The tale of the old farmer

in #storytime7 months ago

Once, in a remote corner of rural China, there lived an old farmer. One fateful day, the gate to his stable swung open, and his prized horse bolted away into the distance. Concerned villagers gathered around, offering their sympathies and expressing how difficult it would be for him to tend to his fields without his loyal companion. The old farmer simply replied, "Maybe."
A week passed, and to everyone's amazement, the runaway horse returned, accompanied by five others. They galloped into the stable, and the gate closed behind them, locking securely. Once again, the villagers approached the old farmer, marveling at his good fortune and suggesting how he could use the additional horses to plow his fields more efficiently, sell the extras, and enjoy a leisurely life. Yet again, the old farmer responded with a nonchalant "Maybe."
Several weeks later, tragedy struck when the farmer's son attempted to tame one of the new horses. He was thrown off and suffered a serious leg injury when the horse trampled him. Rushing his son to the doctor, the old farmer faced the pitying words of the villagers, who lamented the challenges he would now face in managing the farm and caring for his injured son. And once more, the old farmer simply said, "Maybe."
As time passed, news arrived that the army was conscripting all the young men from the village to fight in a war. But the farmer's son was spared due to his broken leg, rendering him unfit for service. The villagers, realizing the fortunate turn of events, praised the old farmer for his luck and expressed relief that his son would not face the perils of war. Yet again, the old farmer replied, "Maybe."
The moral of this tale became clear to all who heard it: life's twists and turns are unpredictable, and the reasons behind them may not be immediately apparent. The old farmer's stoic response of "maybe" reminded them to exercise patience and reserve judgment until the full picture emerged. In the face of uncertainty, they learned to embrace the wisdom of the old farmer and approach life with patience and humility.
old Chinese farmer .png

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