The Dizzy Chicken

in #story7 years ago (edited)

As I was driving to my grandson's birthday party this past weekend, I saw this amazing view and had to stop to take a picture. There was no way I was going to get out of my car because the cars and trucks were zooming by at 70-75 miles per hour. As they passed by me on this busy highway my car shook, so I had to take the picture fast.

I am always getting lost, even with good directions. I don't have an iPhone to help me and I don't havc a navigator because one time I almost caused an accident when the voice yelled, "Turn left now! Turn right now!" Of course I got lost once again on this trip by taking one wrong turn. Hell, I get lost in my own back yard! After this one wrong turn, all I wanted to do was to turn around in a circle but no; that would be too easy. I ended up on all one way streets and that really confused me. Even though I left the house early to allow time for getting lost, I arrived thirty minutes late. I was aggravated and rushing to get inside, and forgot to take a picture of the outside of the building.

The birthday party was at "Chuck E. Cheese's." I walked into this noisy place with kids yelling, music playing, and the video machines going like mad. Ding! Ding! Ding!

But I was happy to have finally arrived and to see my family. My son and his family do not live close by and this was the first time I have seen them in over a month. My grandson took me by the hand and I watched him play the games and took pictures. When I saw a game that I wanted to look at closer, I grabbed him and said, "Come over here. Play this game." Immediately I thought of @farmstead and @bchick. "I have got to get a lot of pictures of this one," I said to myself, laughing. "Oh, they are going to love this one." The game was called, "Dizzy Chicken" of all things.

When kids play these games, they win tickets and can exchange them for prizes before they leave. You have to get a lot of tickets just to get the smallest of prizes. The top prize for this game was 100 tickets and darn if my grandson didn't win this top prize; not once, but twice!" He was so happy.

My grandson had his fill with "Dizzy Chicken" and went on to another game but I stayed to take more pictures. Other adults walked by and they were looking at me like I was a "Dizzy Lady" for taking so many pictures of this one game. Oh my; the things I do for my friends and my blog.





It was nice to see my family again but I sure was ready to leave when the party was over. I could feel a migraine coming on from all of the noise and flashing bright lights for so many hours. I guess that is what happens when you are an old timer like me. I was too busy saying good bye to everyone in the parking lot and forgot to get the picture of the front of the building once again. My son and his family went out of their way to make sure that I didn't get lost on my way back home. I followed them and my son pointed to the exit I was to take. His arm was way out of the window flying up, down, and all around and he was pointing like crazy. I wish I could have gotten a picture of him because it was really funny. One last laugh and I was on my way home.

I am happy that I will not have to wait very long to see them again because my other grandson's birthday is in three weeks. I sure hope he doesn't choose this place for HIS party.

Image Source: 100% own work.


Great Post and Work!!! Upvoted, Follow me and I Follow Back!! Regards!!

Hah! That is great! This is what friends are for...and such a gift of so many photos.

I am having the company of my grandson this whole week and we are working on a new Chick Story...kind of sad this time, but super powers win again!

#oldtimers I love it that you too get lost. Happens to me all the time. I have never had a GPS because I knew that it would just annoy and confuse me. We should plan a trip to nowhere sometime so without a destination there would be no possibility of getting lost.

LOL! "plan a trip together without a destination." I love that! I am game...when do we leave? Great to hear that your grandson will be with you for a whole week. I bet he loves to visit with you. Have a wonderful time together.

Well I'm busy this week. Next week I will recover. I will think of more excuses after that. Maybe a virtual trip?

Ah, love from your reclusive friend.

Yes, I would need time to recover as well. Sending hugs (((((bchick))))) to my old timer friend and getting lost buddy.

Just the kind of laughing and smiles I needed on this hot day...with thunder looming.
From Lee and his friend Silas (who named me last year when he came up to visit.

Silas here. Thanks for everything....I've seen the Dizzy Chicken elsewhere. I have never played this game but I know it's really fun because you can get lots and lots and lots of tickets.

I used to have my birthdays at Chuck E Cheese's all the time as a kid! It was very close to my Grandma's house. Haha. I think after a couple years I developed a fear of the people in the costumes... I dunno, I am still a bit scared of them now. Ha.

So, the dizzy chicken game? I still don't understand it. It's crazy! Haha, the games now are so much different than the games were when I was a kid. You know, there's many someones somehwere who has the job to design these games?! Hahaha.

