant pay someone to do that since YOU have my money :)



de mensen (dont know the artist, if anyone knows we'll be happy to credit)

ye ye

gat zjiek

im looking for something to stick on the window so even if i open the drapes in dont see gatland

belgian regulations :

. Hoe meer u dus van uw eigen opgewekte stroom verbruikt, hoe lager uw energiekost uitvalt.

use MORE

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