So the universe is an assumption

in #stuff2 years ago (edited)


well nothing's changed then , i like the idea of "empty space curvature" - dark matter sounds more like star wars and scientific corporate garbage language ... but you know

it has to sell :) ... want a budget at nasa ? say you have discovered a cloud of anti-matter drifting our way !

want money from the mericans ? say "we help with china !"

want money from europe ? come over and say "we need money to fight terrerizts"

me want money ? cant even get out of this hole, let alone move to somewhere where something would have been possible

cant even get enough to host a small demo-event


cant get shit

im not the mayors cousin en dat was niet weirken voor een baas

  • it explains why stuff keeps breaking when i leave it in a room where i cant keep an eye on it that isnt barricaded from the world : patches of dark matter come drifting in and small bits of matter fall through a hole in space

exactly how i got here

and then they stuck me in this hole on top of that ....

now every day is yesterday and everythings a trigger

coming from a kid who taught himself to read before 1st grade it sometimes made me wonder

but i know : salems lot is salems lot, wherever you go , computers is niet weirken and

humans are filth

just think of it :

assuming it IS dark matter (but what is dark matter? anyone seen it ? have some at home in the pantry maybe?) .... personally we prefer storm and fire giants and how Odin drapes his mantle and his cape over the sky and the holes in it are the stars where the light peeks through ...

i think thats an assumption thats just as solid



(well not gud, nothing here will ever be gud xept the cat and i have one left)

sure ofcourse : we clearly come from a neither pro nor anti ordered system, but a complex adaptive one that consists of universal self-modifying grey matter

sadly in this dimension of order all is broken since there's no space to move as everything sits in a box

as we say "hope is one of the gates to hell" (no preachers b/c it speaks for itself that you cant have hell without hope ofcourse so have none, its not needed)

we say "chaos is life, order is rigid (death)"

and SO

its not royal plural

its the closest thing to what it is


insert F-words and middle fingers here

how about those 495 million in damages ? (inflation ... intrest .... you konw, it started out as 100 years after it was "get me 5000 and ill try"

its 2023 now

insert N, F b , c and X² words here and more middlefingers than you can fit on an a dancing angel

now if you dont mind

we fear there's een snood plan van drukkerland ongoing, maybe thats why it left us alone last night

cant have hell without repose

its pretty stupid tho, we suspect its human or something

=) <- fake smile ... (yes we can!)

one of our biggest unanswered questions is : is it (theoretically) possible that over time black holes become SO massive the universe will start breathing in again, eventually packing all the data it created ( we would say "unfolded" since as Kosh and the Vorlon say "i have always been here" ) back into a singularity and go

bam !

and off we go again, and SUDDENLY you can have world war 2 again FOR REAL to break down the world to make germany great and the biggest force in europe 50 years later (well thats more or less how it went, not sure if that was goebbels and himmler intention, quite sure Hitler wasnt the sharpest but definitely a tool in more than one way of the word) AND rebuild because all the mines are re-stocked

no one has answered

trying to compile openwrt 22.03 for vocore 2 ultimate with the peripherals and

boy, that takes time

but as the minbari say

"faith manages"


eat that, science :p

( beats star trekwars by lightyears, still does )

x later ....

it always has, back when an old friend of mine (when we was i) brought over the dvds was hooked from 1 ...

a smart guy ten levels above who finished engineering uni cum laude, found it boring, didnt wanna, went to study law (in french) as a flemish speaker, cum laude, did debates for lulz in some kind of pleading club

and like all smart people born in hell who have the option

moved out of the country

---- so

1 hour 40 minutes later ... on a 4ghz cpu with ssd and 32gb of hellfire ram (which according to the norm goes for a "medium" class pc) you'd think compiling an image 10megabytes in size or less would be like "a jifffy"

so its not


and here we sit,



and then they say YOU HAVE TO WAIT and like HOW LONG and then BUT WE HAD TO

had to WHAT ?

until 65 !

o, but you bought a car and a wife and kids and a house and YOU WANTED TO stay here


"talk to the hand"

and so we are unfriendly weirdows

--- but thats okay, we dont like them either, if it werent for them we might have gotten out

... over yonder hill

past the forest of the goblins

---- so we youble "assembly 2023" hoping a demo fell off already and we get

vladimir putin and some weird east-european stuff

was like back when biden made america great again right after the inauguration (where he came to europe, ignored germany, ignored france, went for a private talk with boris jonhnsson (the guy who quit while he was ahead some time later) AND erdogan (your local personal turkish mahatma gaudi for the people)

(which actually means he kinda DIDNT go to europe , only passed by in the capital of kiddie pimps to wave in front of the camera, take a picture and shake hands)

back then when you "order pizza" in google you got "AMERICA" five pages

but okay

thats OKAY , if you KNOW the world then even propaganda is useful information (a lot of the time it can tell you how bad things are as well)


but at assembly they probably busy more selling snowboards and alienware laptops and guys sitting in 360 degrees xyz rotating chairs with 50 50inch screens waving around in VR creating a minecraft building from legos ... someting for the people in disneyland