Well then who invented those crazy GPS devices to confuse us? Must be the same crowd! Are you one of those young in age but real #oldtimers ( wise ) ?

I have never been to one of those party game places either. But Silas (age 7) seems to think it would be fun because you WIN a lot of tickets (upvotes) and can beat everyone else.

Hahha I am an honorary oldtimer! Yes, though, I t ypically am wiser than the other 30 year olds. Lol.

I dunno, I get on fine with GPS. Maybe you all aren't driving like the oltimers should?! ;) slow.

Well, I had along rebuttal written but it seems to have disappeared; along with, oh, something, oh... whatever I was going to say. You are actually young so you can figure it out.

I am not a fan of people in costumes myself. I did take my son there when he was 5 years old and he told me that he still remembers it and how much fun he had. The game...I guess it is one of those things were you had to be there and see it for yourself. When I was a kid, all we had were baby dolls for the girls and toy trucks for the boys. Now look at everything the kids have these days!

Rotten hooligans!

LMAO! HaHa! :) :)

See, I'm a fantastic oldtimer!

Well, if you insist...
I will SUGGEST you as a member, but you will have to go through a lot of testing and passport examinination and local government intervention and so by then you will be an actual oldtimer! Hah!

Lol. Seriously, I am an honorary one for the tag here. According to what's his name (see I lack memory too)... Old photo guy?? He bestowed it upon me. Hahah.

Okay, you can skip stages 1 - 13. Now stage 14 is almost impossible for one so young as yourself.

You will have to endure life to get to OUR AGE. HaaaHAaaaHaaHaaaaaHaaaa Hiccuping along merrily, along !

Consult with or #whatshername? or someone who is a truth teller but I sense you have the endurance to make it.

i can feel you how bad is the music of the kids station. eventhough i am a fan of loud music, but not the sound of the game station. i won't last

LOL! It sure was crazy!

Rresteeming this cute post. Building up voting power.

Thank you so much for the resteem! That was so nice of you, my cat friend! :)

No problem, I don't think it helped much. Sorry.

If it added just one vote or even a look and no votes, it helped. It is the thought that counts more than anything. Thanks again friend!

Nooo way!! You sound much too young to have a grandchild!! hehe

Thanks for your dedication in properly capturing every part and goal of the 'Dizzy Chicken'..I still don't understand how it works fully hehe..your grandson must be a whiz to be able to win more than once!! Woww..

I tried traveling once with just a paper map with my buddies in Colorado..we made it, no thanks to me!!! It was fun, but I would totally take the GPS option when given a choice are very brave to not bother with GPS or iPhone MAPS app, even if the voice did disorientate you (bad voice)..!!

I would be so reliant on those gadgets once I get my license hahahah my sense of direction sucks big time too hehee

Glad that you'll get to see the grandkids again in a couple weeks hehe hope the other grandson wants a picnic bday party in a beautiful serene park :)

Thanks for the compliment about my age. I am almost 62. Talking about ages; you said "once I get my license." Well I know you must be of age. What is the age when you can get your license where you live? I totally have no sense of direction either. If you put both of us together trying to get to a place we have never been to before, we would never get there! HaHa!

Wouldn't that be nice if my other Grandson wanted his birthday party at a park? I can only dream. No chance for that one because he is a 4 year old (almost 5) wild and crazy boy!

Well you are the same age as my dad! But you write more like someone 3 decades younger!!

Haha I am a very late bloomer in the driving license department..Flip your age around, and you have mine!! Typically you can start to get a license when you're 18 in Singapore (where I come from) in Germany, you can start when you're 17. Hehe we would both totally be lost, but I'm sure we'd have a fun time anyway!! Maybe we would end up at a pond and feed duckies some bread hehe

Well, you could entice your 4-year-old grandson by suggesting a water balloon fight at the park :)) he might like that one!! ;)

Thanks so much for the nice "young" compliment! I feel much younger in my mind! :) Same age as your Dad? Now I feel old again. HaHa!

And you are so young but you write like a well "seasoned" author. I just had to put that word in..."seasoned." I would love to go to the pond with you and feed the ducks!

My grandson swims like a fish so maybe a pool would be better! :)

hehehe oops! Forget the part about my dadda then :))

Aw thank you for your 'seasoned' compliment..I like that you purposely used a food-related adjective hehe..

The pool option sounds like a potentially relaxing and fun one too :) Definitely less loud when compared to the bleeps and flashing lights of an arcade heh heh

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