Back to university

in #study6 years ago

That moment when you look at the clock, you can not even close your eyes to finally sleep, your emotions are on the edge and all because you urgently want it to be the day of returning to college. It definitely only happens in movies.


Welcome to the official article number 2 of @stanestyle

Today I started the university again. I know what you are thinking: Today is not Thursday? - I know, is not that terrible? But the holiday period has 45 days no matter what happens, or should be.

So, I tell you, this week I prepared myself psychologically for this, but this morning I got up at 5:00 am to be able to get to my class at 7:00 am and my bed was so tempting; that was not weird since I always have trouble getting up but I did not really want to go, although I had to do it because the last time I lost classes pluton stopped being a planet to be a dwarf planet. As you suppose, I am exaggerating; But all this made me think why I do not want to go? I always loved going to school and to high school when I was younger.

En esto se resume esta dolorosa historia.

In my country, universities do not have residences for university students, therefore you do not live in a campus and you share residence with your friends or anything like that. We mostly live with our parents, or only 8 to 15% live alone or rent rooms closer because they live far away. So it does not matter how far you live from college, you still have to get there early, and that in my first years of college was easy but now being able to take public transport to get there on time is a new scene from Avengers infinity wars. [DESMOTIVATION NUMBER ONE: ARRIVING IS A GOAL]

Besides this, I already said that most of us live with our parents and we all know that parents are very bipolar with respect to their student children, basically because they say that the most important thing is to study and I really believe that for them it is, but also for them, the important thing is that they see you well occupied. Why? Because it is disturbing and it causes you a great discomfort to see someone relaxed when you spend the whole day working. So if you are not with your head stuck in a notebook because you managed to have a moment to rest you have to do something from home so that they do not think you are lazy. [REMOVAL TWO: THERE IS NEVER A BREATH]

We also have factor three, which is: work. The university students who work are like superman, I mean them; If I worked and studied, I did not feel like talking to anyone. That's why I take vacations to work. Then most of my colleagues do not work, and this is not because we are lazy, but because in the university they demand too much. When you can not stand that pressure, it's when you enroll in a private university and although you have to pay a fortune there, everything is easier. So we do not work, so we do not have any income and nobody is going to pay us to study. [DESMOTIVATION THREE: WE ARE SOMETHING POOR]

I have many demotivations but I'll summarize it in four. And the last one is that studying more than an act of love for your future is a sacrifice. This demotivation is very personal, because I am in the eighth semester of my career, I only need two more and I am ready; but now the university has no new students, that is, nobody wants to start a university career in these times, and this for economic reasons - social in general, so in the university there are very few people, and most are unmotivated, finally wishing get out of there as if it were a pigsty. And it's painful, because when I started college it was like a city full of fun and amazing things, I could find a certain taste in going and studying, giving the most of you; However, that emotion vanished, but I still want to graduate.
So this is my article today. Some people have more basic demotivations that I can obviously have: I do not like to wake up early, some teachers do not like me, among others. But today I only thought about these


In spite of everything there is a day from time to time that the university I love, and it is when there are graduations, it bristles my skin just thinking when it is my turn. Happy family members, graduation dresses, medals, acts, the achievement of a goal. Those things have no price. Wish me luck that the race is tough.

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