Winter Evening Street Photography

Night Vision

I'm invisible at night

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My meeting with the mystery company ended just in time for the rush hour in the city today, so I decided to walk half of the journey home because I truly detest the rush hour on London Underground.

Since I always have a camera with me, I decided to do some night time photography. The thing is, it wasn't really night, it had just gone past 5pm, but since we're in winter now, the sun sets very early and everything goes dark by 5pm - especially on a cloudy day like today was.

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One awesome thing about night photography in winter is, all the windows are illuminated. You get a unique view of people at work, in cafés and restaurants, e.t.c., that you wouldn't normally get in day time or on summer nights. You can pretty much walk all the way to the window and take a photo, while being virtually invisible to your subjects. That's a kind of holy grail scenario for street photographers - the ability to capture a scene without disturbing it.

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I'm quite a large person, so I'm not as "invisible" as other people doing street photography. I have to move more slowly and be a bit more patient to get the same photos some other - not so physically present - people would get without much bother.

Winter evenings are perfect for me since I can disappear like others do and just capture undisturbed scenes.


Peace and Love ✌🏿

All copy and photos are original content by me.


Thanks for the inspiration. One day/night I will be a stealthy night-clicker like yourself ;) Great pics, my favourite is the girl coming out of the doorway.

:) I'm glad you like them. That's also my favourite of the shots.

Hah. A nightcrawler sneaking and taking photos of people...nice!

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haha thanks.

I'm a fan of the cafe shot. That's most likely me sitting in there drinking a hot cup of coffee and warming my hands a bit. Love B&W.

I thought you looked familiar :)

What is this mystery company, gandalftorrent?

Will it cause steem to moon?

Nice photos!

Posted using Partiko Android

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