in #stuff2 years ago (edited)

worst in 50 on the 50th , it must be karma ...

Are you ready, rich kids ? another year of this + 10% and next year looting nikes wont be an option

because the stores wont have them


wtb 9 millimeter (no revolver, no gangster glock, something more recent and preferably unfair and belgian) before the home invasions start . I always wanted to pop some invader in the living room while saying something Clint Eastwood would have said, then go viral on tiktok in one fell swoop and

chances are everybody reijk so the average invader wont come with a gun

so a hammer and a knife will do

but that way i might damage the furniture ...

anyone for sale ?

e'erybody gangster so it shouldnt be a problem

or is it

bakkes ?

at any rate, what de J said is now official

thats no tabloid site

noooo, to me it IS a problem, if i were reijk it wouldnt be but im poor

im gonna have to buy a pc with parts that fell off the wagon and a pirated version of windows 11 next year too b/c bill gates had fun crippling everyone's savings that werent in farmland banks



i dont follow humans (not anyone alive anyway) and i definitely bow to no man ... which usually gives issues with any of the three kinds of abrahamic offspring too

im not into gurus but this guy got class , style and certainly insight in the human psyche

i was actually looking for a dissertation i heard once about how Kali (the goddess , not the Yuga or demon) is akin to the supreme being at the center of the universe (= the singularity , the mother of all black holes if you like, the womb of existence) but this is not it, its mentioned in it though

(in case you think im just plotting terrorist attacks as if my name is anders breyvik, i m not ... im too busy keeping busy in the middle of hellhole and also with what's coming since, opposed to everyone around here, i am not reijk, i have to move with a little caution, it doesnt look like gates is gonna say "o , crypto might help poor sods through this ..."

the guy has turned into a total wanker


before my youtube comment gets deleted

My Phone
My Phone
30 minutes ago (edited)
aaah, i was looking, i once heard a whole dissertation by some indian holy man on the comparison between Kali(the goddess not the demon or yuga) and the black hole at the center of the universe, the actual singularity . There's mention of it here but its not that video, ... the man seems to have good jazz ideas though
and also
gods create universes, universes create worlds

worlds create humans to create stories for the gods
because immortality's a b-ch ... des né ?
amazing how ancient filosophy before monotheism are all about explaining the universe, like there you have kali, the singularity, the supreme being at the center of the universe all about perpetual death and rebirth, the only perpetuum mobile in existence - but thats just one facet of "the one" ... which probably makes shiva (as a physical concept) something akin to gravity or the weak and strong force in one as he holds everything in place with his dance (coming from something that must be more than 10.000 years old id say thats some pretty bad-ass thinking)
here ygdrassil, the tree of life which stands for time itself , as Odin hung himself upside down from it and gained ultimate wisdom (which made him the allfather) b/c what he must have seen hanging upside down from time is all possible branches of the future (sadly here in the wetlands, all of those end in ragnarok lol) - so there you have the cycle of yugas (clearly not satya at the moment) which is perpetual. Here you have the inevitable end (its the frozen hell of dante after all)

but all of it is about explaining the whole universe including time itself

while all monotheism (the main ones stem from the original abrahamic one) seems to be all about the domination of the lord

and then in the end

there is no truth other than death , everything else is a question mark so the reward lies in the seeking not the finding

good stuff :)

is what i said there

as one of freyjas cats (i keep saying that) knowledge being 9/10ths of the witches power, in order for the magic to work we have to be prepared for ragnarok but to me

mostly personally, im looking for the witch of the west, i cant find her (and its not hillary or oprah, we checked that)
and the grand connection that must have existed with pan-gaea

from which all came forth there

but the rest is just as real

i am mental wreckage

they did a good job of that


the vid, unless you're really into that stuff and following leader figures because you have a hard time deciding who you are , the actual talk starts at about 12 minutes if you skip the chants , i am omni not hindu and out of 100 self proclaimed gurus id never share a vid for 90 or more but this one really speaks i can see how he gets his harem together

not bad for a guru, tres sage ... ah wait .... sage ... thats something else in french never mind - it gets confusing sometimes with all the interruptions ...

amazed i havent blown that fuse yet but i feel its too early

i wanna see the whole apocalypse before i go


i'll be waiting with my lady in folk vangr



WE feel

YOU live in a very bland and limited world

even your plato tries to teach you that perception is reality

if you deny reality then the part you deny will never be of use to you in getting what you want


yours is a very dull place, my mind wont fit in it

i dont know about any of that

i know she got burned a thousand times to replace her with "the mother of (the new) god" here in these parts

and i think what you consider worship would have disgusted her - i dont believe in gods who want for prayer


what YOU believe is yours

i dont deny anyone the right to

but i do deny them the right to deny me the right to speak


but theirs was a meritocracy

according to the lore they each had their own realm and halls

in the little story there, the cat Thor gets the kittens from is "a single father" (mommy left them)

but likewise women could gain power and esteem by merit

just like their main deities were a L.A.T.-couple

we'll leave out the dualitities i have no intention of preaching, im a polytheist agnostic

im looking for the witch of the west

but the witch of the north ofcourse is closer

and the fire's still burning, forever


and from the looks of it

ragnarok IS coming :)

another failed attempt at "just numbers"

u huh ... im very well aware of that , i think it says so here somewhere, i grew up in the far rightwing of the bird spent 10 years of sundays in the nationalist youth movement to cure the kid from introvert while you were reading bibles and qurans we were playing capture the flag and abduct the leader in the forest

but, my dear and good frend garibaldi (it also says they kicked me out for kissing my girlfriend in uniform and my brain could never function in a framework of geopolicital division)

if you cant make the difference between ancient north-west european filosophy and josef goebels and heinrich himmler ?

i am not your teacher :)

im looking for the witch of the west

and the 300 million you owe me since you fucked my life and i couldnt make them by now

if you dont have either

you have nothing that i want

YO GAST (met je bakkes ...)

its not what i wanted, what i wanted was to stay home and keep busy on that primal computer c64 ... but instead of being a programmer by the age of 12 i got to know all about hiding in the forest and wrestling people for whats in their pockets, sneaking unseen and the vital points where to hit someone, a lot of nationalist crap that never stuck in my head, want computers is niet weirken, and introvert is a condition

i have a good reason to hate your species from a very early age




all the same to me


but im the cat

the early bird got caught

by the cat who stayed up all night

didnt they teach you ANYTHING useful in those schools of yours ?

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