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RE: Strategy - what is it and how can we create one that works? Can the blockchain play a role?

in #strategy7 years ago

Great article! I've been also thinking this kind of stuff and how it relates to blockchains.

It's not easy to govern a blockchain. When it's really decentralized, planning becomes quite hard. People come and go as they please, some of them are known only by a nickname. There is usually no real institution built around the blockchain. This makes decision making really hard, as we can see what's happened with Bitcoin, it can't make a decision how to scale even the system is suffering greatly in it's current form.

You might be interested in this article I wrote a couple months ago: Two sides of the blockchain coin: technology and organization


Thanks for this thoughtful feedback, @samupaha. I agree with you that organisations fully on the blockchain would need to be governed in a completely different way from the way that companies are currently governed - and as you probably know better than I do, there are advocates of the blockchain completely replacing companies. I don't know that I'm fully convinced that would work for the provision of all goods and services currently traded in the world! My point (probably not that well articulated) was more that blockchain based solutions could assist particularly with stakeholder engagement and reporting for those companies which already buy into the integrated management concept, which emphasises forward-looking governance.

There's a lot of thinking needed before we get there....

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