... so musk is a daddymoney guy too ? (kinda makes sense if you retrospect now) ... a bit like D. "my father just gave me a small loan" Trump and W. "my father didnt really help me make the dough" Buffett ...

it does kinda help, being born in disneyland, like zuck in the bedroom making faceberg b/c hes too socially awkward without the coke to communicate with the family so he writes an in house messenger (and in america where you can run twitter on air for 10 years that can make you a billionnaire)


the futures looking bright

i guess we'll WAIT


by then we'll be 90 or something , even if crypto goes up


and so

2+ hours later

grep: /home/rtxcat/openwrt/build_dir/target-mipsel_24kc_musl/linux-ramips_mt76x8/mt7628-p4rev-120395/./Module.symvers: No such file or directory
touch /home/rtxcat/openwrt/build_dir/target-mipsel_24kc_musl/linux-ramips_mt76x8/mt7628-p4rev-120395/.built
rm -rf /home/rtxcat/openwrt/build_dir/target-mipsel_24kc_musl/linux-ramips_mt76x8/mt7628-p4rev-120395/.pkgdir/kmod-mt7628.installed /home/rtxcat/openwrt/build_dir/target-mipsel_24kc_musl/linux-ramips_mt76x8/mt7628-p4rev-120395/.pkgdir/kmod-mt7628
mkdir -p /home/rtxcat/openwrt/build_dir/target-mipsel_24kc_musl/linux-ramips_mt76x8/mt7628-p4rev-120395/.pkgdir/kmod-mt7628
ERROR: module '/home/rtxcat/openwrt/build_dir/target-mipsel_24kc_musl/linux-ramips_mt76x8/mt7628-p4rev-120395/build/mt7628.ko' is missing.
make[3]: *** [Makefile:74: /home/rtxcat/openwrt/build_dir/target-mipsel_24kc_musl/linux-ramips_mt76x8/mt7628-p4rev-120395/.pkgdir/kmod-mt7628.installed] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/rtxcat/openwrt/package/vocore2/openwrt.1806/mt7628'
time: package/vocore2/openwrt.1806/mt7628/compile#129.47#14.60#142.98
ERROR: package/vocore2/openwrt.1806/mt7628 failed to build.
make[2]: *** [package/Makefile:116: package/vocore2/openwrt.1806/mt7628/compile] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/rtxcat/openwrt'
make[1]: *** [package/Makefile:110: /home/rtxcat/openwrt/staging_dir/target-mipsel_24kc_musl/stamp/.package_compile] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/rtxcat/openwrt'
make: *** [/home/rtxcat/openwrt/include/ world] Error 2


Re: Building OpenWRT from scratch for VoCore2

Sun Nov 27, 2022 4:01 am

I found the mt6828.ko driver and it builds without error now.

But when i load the build to the board it doesnt boot up anymore, the red light comes on but no SSID is broadcast, so i cant do anything anymore i cant connect to it to flash the factory firmware, so its bricked!

Anybody can help?



Posts: 882
Joined: Sun Oct 19, 2014 6:00 am

Re: Building OpenWRT from scratch for VoCore2

Mon Nov 28, 2022 1:01 pm
mt7628.ko driver can not work with default openwrt, it will need the mediatek modified openwrt to support it.
to unbrick a vocore is not hard, check, you will need some cable. If you are using VoCore2 Ultimate, one usb cable is ok to recover from uboot by kermit.

cryptic ... as we said before - "mediatek modified openwrt" ... (???) following the instructions on the site also doesnt get it but HEY

if it worked right away and i could walk into a bank and say "YO, P. lend me a quick billion i wanna buy twitter FAAST") this would be disneyland

the gods would be displeased

we have a working image from the site but we WANT the latest image from openwrt (which works fine with the baseboard, its just that none of the peripherals from the ultimate dock do and any usb device attached appears under /dev/bus which kinda makes it harder to address

(wich actually we have no clue how to address but HEY)

since we're stuck here until death

.. it beats flipping out while realizing we are HERE, not THERE

--- allright then better luck next time

since the universe is an assumption

and 9phd scientists use alchemy to try and figure out the universe (hm what does this shroom do? will it make ma grow or pa shrink?)

