How to Stop Procrastinating and Start to Learn?

in #study6 years ago

With so many distractions, especially social media, that is much harder now to focus on studies. It is not surprising that most students find it hard reading literature and would rather spend time browsing the internet. At every level of education, to pass exams and acquire certain qualifications students had to put efforts in their studies.

To study well, you should at first focus on what school is putting ahead of you. Your main idea is doing the appropriate school tasks at the right time to avoid piling up reading materials, especially when exams are around the corner. While this can be quite easy for some people, others find it challenging because of a particular trait called procrastination. We will look at why this is unhealthy for you, and ways to overcome it to achieve your learning objectives.


“I’ll do it tomorrow,” “Oh, I am so tired today, I can’t read that one page. I will do it tomorrow”. Do these sentences sound familiar? A definition of procrastination you should be familiar with is the act of putting aside or postponing what should be done today to another day entirely. This could be simple activities like studying for a test, doing an assignment or writing an important essay work.

When you have the chance to do a specific school task and get it over with, but you get distracted by other things like paper writing — a click here and a click there on the computer, and suddenly, you don’t feel like doing your dissertation anymore. You then decide to postpone it to another time. Doing this once or twice might not look harmful until it becomes a habit and you discover that you have so much to do only days before your final assessments! And you wonder what you had done with all your time. This is one of the reasons why procrastination is called a thief of time. As a student, however, there are things you can do to ensure that your term paper doesn’t ever get caught up in such an unpleasant situation.


The first thing to remember is that it takes you from making up your mind to do anything related to your studies. You would need to discipline yourself and be ready to do what you need to do. Otherwise, you might not achieve any reasonable results.

In addition to this, here are a few helpful tips bound to help:

1. Getting rid of distractions
The truth be told: you won’t retain much when you decide to study in the wake of your friends cheering a game or music playing from your laptop. It is recommended to get rid of anything that you know would pose a potential source of distraction to you — phones, laptops (except the one used to access the resources) or any other technological distraction.

2. Setting goals and objectives
Setting goals for yourself could be very helpful, especially in achieving maximum knowledge of your subjects before any final assessment. You could do this alone or have someone close to you that can hold you accountable at specific times. Setting goals is one tip that when applied effectively, helps you to curb the habit of postponing things because you know that you have other things planned for your time.

3. Seeking help
Senior colleagues, successful students in your class, a legit writing service — these are among a few examples of people or groups that can offer you the needed help in dealing with procrastination. They can also be instrumental in helping you cover up for lost time in cases where you have limited time to catch up with your assessments.

4. Nutrition and rest
Your mind and body always need to be replenished energy-wise. It is important to eat regularly and exercise well during your assessment periods. Also, remember to take time off to relax whenever you feel too tired to continue reading. Don’t push yourself too much; you might end up not remembering anything.
Generally, it is important to remember that following these tips require one to be willing and ready to sacrifice. With persistence and determination, however, it is possible to achieve the needed results and do away with procrastination completely.

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