Studying Help

in #studyhelp3 years ago

Unfortunately, not being able to focus is a common issue amongst many people but the good news is there are multiple ways to remedy the issue.
When dealing with the inability to focus one must figure out what it is that they do focus on easily and why. It is simply because they enjoy the issue and find it important, so when it comes to studying it is not “fun” so it may be helpful to remind yourself of the importance of the subject at hand. It also helps to try and make studying a bit more exciting. Making a game out of the material or a song. The more creative you make the absorption of material, the more memorable it is.
In order to increase your concentration power you can recite a small chant or matra you know. The trick with this technique is that you have to close your eyes and see each letter of the mantra/chant while you recite it. If your chant for example is, “God is great” then you close your eyes and recite the phrase while seeing each letter as you go along, like this “G-O-D-I-S-G-R-E-A-T.” Do this for 10 minutes everyday, before you start studying. Overtime you will experience the results yourself, as your concentration and grasping power will have increased. Many people have tried this technique and it has worked for them. You can too!
Another thing, which you might have already heard but really helps, is to stop watching TV for at least a month before your exams and during your exams. If you do this, your mind will be less distracted while you are studying and you will be able to focus better. If you are having a hard time not watching TV, then you persuade yourself not to. It is only for a month or so and you can watch all your favourite TV shows later. This way you will be able to enjoy yourself more because the stress of your exams will no longer be looming over your head. In the end, the choice is yours.
It is also important to be patient with yourself. Do not critic yourself or beat yourself up because that does not serve any good purpose. It will only further agitate your state of mind. Instead be your own motivating cheerleader. Talk to yourself, tell yourself you are capable. It also helps to celebrate the mini victories and create incentives. For example, “If I study for this long, I will treat myself to ….” Take breaks when you get overwhelmed and then get right back on track. You are capable of optimal attention capacity as long as you are patient with yourself and you apply these simple tricks.
Best of luck!


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