in #student3 months ago



"Students at a growing number of U.S. colleges and universities are forming anti-Israel protest encampments on campus in a unified demand that their schools divest from Israel.

"The protests began with more than 100 students at Columbia University in New York City and have spread from Massachusetts to California and Tennessee to Texas...."


  1. Allow the students to protest.
  2. If the protests result in harm to people or damage to property, arrest the offenders.
  3. If the protests prevent classes from being held or prevent university business from being conducted, arrest the offenders.
  4. If violent student protests persist, threaten to expel the offenders from their college or university. If the violent protests still continue, expel the offenders -- permanently!
  5. Any student "demands" that "their schools divest from Israel" should not be met, and the students should be told in no uncertain terms 1) that any illegal actions taken by students may result in arrest or expulsion or both, and 2) that the administration is open to hearing the students' arguments and suggestions, but that student "demands" will be neither dignified nor met. Students have a right to protest and to request. They have no right to demand, and they certainly have no right to insist that their demands be met.

(Note: When I was a student we blocked the freeway to protest the bombing of Cambodia. To the best of my recollection, we didn't threaten or harm anyone, nor did we damage or destroy any property.)

Protesting is one thing. Threatening and harassing students or faculty is something else, and that should not be tolerated at an institution of higher education -- regardless of the cause the students wish to highlight.

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