in #story6 years ago


When I was growing up, getting pregnant out of wedlock was a very shameful act.

Defaulters hide from the public. Some travel out of the town to a place where they're not known until the baby is born.

Parents caution their children against it and even when they mistakingly fall, they help them disappear, protecting them from the scorn of the public.

It was a great blow on the girl's name and that of her family.

But that was then. Then, when a vice was something to avoid. When sex was committed in secret. When frog eaters wipe their mouth after eating.

Years after, we moved to NOW, and in the cause of that movement, we lost our virtue. We lost our humanity and shame. We congealed our conscience and froze every adrenaline of remorse in us.

Pregnancy out of wedlock became something to pride on. They baptized it "Baby Mama". They even formed an association. An act so shameful became an occupation.

Mothers rejoice at their single daughters' protruding belly even when their ring finger is empty. Unwanted pregnancy became wanted, something to celebrate as long as the father is rich.

A few days ago news broke as a popular blogger, single, announced her new membership into this association. She became an internet sensation.

Sadly, I see many responsible people applauding this recent display of immorality, and all I could do was crawl into my one bedroom apartment and weep for our lives, for our morality going down the gutters, for humanity losing its essence and virtues sadly and reluctantly giving way for vices.

It's sad. And no matter who did it, be it Linda or Amanda, rich or poor, celebrity or commoner, it's still sad and shameful.

Let's stop glorifying evil when it's committed by our friends, role model or someone we admire. That's even when should speak up to avoid the person misleading millions counting on them.
Such inglorious praises doesn't help our world!

If we don't stand up and speak against what is bad, our lives will keep being bad. Our country will keep being bad and humanity will keep extincting.

If you're not married yet and you love a baby so much you can't live without them, adopt. There are thousand and one orphans desperately in need of a mother, a father, and a home. Adopt them and be all that to them.

Being a mother isn't really about giving birth, it's about being there for a child who needs a motherly care whenever he/she needs you.


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