BOND Film Platform — what’s so cool about it?

in #streaming7 years ago

Let’s talk about the most thrilling point: why BOND is called a universal solution for the industry. The BOND Film Platform is two services in one: a subscription-based video streaming service featuring content from independent creators; and a crowdinvesting platform, which allows anyone to invest in and profit from new film and video projects.

BOND is a platform for interaction of three parties — authors (content creators), viewers (users) and investors. If you prefer you can act in one, two or all three aspects being a viewer and investor, or investor, or creator and viewer. At the same time, the BOND platform removes borders — a user from California can watch and invest in content produced in Japan, an author from Moscow can get investments for his project from anywhere in the world and share revenues with his investors.


So, let’s look at each activity step by step. The author (creator) publishes his own content on the platform. When users watch and/or like some content, its author receives a share of the revenue gained by the Bond Platform from user subscription fees. Authors can also publish Content Proposals to gain funding from the crowdinvestors. Creators may submit a proposal for a script or series pilot, or present an already-produced pilot in order to seek investment for a full series production. Users who like the proposal and want to support the authors in making of the new content can invest any amount into any project they wish. When authors produce new content and publish it on the platform, they and those crowd Investors who invested in their content proposal will receive the corresponding percentage of the revenues collected from user subscriptions.
User (subscriber) pays a small monthly subscription fee to get access to all content published on the platform. The basic monthly subscription fee amounts to $ 7. The user’s subscription fee is then distributed among all authors whose content this user watched and/or liked during the subscription period (one month).
Any user can become an investor by simply investing into any content proposal created by any author and thus becoming eligible for percentage of future revenues from this content. Bond Platform provides UIX, own cryptocurrency and Smart Contract mechanism to ensure that the service’s economy works securely, transparently and smoothly for all types of its users.


Thus, BOND meets all the needs of all participants of the process starting with search for investments in a project, production of content, making profits for authors and investors, and ending up with watching your favorite video products. Follow the updates and you will learn how the proposed scheme actually works and why all the BOND participants are in win-win situation.

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