Street Art Series #29 - Cats on the door in the color street
Cats on the door in the color street
This piece of art can be found in the color street of Stavanger just next to bøker&børst coffeeshop.
Artwork by Anette Moi
Original (4608x3456)
Location: Fargegaten, Stavanger, Norway
Camera: Nikon P900
No filter have been used
No editing have been made to these photos
Photographer: @flatman
Latest Post: Moon Series #28 - February 22nd 2018
I love that street! Great artwork by :)
Thank you for that info :)
My pleasure😊
Anette Moi! Hun er så flink. Kult bilde.
Ja hun er ikke så verst, hun vet hva hun driver med :) takk for fin upvote :)
the work is amazing, but it would be more wonderful if the color of the Wall beside was also given a color that resembles the background images ...
thanks @flatman for best art
the colors of the walls in this street are all different hence the name "the color street"
'Cats on the door in the color street '
I really enjoy getting your post. Its looking simple commonly. its has a creative things of this photography. Thank you very much for sharing this post with us.
Nice one.
I like your post.It looks simple funny.
Thank you
That is an amazing, folksy work of street art! Love to see stuff like that. We are so boring in our choices, when so much expression is possible, even in simple ways like this. Nice! Great post! I was just stopping by to say hi, thanks for your recent support, and leave you a little upvote and comment. Stop by for more stories and contests any time! @markrmorrisjr
Thanks for stopping by. Its good you remind me, I tend to forget to stop by sometimes, I think i'm getting old :p I will for sure have a look at what you have been up to since last time, and the @dolphinschool
Kjempe kult med slik gatekunst:-)
Det er ikke mye tradisjon for slikt i Norge, ser mye av dette i utlandet hvor det virker som om det er mye mer stas å dekorere hus og hage med ulike former for kunst. Liker når folk vil skille seg ut og ikke bryr seg alt for mye om hva «alle» mener.
Ja det livner opp livet i gatene med nuart!
Her i byen er det endel av det, men dette eg nok fordi vi har NuartFestivalen hvert år.
Kjekt med variasjon