we dont feel too bad about THAT at least

if its too much

try having our life

i bet you would be hanging from a rope 20 years ago


mmmm, we already unbricked the previous voc several times, its not rocket science either (but the more we see the more we find everyone just assuming - ... its a good thing newton was right about a few things at least or it would be a lot of fireworks) but thats what we're trying to avoid here : taking it out of the case - last time it dislodged and one of the pins bent and from there it went south and souther

until finally we removed the pins and connected it with jumper cables but since we dont have gear to remove solder properly actually two of the pins tore a hole through the plastic board and the jumper cables didnt really sit tight and after x times (we assume (lol lol OLOLOL-) -) its a short circuit

right, lets see if we can unbrick the addamses phone now i hear someone arriving

allright, in classic Addams style everything was solved without solution (but no one told anyone anything) so here we sat and sit - pavlov gnome, always with the unsollicited advice on "how to do mundanes" tried to let us know "this is too long, mate" and again ... mundanes are the most common pattern on the planet (thats b/c its hard to follow flies or microbes en masse from within this prisoncell:: a body broken) so they're easy to recognize, and since its so common, most of the time not TOO hard to predict (even the ones who have their own iDENTITY ! but actually sit in a subculture that is a total derivative from the mainstream including the same ruleset like "this is gud word / this is bad", this is how you dress, this is how you walk ... it just cant get that that is still the same pattern , its just inked differently ...

tssss "MUNDANES"

so actually, if mundanes all spoke level 0 human language (body) you wouldnt find it hard to have shinigami eyes yourself but if you did you wouldnt be the middle of the bell curve

HENCE, you, according to you, would be not normal , which according to you is an equivalent or synonym for BAD which according to us (said plenty times) is YOU wanting to be in the middle of the group where its hardest for the bear in the cave to reach and eat you when it comes out

nothing much changed

and we have always been here

since the fish crawled out of the sea and got goosebumps from the thing that lurks in shadows, which is probably older than the bear in the cave BUT STILL a driving force

so that which is weird , in your cro-magnon mindset, erect or not with or without the viagra

is potentially a hazard


"just call it an autist" - its not , but once classified you'll feel safer

and that's safer for us

no pitchforks

no burning witches and SO , pavlov gnome, with the unwanted advice, we call someone who crawls up someones ass uninvited

fingerquote a r a p i s t unfingerquote

we KNOW its too long for generation ADD and also for most normal people (we prefer mundanes)

but we dont write this for them

we kinda "just wrote this"

and thats that

nothing to prove

you know, if we wanted exposure, we could have kept that facebook account with the 3500 friends which now probably would have been 10k or more or something


and the ones we look for, the others, Alice ...

they're gone since here

since here its pavlov gnome, which reeks of human construct and we seem to display behaviour you would attribute to some brainwashed wreck being tried to make do something that goes against its being

so, since it was too long

now it is TOO LONGER !!!


eat faeces and die

<--- very woke yea ?

hmpf, showered and ready for 1st cycle , lets see if it thinks it can try again since it left us alone last night (OR didnt get through while doing bubblegum galaxy conversionbytes)

You know, its nice to see your ideas stolen, not get paid, stomped in a hole and then see them raped and corrupted into some kind of political mold and not work out (b/c OFCOURSE NOT if you smack a diamond into a cube its bound to lose parts or clatter around and cause hot air from the friction) but have you no shame, brother Lal, do your own research

if this doesnt intrest you thats fine, i believe the commander stated we will do #ourstuff now (see how this keeps coming) b/c the world is past the point of no return and we are quite convinced this lauds the end of the sumerian era and the phoenix cant rise unless conditions are right BUT

unlike the 1950/60s

you have eroded, overpopulated, halfdead-mined, cracked open and not to mention caused the planet to have an allergic reaction spewing antibodies to the rash on its skin as its auto-immune system tries to keep up (its a living connected thing after all, or isnt it ? its "only natural" that it has those reactions)

so ein frischer krieg (assuming you have goebbels et al material readily available, a hitler is probably not too hard to find, lots of angry failed artists who survived world war one (in one or other way))

did you know one of the reasons he was loathe to use chemicals in warfare is b/c the little man once survived a gas attack and probably still had nightmares of it ? (look it up , forgot the title , its a book on chemical warfare mostly during WW1 - which doesnt forget to mention lots of places including euramerican still have stockpiles so lets hope bearded men preaching monotheism dont accidentally get the key to that)

SO ... we dont write to intrest you , we write b/c we wrote it as it just happened to come out, thats why cusswords rarely get ed.-out among other things

but see here you have doc S ... and you have startalk

all made 'for the plebs' who thinks "smart people watch the big bang theory" and watch it so they're smart

on your knees for the charity these people here provide, pleb ...

not sure if Sarc Sabine wrote books for toddlers but if memory serves (from the right dimension) astrophysics in a hurry is Tysons work to educate your children (its too late for you, face it) on "why you have always been here"

you CAN read, right ?

you certainly seem to be able to complain about someone writing something you dont wanna read

.... SO

.... Sagans classic ofcourse, if you got through all that and still havent started a book burning to watch telly

then maybe its interesting to you

otherwise it might not be

either way bad for Zathrass lol (Zathrass always gets the short end and thus)

look at the time ...

is that worth 2 cents you think ?

which we cant even cash in under a million otherwise the state takes all heheh

yea fuck that shit

and do your own research, brother Lal

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