Useful Tips to Deal with Homesickness While Studying Aboard in New Zealand

in #studyabroad4 years ago

Leaving your home and loved ones and going thousands of miles away for study purposes is not an easy thing. One of the biggest challenges that bother students going abroad for higher education is homesickness. It is the feeling to be surrounded by familiar and friendly things or simply being home. Some common symptoms of this feeling can be anxiety, sadness, and lack of appetite. Now the question is why this has happened? Well! The only reason for this is simply the absence of familiar things or surroundings. Going abroad like New Zealand to pursue your dream course comes with so many challenges – cultural differences, unknown environments, language barriers, and different eating habits.

So, how to make this challenging transition easy and smooth? You can connect with your study in New Zealand consultant to know the ways or simply read out the tips mentioned below to deal with homesickness:

1. Stay connected with your loved ones i.e. friends and family members

It is always a good idea to have some healthy conversations with your family members and close friends to find some comfort. However, you should not talk to them too much as it could stop you from easily settling down to the new place as well. Yes, it is important to stay connected with them but it is advisable not to spend the whole day talking to them. See! Life is all about balancing different things so distribute your time to every activity.

2. Try to make and feel your new place as your home

Just because you are away from your home or bedroom, it does not mean you ignore your new place. You must understand that you will be there for 2-3 years so it is good to decorate it the way you want. For instance, you can hang up some photographs of your near and dear ones or keep your favorite stuff to make the new place more friendly and comfortable. In addition to this, go out, explore your host country to find the best spots to eat, and enjoy the lone time. All these activities will keep you busy and homesickness at bay. You can also ask your New Zealand education consultants about such places.

3. Do meditation and exercise daily

Doing some meditation in the morning or going for a morning or evening walk is the easiest way to deal with this issue and get familiar with the surroundings. All these activities will keep your mind relax and help you feel stress-free.

4. Give some time to your hobbies or activities you enjoy

Just because you are away from your home and free to do anything, do not mess-up with your daily routine. For instance, if you love painting, then you can join art classes or if dance is your passion, then you can check your university’s student union to check if there is any dance group. If you truly want to cope up with homesickness, then give some time to your passions and hobbies. These are the easiest way to settle down in the new surroundings.

5. Utilize your time by exploring new activities

Never focus on negative changes. So, it is important to keep track of the things you have done. For instance, you can start a blog to share stories, interesting facts, and your experience with others. You can also make a YouTube channel to share mesmerizing views and popular places in the country. These interesting activities will help you easily deal with homesickness. Again, you can ask your New Zealand education consultants about the must-visit places.

6. Learn more about your host country New Zealand

Not everyone gets a chance to study abroad and pursue their dreams. But when you have this opportunity, maximize it. While in New Zealand, it is suggested to explore it and know about its history, cultures, traditions, social norms, values, ethics, people, and everything. By doing this, you will feel more familiar and connected to your host country and ultimately beat homesickness.

  1. Have some patience
    Going to completely a new place, making a home, and maintaining your normal routine is a long process. All these cannot be done in a single day. So, have some patience and be kind to everyone including yourself. Nothing will settle down overnight, so be positive and be patient. Eventually, everything will start falling immaculately into the right place.

Wrapping Up!

Just because you are feeling homesick today, does not mean you will feel that way forever. It is quite normal to miss your loved ones when you are away and in unfamiliar surroundings. But, things will settle down if you allow them. So, do not think much and just go with the flow or consult with yourstudy in New Zealand consultant in case you have any doubt or query.

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