A Day Out At Greenfield Village - Part One

in #storyinphotos5 years ago

Our Parents Have a Yearly Pass

That means we plan on visiting at least once a month. This was a fun trip!

Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of four wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Steemit enthusiast.

Bless the Most High!


!giphy train

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WOW. I haven't been here since Middle School. I need to make it back down there someday. Almost forgot all about the place. Looks like a great time @ironshield!

It's improved a lot since I remember it when I was young. It's worth a revisit, I think you'll be impressed

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Wow 🙏

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I said the same thing only backwards wow

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Looks like fall has arrived there! It was 45 this morning here in central IL. The crisp air is telling me that Sukkot is almost here!

It was cold and rainy all morning long until about 4 when we got into the car to leave and the sun came out and it got warm.

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That looks like a wonderful outing sir ironshield and I'm going to the next posts to learn more! Great photos though!

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