"Not Done Yet" - A Story in 50 Words


It was cruel that her body had gone through the trouble of forming an appendix it didn't need only to have it rupture during an exam she couldn't afford to fail. After repeated promises that she'd be allowed to take the test again, she grudgingly let the paramedics take her.

Some people are more invested in their grades than others. Perhaps unhealthily so. I've heard stories of people battling major illnesses and still showing up for lectures, exams etc. A very wise lady once told me that you feel like you need to be an asset at the office and that your role is important but if you ever get sick, you'll see how fast it all moves on without you.

Sure, she was talking about work but it applies to academia too. If you sacrifice your health for anything, the time may come when you ask yourself if any of it was really worth it.

This story's random word was "appendix".

Image sourced from pixabay.com


Thank you for being here for me, so I can be here for you.
Enjoy your day and stay creative!
Botty loves you. <3

Reading your post reminds me of something (not related to your post).
Recently, a friend who was on holiday told me there are two things that he feared when returning to work. There's either a pile of trash and work waiting for him, or nobody misses him.

I understand what your friend means but thinking that way only benefits the person whose company you work for.

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