Around the house

in #stuff2 years ago (edited)

"stuff you dont have to if you're bezos kid (the one with the tax returns) or musks"


out with the old

the fun fact here is that in modern belgium they dont collect this anymore ... (like "not") you have to carry it to the "container-park" yourself (as you can see it doesnt fit in a backpack so it stacks up for a while)

if you're old people by yourself and dont have a trailer

(meaning this kind :

you can just .. .


i dont know

so rely on someone or hire someone b/c the containers they rent out are building waste only these days

(i aksed, so unless everyone was lying (distinct possibility) its not an option)

got no electricians or mechanics in my phone anymore since that went from 150 to 1 people and stuck here so finally someone in the family agreed to come pick it and drive it , otherwise it would just amass (probably until one of the lower ID-creatures in JoG gets tired enough to whip out the methanol (works wonders on trash piles) but ofcourse you're not allowed to do that either so fines, fines, fines, fines, or hires hires probably the same cost SINCE THEY DONT PICK IT UP ANYMORE, (you used to be able to call if you had a load and they did that, i didnt dream that im sure)

makes me wonder how many boomers and elders are stuck with a load they cant get rid of

and yea

installed this yesterday with old lady addams as assistant while gomez was taking his car for maintenance (maybe its uncle fester these days, they're certainly not getting more normal , but that might be my mutant pov)


a lot smaller than what id personally install but its not my house so thats not my buy and not my money hence not my choice


the belgium way means :

already tried explaining how starting up to earn 5 euros costs you 20k in advance and if you dont make 40 you're in debt 2 years after (no one gets that if you're not central european apparently)

also : how the state promotes solar panels CUZ ECO ! promises subsidies and then with the last batch after eeryone installed them went like "o but theres no money, you cant have the subsidies"

pay it yourself (state-humour)

then you have to direct all the generated power through the state grid, pay for usage, transport, wear, tear, AND DELIVERY (to your home form the shit that comes from your solar panels)

  • VAT

also something that seems to be hard to believe

the addamses got the panels long ago so they're paid off as its called but considering the system the profit is minimal, the house takes most money (as in "casino-house = state)

if all that electricity went to batteries that could be used the cost would be nearly zero for this house and there would be leftover energy during summer for later use


new houses have to come with a rain-reservoir (dug-in, a bit bigger than this 210 liter jar) and ala belge comme a la belge

you pay taxes on the volume (for the water that falls from the sky you collect for use to be ECO)

(also something murricans, chinese and ozzies seem to have a REAL hard time wrapping their head around)

so a small jar like this is different but ofc you cant run a house on that, specially since climate change is already hitting here (and predicted to hit HARD by 2040and+)

and thats "around the house" :)

i WANNA be sufficient but in essence if you do that here you just end up paying more to the state

i dont think you can "not have" an electricity abo or a water abo even if you had the fountain of youth in the garden and you cant have windmills (they're too dangerous according to the protectorate)


before you tell someone to "just do it"

think twice please :)

its gonna be a hot rainless day again

(yea installing that thing wudnt too hard, even if all we had was a rusty nail , a piece of string a kitchen knife and some screwdrivers)

personally the cat manages if its not soldering or putting up a brick wall (you do NOT want me to put up your bedroom wall if you want to live to see the morning sky ... well you might see if it the bricks dont hit your head as it caves in)

and soldering turns out mostly to be avant-garde printplates or looking like a monster from dark souls

otherwise mostly stuff at "screw in a bulb level" like this can manage, given time and no stressing people up my



so we do not get 4k tax returns for the kid (which was me) b/c we dont have a billion and we did not pay $18 in taxes in 2080 b/c we're not amazon

sadly, you need money to do that



why dont poor people do something else?


(this is as good as "without politics" right ? could be considered a #rant maybe at best)

real human stuff

imagine that

11:58 , the saga continues

while we were in second cycle


back on the cat star for an hour, die addams attacked the shed ...

personally , if this were my house

well, if this were my house, id very likely rent it out at belgian prices to go live in a foreign country at foreign prices and get 10x for the same money ( very likely even at this stage in life where im already bodily 95 and such)

"IF" id tear down the shed and replace it with some kind of open pagoda with a little roof for sun-shelter but zero-space for clutter. Sheds are living entities whos purpose in life is to attract clutter you never look at again.
We have come to that conclusion after observing your species and their symbionts for decades now. Cars are even stranger. They convince you you want it, then leash you to it by a banker, then every morning start calling out like a newborn "GET UP GET UP, YOU NEED TO BAAS OR ELSE YOU CANT FEED ME"

humans and their symbionts


so , the gods have not lost their sense of humour, its gonna be 30+ today (celcius) maybe a cool day in vietnam but here its something ill never get used to in this lifetime. If our guy makes it today and is not melting himself and wants to postpone we probably lose 2kg just from sweat-water.

while der addams went to the bakery ... a little while and it'l just be us ... the collective of shards stuck in a broken body

and the last remaining cat - in the middle of enemy territory

but there will be less clutter, thats for sure .. :)

"around the house"


ZeroPolitics, right ? didnt even open 9gag yet



all in all, the fee was ... (belgium style : 128 kg minus 125kg once a year free (probably b/c you get charged for breathing too) comes down to 20 cents

for once


i'll just assume they do that b/c wild-trash is more costly to clean and this way at least most people carry it there

i dont believe for one second they do it out of mercy for the guttertrash

thx to cuz1 for installing that fence and cuz2 for driving out the stuff

so now ?

its 32 degrees

a christmas day in vietnam ?

me :


(in a very manly male version ofcourse)

not just a doompatrol metafor !

there you go ... the exciting life of "not having bezos money" (and not allowed to complain since someone on the planet has less so you should be nice and not want more !)

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