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RE: Ulog # 079 | Walking to the Ateneo in Cumaná (more pictures added)

in #streetphotography5 years ago

Thank you very much, @porters, for stopping by and commenting. The colonial architecture of our towns is admirable and inspiring to the eye, but it has been disappearing. Very few houses or buildings have been preserved or renovated. I'll post shortly about the house of one of our local poets, Andrés Eloy Blanco, who actually became a world figure in the 30s and 40s because he was also a politician, and whose house was turned into a museum, but as we could see yesterday in a short visit, it has lost much of its splendor.
This government of ours has been destructive both by actions and ommisions.


Such a shame to have a government that is destructive and not working towards seeing the country prosper! We have very weak leaders here and it can be very frustrating!

Thanks for stopping by, @porters
I guess it is a global crisis, that of leadership. Fortunatelly for some countries, things work and can be improved despite their problematic political leaders.

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