Streetart Mural on Cerro Polanco in Valparaiso - #2 "Skinless Face" - [CHILE]

in #streetart6 years ago


I saw this streetart mural of the huge skinless muscle face on Cerro Polanco in Valparaiso in Chile. It is quite astonishing to stand in front of the artwork, especially the effect with the usage of the window as a opening eye and way into the head. The background is as well open sea and sky, adventurous and free. I was wondering about the message, it looks like behind the human skin we are all flesh and blood and there is a whole world behind the face in everybodys mind to explore. Metaphorical they used it for the house, the walls are the skin, every house is made of some material, but behind each window new private and deeper worlds start at the little subcultures called homes. The whole city between the coast and all the cerros (=hills) is just one big piece of streeart. Wonderful!

More Photos from this series:
Streetart Cerro Polanco - #1

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