Pearlescent Poems # 9: Spiritual Awakening Part 3 (Original Poem)

in #story8 years ago (edited)

Physical manifestations

Besides seeing moving objects while completely sober and awake, it doesn't get much more real than this
I could mention possessions, and other strange things, but that's much too extreme to now list
It was Thanksgiving night, I was sixteen years old, at Grandma Eleanor's house was much bliss
It never occurred to me, that I'd witness a hurtful thing, that'd leave me in shock, clenching fists

My aunts and uncles, cousins and dogs were all downstairs making cheerful sounds
I had finished two plates, had put on some weight, and stopped when my belly got round
Nearing 11pm, when things calmed down, cousins played out front, the rest in our backyard
Some in the garage, in the living room too, some still at the table, others playing some cards

I headed upstairs wanting just to relax, made a right at the top, and went in my room towards the back
The only light on was in my room alone, everywhere else upstairs was near partly black

I sat on my bed, my back against wall, and pulled out a book to explore
I started to read, but what I had seen, my eyes now focused only on the door

I didn't close it completely, a slight crack could be seen, as it moved in a sweeping slow motion
After 15 more seconds of staring intently, the door was now 40% open
I knew the AC ventilation was off, it was cold outside and we needed it not
No wind could of pushed the door open that far, all windows were shut, not much else for thought

I stared at the bottom of the carpeted floor, and I will never forget what had made me recline
Two bare feet and ankles walked passed front my doorway, a flowing purple nightgown with pink flower design
It was the same gown my great grandma Sara had died in, she actually died in this house almost four years before
The feet looked like hers, same skin color and all, and I saw the feet impressions made in the carpeted floor

Now you might be thinking that I believe in ghosts, but on the contrary, I see it much deeper than most
A shapeshifter if you will, a demon, devil, or spirit, which would be after all of nothing to boast

It impersonated her, my great grandmother Sara, and I called out for my Grandma Eleanor to come see
I yelled to her, "Who's upstairs?" 'No one dear' she replied and I showed her and explained what I had seen

We checked the next room, now freezing cold, that it had walked to, but it left us not one single trace
Ironically later in future of time, that cold room would be mine, and my sis would have my old space
Now regarding this spirit, that led me to fear it, I encountered it again more up close and personal
Its presence did grow, and more gruesome it showed, that its hellish
intentions were burnable

On a closing note for the next coming post, this bothered me the most to my wit's end
It had once again used the outer skin of my kin, my great grandma Sara it had loved to pretend...

Thank you very much for reading this lengthy real life experience poem in its entirety. I never asked for these experiences to happen to me, and in a way, expressing them now through poetic form is a relieving form of expression that helps me to preserve and share these moments to those who are curious or "in the know" about these kinds of strange and peculiar encounters. This world of ours has many unanswered questions and what I have to present to you all is only my own person lens and perspective. It is what it is.

All Gifs Used From

Next post coming soon


Thank you for the cool complimentary gif, nice to see you again. Glad you liked this one.

Skin and bitch Sara, you really had experiences that you need to forget, because if you mention the names of people without body, they are present in your place. @verbal-d

My "fear" took once the shape of my mother in her nightgown, door was uncomfortable at the end of my bed and light switch too. I called... Mum but "it" would look to the floor. Mum? -yes? Said my mother far from her bedroom while the figure of her remained frozen there. I gathered all my courage to head for the switch. It worked, on and vanished. You know sometimes in sp light does NOT work cos we are still dreaming.

That is so creepy. I do believe these to be familiar spirits, and they enjoy playing tricks on us and tugging at our feelings and memories and instilling fear. Sometimes flipping the light switch might reveal something new.

I could really talk about this forever. We may not agree in the cause, it is also my "safe net". And I have transformed the whole experience in something more benevolent reinterpreted as fantasy... More soon ! Thanks for the story/experience rings in familiar plane. By the way one listener drew my song as protection to monsters as he had sp too. It is on a thank you open mic post including another version of the song. We are many. It was sweet he did that.

Yeah we could definitely delve deeper into this topic but not at your own detriment if it reawakens bad experiences and memories that are malevolent in nature. I am glad to have shared what I could from my own experiences. Yeah we may not agree but we have interpreted it to the best of our own abilities and I am glad you have been able to cope with it with a more benevolent outlook. Yes, music can have that affect and I am glad he was able to use your song to his benefit. How great and kind of him to share that with you

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