Challenges Faced by Indian Students While Studying AbroadsteemCreated with Sketch.

Going abroad for higher studies is a unique and life-changing opportunity that lets you grow exponentially at personal, professional, and academic levels. In addition to this, numerous other benefits are associated with this opportunity. However, you cannot simply deny the fact that this golden opportunity comes with countless challenges as well.

But the main question is – what this opportunity looks like for Indian students? Well! It is not easy at all but can be made by putting efforts in the right direction. While planning to study abroad, students may have an ocean of questions to ask.


Even though one of the best overseas consultants in Chandigarh can provide you with the answers, they might forget to tell you the following challenges that you will face:

1. Time zone and related issues

Navigating two different time zones of two different countries can be extremely frustrating because you always need to double-check the appropriate time for your current zone. Furthermore, you will need to make habit of making an early morning or late night calls to your loved ones. If you have never been away from your near and dear ones, then you may feel homesick as well and find it quite difficult to settle in. To deal with this issue, you must learn the ways to handle your emotions while living alone.

2. Accommodation problems

Just like time zone annoyance, finding an affordable yet safe accommodation is equally challenging. Even though after a lot of research and chase, you will find some good and pocket-friendly options but what about the distance and connectivity with your university and other necessary amenities! You can ask your abroad education consultants in Chandigarh about some safe accommodation options close to your university having impressive infrastructure but within your budget.

3. Financial and other related issues

We all know that going abroad for further studies is an expensive affair; it is quite obvious that you may face financial issues at some point or another! While discussing the tuition fees with your study abroad consultants in Chandigarh, it is suggested to ask them about the other expenses such as living expenses, accommodation, travel costs, health insurance, stationery, food, etc. You may also need a laptop or PC for your studies, so consider the cost of these gadgets as well while calculating the total amount you need during your stay. Do not forget to ask them about the resources where you can go to get some immediate funds in case of an emergency.

4. Language barriers

There are nations such as the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, etc. where English is the first language of communication. Without exceptional language skills, it will extremely be difficult for you to settle in. It is because without breaking the language barriers, you cannot effectively communicate with others and convey your message. Apart from this, it will become difficult for you to understand others as well. To cope up with this issue, it is good to join IELTS classes so that you can prove your efficiency in the language.

5. Living alone and independently

If you are living alone for the very first time, then managing cooking, washing, cleaning, etc. will be a huge challenge in front of you. Since hiring a maid is not easy in foreign countries, you will need to learn to manage everything on your own. For instance, in nations like the UK, you need to pay on an hourly basis to the domestic servants. It is simply quite difficult to afford. So, it is best to do everything on your own.


Going abroad for higher studies is undeniably a life-changing experience but it is filled with numerous challenges including the ones listed in this post. You must sit down with your study abroad consultant in Chandigarh and discuss everything so that these challenges do not surprise you and you have the best time in your dream country!

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