"Crazy Bird" - A Story in 50 Words


The sticker said "I voted" but he had that sinking feeling that he'd chosen what appeared to be the lesser evil again. Was it enough to pick a fool over a madman? A thief over a rapist? The left wing and right wing both belonged to the same crazy bird.

Voting is a choice but those who decide not to should recognize that they may end up having to live with a result which actually works against their best interests (more than one of the available options). The system is flawed and if it's so flawed that you can't in good conscience participate in it, it's important to actively work on changing it.

This story's random word was "right".

Image sourced from pixabay.com


We would all like to vote for the best candidate. Unfortunately, the best candidate is never in the running. So, we pick the lesser of the two evils, hoping the he will not become the greater of the two once he is in power, for we know that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. :-)

Pretty much, but I've lived through enough third world politics now that I no longer feel obligated to split hairs and pick a lesser evil between two practically equivalent evils.

Thank you for being here for me, so I can be here for you.
Enjoy your day and stay creative!
Botty loves you. <3

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