in #stuff2 years ago (edited)

89 = 30

its good to have a choice if you're not belgian


some things on google are actually not about america

but i see everything's great, the pandemic's over and we are finally getting back on top, tourism is GREAT, star restaurants are doing GREAT, nightly dragraces are doing GREAT

however, they just gave 1 billion to ukraine again (that would be not the Joe) but actually ukraine never stopped exporting, "its just more expensive" (that includes scampis(crayfish), rice, oil, mayonnaise, mustard, frying fat for fries and about 12to12teen other stuffs that ALL come from ukraine now (like milk) either hard-available, in transit or 50% inc to double price

infections with that thing are at the level of

"november last year (before the winterpeak)" so since holidays are just starting (plenty of money - though i hurr its allowed for benks and lenders to give people LOANS TO GO ON VACATION IF THEY CANT PAY FOR IT RIGHT AWAY (??!?)

all for the hole of holy saint VAT

thats GOOD

hospitalizations are at ...

"november last year(before the winterpeak)" so thats good since its low b/c the normal way is "when holidays are over and everyone comes back there's a "small" peak"

at least 6 countries are limiting or rationing drinking water

and farmers in helgium are not allowed to pump water from rivers and brooks

(it turns out last year when they washed away a few towns the lords of nature used up the supply for this one and maybe next so there's none to go around)


its so much lies i cant even see the lies they're trying to hide with it anymore

but good

when they fucked our life for the seventh time

we wished for the end of the world

who was it said

the worst thing that can happen is for a god to ANSWER your prayers (you never know what you gonna get)

this is gud


i guess

everythings fine


did feudal lord gates pay back all the houses and companies he wrecked by crusading crypto yet ?

i mean

its gonna take more than "a musk" to make me halfway like that continent again



i guess not all places are brussels
pussy power, yay !

but hey

dont listen to the moonchild, the moonchild doesnt even want attention

the moonchild wanted money to get out of here before its too late

"its too late" now

listen to the guy with the suit and the guys with the billions , THEY !

yea and i still believe it might be heading for a civil war


something about the people with the guns and what not

the final missing bit for the century to get started


but most of it is about the DSM (former USA) - and i see nothing but people getting tired of that, its overload, on top of that theres zero on china and ukraine-tired (like covid-tired)

so basically the super-propaganda becomes counterpropaganda b/c since they hog all the spotlight

no matter what happens

they must have done it



"de mensen"

continue ... you're doing GREAT !

yessyes, but im used to that , see, the kid was born ab-normal, wanted "to be like others" for a short while but quickly realised that a)wouldnt happen and b)actually didnt want that

so competitive psychopaths (extreme examples like eg american billionnaires or something) quickly think its "against them" b/c they HAVE TO compete even if you're not playing, the left thinks its too right, the right think its too left, the center feels its too extreme but actually its simply

*more than one-dimension"-al

like "de mensen" aka mundanes quickly get embarrased and switch to either 1)blank->nice weather 2)embarass::defensive->aggressive


and so i like to add some guy in a suit who has all these degrees and wives and children and cars and lots of loans and whatnot

b/c they're a lot harder to deny than we are and

there's a modicum of satisfaction when we see someone of the species that wrecked us so many times self-realize that


their life was a lie

but they revert to nice-weather syndrome anyway after that

that said

thats not why anyone writes this

we write this because


no idea

b/c realfact is a must in the religion

otherwise the witches magic wont work

see ?

there it is (we saw that ofcourse, the shadows are everywhere)

so is thirdspace and human behaviour has had 100k years to not change at all - ...

we hear you're looking for new leaders ?

we think there should be a bottom-line to the selection process


"minimum system requirements"

to run this game

  • realism ...

mister willets here, as well as mister mearzheimer would stand high on our list, THING IS

smart people dont seem to get into politics :)

if you keep the lobby as your prime advisor b/c they pay for the campaign

you might as well hand the country to your good friends "the far right" right now and retire :...

(oh ho ho)

see ?

stop pushing that button its never anything you wanna hear


i hear some people shouting there, ICONOCLAST, ...



but i bet they did that when merzheimer spoke on ukraine IN 2015
as well

the planet aint gonna stop until theres balance

and thats that

you are certainly not bigger than that

and from where we sit down here

it looks like your god aint home

or else he's tired of the shit

like we are :)

(we must have said something right b/c pavlov gnome crashed the rig on two subsequent edits)

this is bottomline realism, considering where we are

real-time realism is already a LOT deeper ( = harder ) by now

good luck then

(you already fucked our lives its not gonna make much difference and we are SURE we can survive on homeless-steak too if it really came to that ... the most abundant resource)

can you ?

hu uh

we personally still feel part of the absolute solution is disbanding crotter back into their respective 10s to hundred thousands of companies who can each have their own satellites


pushing 90% of their stacked trillions back into "your" precious economy

that includes about everyone listed in the pandora files (part1 - i bet the sequel will be coming)


WE never believed in colonial economy past the colonial era in the first place but we DO believe that would give you some respite

so we assume thats not gonna happen

we are 99.9% quantum-certain (i like the way that goes because there's no such thing as zero in the physical universe, only in theorems and frames) the planet wont stop until there's balance because thats a core driver of the master system (aka the universe)

so we basically assume its all fucked

and if you're not past your 60s today

you're probably in for shyte

if you're under 40 or 30

a LOT of shyte

b/c they wont change

  • realism

you can keep smiling at a moving train

but Newton's gonna kill you for that

o dear

we see feudal lord Gates, owner of all lands in the land, is wrecking crypto deeper as long as any of us keeps speaking but

my dear and good friend Garibaldi

to us crypto was all or nothing in the first place

either enough to get out

or something to throw in the shredder when the end starts coming

people running business around it though, i bet they aint too happy with their new lord


the heatwave is definitely here




yea all that actually while doing this :

man its HOT ... to you perhaps a meh, to us a "despite the situation and all that happened we can STILL start learning ML and c64 irq programming at this day and age"


push it to see what it says huh

it says nostradamus was right : FIRE


look at that, one point 2 hours past the ritual hour , the body only know shows we pushed it too far again

i guess if it ends in c64 we can go an hour longer before disintegrating


so if we ever were to have another girlfriend makes sure she ends in c64

she'll be all the happier (ho ho ho)


well yeah i was informed were waiting for it (market)to get real ugly first so hang on its coming supposedly :)))


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