Why No Strategy Can Resist the Facts of Life

in #strategylast month

A goal is a simple idea to grasp. It's easy to explain what the goal is, even to a kid. Strategy, on the other hand, makes people hesitant, like "advanced physics." A lot of people think that not everyone can understand strategy.

“The teacher who calls his course "advanced physics" finds the subject he will teach complicated; otherwise, he would have said "basic physics,"" said Luiz Alvarez, winner of the Nobel Prize in physics. He said.

In fact, plan is as simple as the word "goal." "To where?" If the goal is the answer to the question "How?" Plan is the answer to the question. Plan is how to get to the goal.


If you want to be great, you must first set a goal and then choose the way, or strategy, to reach that goal.

People who give up on their plan at the first problem they face and try something else usually fail.

To build a business, you need to set a long-term goal and stick to the plan you made to reach it. You can't be successful if you give up easily.

But sometimes the maths at home doesn't match up with what's going on in the market. There are times in life when the problems are so big that they can't be solved.

It is common to insist on strategy, but sometimes the facts of life make even the smartest plans useless.

In this case, sticking to a plan is a waste of time and money. Instead of ending a wish that will never come true, it is better to give up the plan that was made so that the company's resources are not wasted and face the facts of life.

Seneca said, "We may not be able to determine the direction of the wind, but we can adjust our sails according to any wind."

No matter how well it is planned, it is important to know that there are more than one way to reach the goal, and both the goal and the route can change.

To be successful, neither a person nor a business can follow a single definition or road.

It may seem counterintuitive, but if you want to be successful, you need to make a plan and stick to it, keep going even when things get tough, and be flexible enough to go with the flow of life.

You need to be both an idealist who is driven and patient and a realist who is okay with the way things are in life.

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