🎨 Streetart Luxembourg #16 - "Chocolate Brownies" 🌰🍪 - [BENELUX]
It´s time to get back on track with the LUXEMBOURG COLOR SERIES... !!! We already had GREEN, PINK, BLUE, VIOLET, ORANGE, WHITE and BLACK 😊
This episode here shows you the BROWN ones. And remember... all the heaps of nice pics... they are all from one and the same place. This areal is just fu"$%%ng awesome! More about the place: Service de Sports. There is as well the Skate Park Hollerich in one of the storehouses.
And... still some more colors to go, stay tuned!
Location: Graffiti Bonanza, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
Camera: Nikon D5300
No filter, no editing
Photographer: @vagabundler
More Photos from this series [STREETART - LUXEMBOURG]:
- Streetart Luxembourg #1 - "First the sights"
- Streetart Luxembourg #2 - "Window Man"
- Streetart Luxembourg #3 - "Lobo Rocks"
- Streetart Luxembourg #4 - "Service de Sports"
- Streetart Luxembourg #5 - "Garage Mouth"
- Streetart Luxembourg #6 - "Side Bar Monk"
- Streetart Luxembourg #7 - "Green Parade"
- Streetart Luxembourg #8 - "Pink Secundus"
- Streetart Luxembourg #9 - "Blue Collection"
- Streetart Luxembourg #10 - "Violet Purples"
- Streetart Luxembourg #11 - "Orange is the new Orange"
- Streetart Luxembourg #12 - "Black Night"
- Streetart Luxembourg #13 - "White Edition"
- Streetart Luxembourg #14 - "Trumpelmann”
- Streetart Luxembourg #15 - "Skate Park Hollerich"