Game of Thrones season 8
🐺 Prologue 🐺
As a huge Game of Thrones fan, I listen/watch loads of podcasts and youtube videos. Many people dare to predict what is going to happen in season 8. Off course it is very difficult to say as the writers and producers like to surprise us at every possible occasion. I did a post several months ago after I just started here on steemit about my predictions around Jaimie Lannister.
Today I found grounds to do another post about Game of Thrones. I have just started re-watching season 1 today when I noticed something that I believe not many/no-one has noticed so far and I want to make a prediction based on this fact.

A pivotal scene in season 1, I might do another post about its' implications!
🐺 Season 1 episode 5, the Wolf and the Lion 🐺
To refresh your memory a bit, in this episode we see Loras Tyrell beat the Mountain in jousting after which the mountain cuts down his horse and has a duel with his brother the Hounds, Tyrion is being taken to Lysa Arryn by Catelyn Stark to stand trial, Eddard Stark and Jaimie Lannister have a duel and the episode ends with Eddard being struck in the leg by one of the Lannister soldiers.

Loras Tyrell jousting with the Mountain
🐺 Arya's List 🐺
The scene I'd like to focus on is about Arya. During her time in King's Landing she trains with Syrio Forel in her swordmanship skills. One of the exercises Syrio gives her is to catch a kitten/cat. She is so into it, that she chases a cat all over the place, without realising where she ends up.
One of these chases makes her end up in the dungeons of the Red Keep. This is where she overhears Lord Varys talk to Illyrio Mopatis, but she doesn't know who they are and what exactly they are talking about. Whilst talking, Varys closes the way back into the castle, so Arya has to find another way back in. This is where we see her exiting the sewages in King's Landing.
This is the scene that I'm talking about
I believe this is how Arya is going to complete her list and kill Cersei (and maybe the Mountain). Besides being reunited in the North, she doesn't have a big part to play over there and I believe she will want to complete her list (maybe upon learning that Cersei won't send reinforcements). Many people believe in the Valonqar prophecy, but this is something from the books. What could happen is that Arya will use the face of Jaimie to do this, but I believe it's going to be Arya who will kill Cersei and she will fool them all by entering the Red Keep the way that only her and maybe a few other people will know about.
What do you think of my theory, do you have your own ones? Let's exchange theories. Do you like my Game of Thrones posts, shall I do more of them? I do have a few more theories I could do posts on.
Thank you for reading.
Doron (the Swiss Wolf)
I love got!!
I haven't watched game of thrones believe it or not, but the way you put in your predictions for the show makes it sound very interesting...
I like to binge watch, so when the series is over, I'll buy the entire series, lock myself in a room for a month, and watch the whole thing beginning to end.
By then I'll probably be an old man and have lots of time too. :)
LMAO! If you do that I might join you. The show is so full of little clues and it's easy to miss one. Just like the one I spotted today. It could be huge and it could be absolutely nothing. Fans are really trying to disect every detail. Why this broche, why that hair, etc. It makes it fun, but it also goes a bit far. This is why I haven't done that many predictions yet.
The last season will come out in 2019, so not THAT long, but yeah, we're being put to the test with our patience.
I also love to binge watch, I read the book before the series and only started watching when season 4 came out, but then I did one after the other. I did the same with House of Cards, every time a new season comes out.
I don't think she will kill Mountain, but definitely she will Cersei. Great post as usual👌
Thanks, I agree. But as I told @ailenepm I think she might team up with the Hound and do it together.
It an interesting story I can't wait am looking forward to it
Same here!
Hello boss, you have touched me here it tickles, Game of thrones won my best movie of 2017 and I did a post on the review of season 7. Personally I can't wait to see the fight between the white walkers and the dragon queen, I predict John snow will take the iron throne
That's a bold statement. Jon is definitely a candidate, but there's the matter of the Night King, it could be typically GoT if he won 😉
I am happy to see this post from a GOT fan here in Steemit. This is the first detailed GOT post I saw on Steemit so far. Your post makes me think really...I still believe in the Valonqar prophecy that it will be Tyrion who kill Cersei but with the recent events in Season 7, I am no longer sure. I would be happy though if it would be Arya who will kill Cersei and surely it would be the safest strategy to use Jaime's face or she can also use the Mountain's face. But before Arya can do it, she and the Mountain with the same face will have an epic duel. :D
By the way, I hate that they turned Season 7 to be like an almost zombie apocalypse thing only that the zombies turned to be white walkers. I expect something more, something different and unique with a richer story line. Hope they will make up for it in Season 8 and create a richer story line for white walkers, something different and out of this world. :D
Your reply made me think that Arya might team up with the Hound and they go together to Kings Landing to finish unfinished business.
The reactions here so far make me realize that there's a need/demand for a oT blog here, so I might pick that up. I love theorizing about it.
I didn't like the first episode, but afterwards it picked up. What annoyed me most is that all references to time are gone, so anything can be happening in a day or even months, who knows? I think the white walker bits served a purpose and were functional for the story line. I am looking forward to season 8.
Yes, please continue blogging about GOT. I will be looking forward to that. I hope you will also share your theories on Bran. :)
Yes, Arya can team up with the Hound and maybe Brienne and who knows maybe Tormund will also come too because he loves Brienne. :)
I'm not a big fan of Bran and so far I have not thought a lot about him. I hear lots of theories, but I have not made up my own opinion yet.
The season 7 was very interesting and I believe that the white walker and the dragon queen will end the fight
We will have to see how's going to fight who. I have some theories about that 😉
I'll not predict anything. I just wanted it to be a huge surprise like how Sansa and Arya playing their role to finally finish of littlefinger

Waiting excitedly for the season. Thanks for heads-up.
yes really nice & interesting story.... i am reading..... thanks for share.....