"On your own" - A Story in 50 words


"This is your voucher. It entitles you to three meals per day and 24 hours of access to the dorm facilities. If lost or damaged significantly, you're on your own. Is that clear?"

"But it's as thin as tissue paper! Mine's already torn..."

"Security, escort this man to the gates."

Imagine if your ability to survive depended on something so flimsy that it could accidentally become useless to you. It would almost seem as if the system were arranged to ensure more people failed than succeeded. Who knows? It's just a 50 word story :). The random word it was based on is "voucher".

Image sourced from pixabay.com


Kinda’ cheating with the “24”, But well done. :)

Thanks (and it's a perfectly legitimate number :P :D)

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