70's Official Handbook for Marijuana Users!


Book I found long ago...

A long time ago I thought I wanted to be a carpenter. I loved building stuff so I joined a carpenters union so I could learn to be a better builder.

My first job site they put me at was a old High School. I got the pleasure of demolishing the boys bathroom. Well in the process of taking all the ceiling tiles down I found this book hidden up there. Obvious it had been there for a while because the front cover was in very bad shape from rats chewing on it and paper becoming very brittle.

A Child's Garden of Grass...

This book from the 70's was a guide for marijuana. With helpful tips of the Psychological Effects, Games, Home-made pipes, Cooking, and stashing it.

I found it more on the humorous side when I tried to carefully read it. I find it amazing how long its taking for countries and states to accept the benefits of cannabis for medical purposes let alone fun!
The original cover looks like this but mine was half eaten away by rats!61ywwVyMyGL._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg
Some of the humorous side!20180929_121217.jpg
Stay positive Smoke the future!

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