Streamity The New Era: Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchanger P2P With Smart-Contracts: The Trusted Market in Our Hands

in #streamity20186 years ago (edited)

Streamity The New Era: Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchanger P2P With Smart-Contracts: The Trusted Market in Our Hands

Writing about Cryptocurrencies is referring to one of the fastest growing investment markets in recent years. Contradictorily, until today there was no efficient platform for the exchange between FIAT and Cryptocurrency, safely and at low cost.

Until, fortunately for us, Streamity appeared, as a decentralized Blockchain platform, designed to meet the needs of users; with the ability to carry out reliable, fast and low-cost transactions; in addition, to keep us informed in real time with news, analysis, opinions and resources of interest, to be used by us, to appreciate investments and to help us make the best decisions, in the complicated and volatile world of cryptocurrencies.

It is noteworthy that the Streamity developers created the excellent StreamDesk service for the exchange of currencies transparently and securely; this being the first decentralized platform for the referred exchange between FIAT money and cryptocurrencies, in a very efficient, equitable and without intermediaries; guaranteeing fair and secure deals, thanks to the architecture of Smart-Contracts and its efficient API.

That is, through StreamDesk, an effective P2P exchange can be made between users, their cryptocurrencies and FIAT currencies, enhanced by the corresponding actions and requirements of the platform, avoiding fraud and reducing associated costs.

Streamity: P2P, Blockchain and Decentralization

Therefore, thanks to the use of P2P, Smart-Contracts and Blockchain of Streamity Technology and its StreamDesk, users can enjoy greater speed in transactions, great stability and without losing resources of bandwidth, while we successfully perform our exchange transactions.

In addition, Streamity and its decentralized, distributed and secure P2P Database Application Platform allow us to operate our currency exchange transactions with confidence, to offer us optimal experiences, without being affected by Internet connections and without the need to use other services and intermediaries that usually increase the costs of the referred operations.

In other words, the Blockchain of the Streamity P2P platform will mean that users will be completely protected against fraud, bad exchanges or unfair agreements; providing greater confidence, minimum and transparent commissions, updated market prices and current rates of the main cryptocurrency exchange markets. Being the above, part of the excellent features of Streamity, which do not have the other existing solutions currently.

Streamity: Streamdesk And Smart-Contract

Streamity introduces as an operation requirement, the creation of a Smart-Contract or Purchase/Sale Agreement between the parties, in which each user must comply with certain parameters and security requirements to avoid scams (based on KCY: Know Your Costumer), Such way that when the user is authorized by the platform, one can proceed with the exchange of coins with the guarantee that the process is free of fraud or hidden expenses.

In this sense, the interested parties make use of the Smart-Contract to block the quantities offered and can not be withdrawn untimely; obligating the certainty that the purchase/sale offer will be fulfilled and each of the parties will receive the agreed upon in the estimated time, when the payments are released simultaneously and without errors.

As an example: if a user "A" wants to buy Cryptocurrencies from a user "B", then the data of both users is verified, if everything is correct (authorized user), then the parties are allowed to make a SmartContract of buy/sell with Streamity's excellent StreamDesk service. The Smart-Contract will be activated upon receipt of the platform agreed by both parties; then, in accordance with the operation in both cases, the assets will be exchanged, being that simultaneously "A" will receive what is sent by "B", while "B" will receive what is sent by "A". In this way, both parties will obtain satisfactorily what is expected and without risks of losses, deceptive offers or frauds.

Streamity: News, Informations, Analysis and Educational Resources

Due to the volatility of cryptocurrencies and motivated in the noble intention of helping us with necessary to perform satisfactory operations; Streamity offers us a valuable educational support that will help us to make correct decisions based on truthful and up-to-date information, in order to buy or sell cryptocurrencies at the best possible moment.

Therefore, Streamity promotes Education, with news, information and updated analysis (free); where the Streamity workers, the external experts and the users themselves will place their successful articles about the cryptocurrency market (Streamity will reward by payment with its cryptocurrency STM for the publications made by the users); propitiating sharing their valuable knowledge and experiences with all of us.

More About Streamity

Streamity starts a new era, connecting users with confidence among themselves, with the market and with their own cryptocurrencies, through good algorithms; to continue expanding and improving investment, marketing, information and education activities in the world of cryptocurrencies; based on Blockchain technology and Artificial Intelligence, with high levels of security, transparency, freedom, efficiency, speed, equity and solid reliability; to encourage higher levels of participation without intermediaries or extra commissions, reducing costs and increasing benefits to users.

The way to maintain low commissions (between 0 and 2%) is through Blockchain technology and artificial intelligence, allowing the development of algorithms that perform operations more efficiently than others.

To end, I must emphasize that Streamity promotes a massive service of income of good and honest users for the exchange of Cryptocurrencies more profitable to FIAT or between Cryptocurrencies, promoting the massive adoption of Cryptocurrencies around the world.

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hola profe aqui vendo su trabajo de calidad

Ver este post me hace sentir la necesidad de hacer un curso intensivo sobre criptomonedas

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